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Everything posted by Relfy

  1. Absolutely mate. Big props + big engines = big noise. I still recall seeing and hearing a P51 mustang wind up for a low pass over Goulburn when I was a kid. Beautiful. Will stick with me forever. Saw a special on the corsair the other day actually. Explained a lot about the shape and performance aspects along with th different stages of it's development. I'd never really thought much of them until seeing that.
  2. What was his pick Maj?
  3. I have heard through a Qantas employee that in retaliation against overseas maintenance and the outsourcing of work to overseas firms, the Unions have let it known that they will make a big deal about any technical issue with Qantas aircraft as part of their campaign against this outsourcing. He said this was plainly evident with the engine that blew up over San Francisco as it was actually an engine that was maintained in Australia and if it wasn't for the spectacular footage from a passenger on-board, then we would have heard very little of it. He told me it was for this reason that it was hardly ever brought up and not referred to much in the media. I thought this was very interesting. I'm really interested to know what the current government has done to increase competition in the industry because apart from decimating so many other industries (insulation, solar panels, green loans, aboriginal housing scheme, alternative internet technology and NBN anti competition here, electricity via carbon tax, mining super profit tax ala resource rent tax ala god knows what now...to name but a few), I haven't observed any such improvement. We have however seen a complete wind-back of previous Labor Gov reforms with the extremely anti-competitive practice of the NBN bulldozing all other technologies with the consumer robbed of choice and being forced to pay higher prices in what the ACCC, hands tied behind it's back, cannot do anything about. On the original post, I agree with you Jayz. Drawing any similarity between a design fault in a new engine and this recent incident is sensational at best, and just plain incorrect.
  4. Fortunately Maj, not mine. Mine is sitting in the emergency evac point for the town emergency management plan so if it floats away then only the ark will save us. Through my sources I have heard stories of people going down to look at the water at T'ba and being swamped and swept away in an instant, with no warning. Very sad.
  5. excellent work mate and yes i was pretty stressed also. i jumped in and did a nav afterwards though and had a great flight! got rid of those nervs.
  6. It is at times like this that the 1 billion dollars blown on the pink batts program to fix it on top of the 2 billion to implement it, +40 million dollars blown on the failed grocery/fuel watch schemes, 500 million given recently by Gillard to indonesian schools, 599 million given away at the Cancun Climate change conference as 'good will', estimated overruns of 2-3 billion in the processing of refugees on top of last years 1 billion blow out in that program alone, 1.2 billion blowout in school laptop scheme, 8+ billion estimated waste in the building the education revolution school hall program on top of a 1.5 billion blowout in that scheme, 46 million dollars cash stimulus money paid to dead people and people overseas, 43 million in advertising to promote the mining super profits tax, 300 million dollars wasted on the greens loan scheme, 850 million on the solar homes scheme...and the list goes on and on, that the immense size of recent government waste should be taken into context. Everyone is now hurting with massive cost of living increases and yet now we face this disaster and will need to fund the repair effort with you guessed it, more borrowed money on top of the 80+ billion debt we have racked up in just three and a bit years. It really is sad that we have the government we now do at these tough times.
  7. [ATTACH]12859.vB[/ATTACH] I can't believe what I saw on the news today. I turned on the tv to see this, amongst the terrible images of cars being throw end over end along swollen creeks. My heart goes out to everyone caught up in this.
  8. Talking to a mate about the robbie that tipped over at Emerald the other day. Appears an esky may have jammed the collective just above the deck when he was assisting with flood work moving someones supplies. Good to hear that no one has been seriously hurt all the same.
  9. I gotta admit, the greater seating capacity is very attractive to me. With a number of aircraft that would suit this (jab230, morgan cougar) it would open up rec flying to families. i know the option of ppl is there but it also at a greater cost.
  10. So, would RC pilots who go full size be the best pilots in the universe? :cool_shades:
  11. Thats the way I see it too Kaz, although I've never needed to report on the FIA freq as I've never come close to conflicting. I find that monitoring both local ctaf and fia freq's gives you a really good picture of whats going on around you.
  12. Dave it really is an area that I wish could be clarified accordingly but i interpret from CAO 95.10 that I can fly above 5000 legally given the type of terrain and large areas of flooded country to be flown over. I am transponder equipped and monitor both ctaf and bris ctr frequencies, making the necessary calls. Any ability to improve the safety of a flight should be used and it would be great to see something decided on this soon re lifting the height restriction for RAA aircraft. CAO 95.10 S. 5.1 Flight conditions Subject to paragraph 7.5, the exemption given by subsection 3 in relation to an aeroplane is further subject to the following flight conditions: (a) the aeroplane may be flown 5 000 feet above mean sea level or higher: (i) only if it is flying over an area of land, or water, the condition, and location, of which is such that, during the flight, the aeroplane would be unable to land with a reasonable expectation of avoiding injury to persons on board the aeroplane; and (ii) only if it is equipped with a radiocommunication system; Note When flying at, or above, 5 000 feet, pilots are expected to make radio broadcasts as set out in AIP. Legally I believe we are fine and I couldn't see any criticism if you were challenged re doing so.
  13. Having just got back froim a trip out to Cameron Corner for the longest day event (trip report to come), paramount in my planning was the vast distance and other unique challenges presented currently. I took my 406 epirb, 5 litres of water each in three containers, shade material (small tarp), lighter, boiling pot, food (nuts etc) and adequate clothing. Just as import though was planning. Engine/plane checked and double checked, route plotted via remote stations, reporting home of position every 50 miles (good old next g mobile phone good all the way right to the corner above 2000'), reporting in via uhf to the roadhouse from about 50 miles out, multiple sarwatch time holders at the corner and back home, adequate altitude (7500-9500 to enable glide to accessible areas given flooded areas and closed access roads), obtained destination strip report and a number of planned deviation locations (moomba, tibooburra etc). I also felt more secure knowing that a number of satellite tracking equipped desert motor bikes were in the area and contactable to reach any position we may end up in if we were to have an emergency. All the planning came together into an awesome trip, and certainly reduces the stress levels when flying given that we were flying over some of the most remote terrain in aus at present due water everywhere preventing ground access. I read this story and it sends a chill up my spine. You simply don't want to be stuck out there without the right gear. You will die quickly.
  14. Great work Biggs, that is awesome to see that you got some help and you're building on your skills. Top work Motz, your efforts have obviously been appreciated. The willingness to help others is one of the things I love about the aviation community. :thumb_up:
  15. and a merry xmas to you too Maj. Thanks for all your contributions throughout the year and your advice, wit and humour. I hope everyone has a safe holiday (if they get one) and finds some time to spend with family and friends. A big thankyou to Ian for all your hard work in providing this little place away from our relevant airports/strips, so we can continue talking about the stuff we love doing. Given the crappy weather of late, it's always great to know when it's blowing 30 knots, cloud is on the ground and it's pouring rain, I can jump into this online hangar and get my aviation fix. Be safe everyone! :big_grin:
  16. Update to an old thread I know but after 65 hours and landing yesterday it looked like I'd flown through a toilet paper storm so I rang Jab and they said that it serves no purpose other than cosmetic. Advice received was a bit of acetone to remove the glue and just put some new tape on or just leave it off if you don't mind the appearance.
  17. I can picture them now, "Rightio, fuel is on, mixture full rich, turn the carby heat on will ya..." Just keeping a logical thought process going would have been a real challenge in that cockpit, not to mention fighting the psycological human factors instincts of 'this can't be happening, this plane is near new.' A top effort by this crew and it will be great in time, reading fully their accounts as I believe we could all learn something from this incident.
  18. I hope he had his e-toll transponder in for the tunnel!
  19. nice work mate, you did well to get those shots!
  20. Does anyone know anything about the airstrip at Rainbow Beach here in QLD? It's on the Inskip Point road and it looks like there's a hangar there also. I know that Cooloola Cove have a great little strip but I was wondering about this strip as I may need to fly down that way soon. If anyone knows anything about it and if it can be used, I'd love to hear about it. Regards, Sean
  21. Awesome work Dave, well done mate. Keep those trip reports a comin! :big_grin:
  22. Top work Dingo, did the same thing myself in a 170. Keep us posted of your adventures!
  23. Top work Darky. Just remember to use your powers for good not evil!
  24. Top work Darky, a good result and both you and your FI back safely on the ground to share the experience with us.
  25. How did you find the strip surface there John? I was thinking of heading over for a few days but wasn't sure about the smaller wheels on my jab with the sand etc. The $20 landing fee is fantastic given that to take you vehicle over you're looking at $60 for a vehicle permit (Nat Parks) & around $100 barge fee, plus around $10 per person. I was broken down there for a few days about ten years ago and had to replace the gear box in our land cruiser from a wreck out the back of the service station, but I remember reading at the time how much it costs to maintain the strip and how vehicles used by the shop only last about 3 years or 20,000 k's due sand and salt.
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