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Everything posted by Relfy

  1. That's a good one Pud. I wonder how long that has been there for?
  2. Relfy

    All Jabiru Owners

    Thanks for the responses team. I may ask about the confor foam when i get the next service. :thumb_up:
  3. Relfy

    All Jabiru Owners

    Just reviving this thread to see if anyone else has any ideas as to making the seats a little more comfortable as the better half has complained about the hardness of the Jab seats. I am ok with them but I was wondering if the sheepskins make them more comfortable or as suggested, the foam inserts do the trick. If anyone else has any ideas, I'd love to hear them.
  4. When I picked my 120 up a few weeks ago, one of the staff their even commented on my check flight that the smaller wheels vibrate and reverberate on the runways with small cuts/lines in them. Surely putting slightly bigger wheels on wouldn't be such a huge problem as far as certification goes and would actually improve safety to a certain extent? My thoughts.
  5. Awesome work mate, well done!
  6. Exactly, I've posted my objection via the coucil complaints form and anyone else who can will help the situation. We should all as a group let councils know that this is not in their interests.
  7. The Fraser Coast Regional Councilm is one of the worst I've ever dealt with. Case in point- I had a block of land in Hervey Bay that backs onto a nature reserve, got a letter stating that I needed to clear the block as it was overgrown and 'vermin' would be using it as a staging post to launch attacks on civilisation. I ring the council and let them know that I will clear it as my usual slasher had lost my contact details after we moved house. I also let them know that the rec reserve at the back is pushing lantana and lots of other weeds through onto my block so I would appreciate a buffer zone cleared because of the obvious fire dangers/dangerous vermin entering etc. They stated they would send out an assessor to look at it. I get a call from an assessor who tells me it's really bad (shock horror) and that they would clear it and wanted permission from me to enter my block to access the back. No worries me thinks, go for it and I ask them, can I clear some of the rubbish trees at the back of my block also? We'll get back to you was the reply. Get a call about 3 months later from a councillor stating that the clearing work was going to be done on the council side (which they stated was quoted as costing a fortune!) but I couldn't touch mine as it was listed as 'endagered rain forrest!'. I would have to apply through the EPA and a heap of other gov. departments and of course, pay a handsome fee which they told me I would get, after paying the fee of course, to clear a few rubbish trees. Get a call about a month later letting me know work has been done. Visit the block a few weeks later to see said work and find the back halk of MY block has been cleared, 'endangered rain forrest and all' and the council land untouched! Ring said council and let them know the great news and hear a thud on the end of the line resembling a head striking a desk. Leave it with us is his reply. God knows how much that exercise cost rate payers. One can only imagine the confusion and stress a project even remotely challenging would create?
  8. As Steve and others have said, activate it before you commence your off field 'arrival' as emergency services need to be immobilised straight away to give any injured parties the best treatment as soon as possible. Trust me, you won't annoy any emergency service by activating it and having them respond to your location after you have encountered a problem forcing you down. You will be congratulated. AUSSAR in Canberra will get the call from the activation and farm it out to local units ie rescue aircraft/helos, police, firies, ambos etc and a call will probably go out over the relevant area frequencies for other aircraft to attend and assess. You will be located quickly and the emergency assessed and finalised more efficiently. Now if you don't activate it and a search is commenced the difference is enormous with multiple agencies involved, extremely expensive equipment being pulled off other important duties to take part in the search and most importantly, a delay in anyone coming looking for you.
  9. This has a big impact on recreational aviation on the Fraser Coast. We should all now voice our concerns to the Fraser Coast Regional Council, a council that charges above average fees for everything! I will be emailing them direct expressing my disgust at this fee and if anyone else can then please do so, it will send a message that we will not visit and spend our dollars in the town and that other airports are moving away from fees to promote people visiting. The Fraser Coast is a tourist area, which makes this decision all the more disgusting. Let the council know at this address: Complaint - frasercoast and /or email at: [email protected] story here: Recreational Flying - News Reader
  10. That's gold planey, i'm still laughing!
  11. Congrats Bacchus, keep us posted of your adventures! :thumb_up:
  12. Thanks for the briefing Ian, it's great to keep track on the different changes etc going on. :thumb_up:
  13. The reason i ask is if the pilot is sitting over the left wheel in heavy braking, that brake caliper/disc combo will have to overcome a greater frictional force to brake as per the right side wheel. I've tested semi trailers locking up from 70-90kph (i've got some interesting vids to post when i learn how!) and we measured the slack adjusters and other braking components and could work out the brake force each wheel could apply to the drum. We weighed all wheels and worked out that on some wheels, the overall available braing force was not able to overcome the weight applied to that axle side and hence, when looking at the video, the reason why that wheel did not lock up like the others. I was curious because I am going to work out the braking force and coefficient of friction for a jab when locked up and see what distance it will pull up in when you brake at 100% brake force application. Now where's the nerd symbol...aha, there it are. It would be interesting to work out what distance you could pull up on bitumen, grass and gravel given different touch down speeds just for reference.
  14. mmm the force is strong with that one....
  15. Howard, that's a classic pic! I'm still laughnig. It don't git iny freesher dan dat! I've heard in the motorbike circles and I think it's also in the latest jab fuels fact sheet, that when you use mogas, you shouldn't leave it in the carb and that you should run the system dry as mogas will 'gum' up the internal components over time. Someone else may know why this happens?
  16. Top work Dave, keep us posted of your progress! Nailing crosswind landings helps every part of your flying!
  17. Just looking at some formulas I have and some other literature about break forces and caliper setup, has anyone noticed their jabiru pulling to the right after hard braking, especially larger pilots one up?
  18. 'Can you explain what happens to brake fluid during "hard frequent" braking that "wears out" brake fluid? Cheers Jack' Jack, brake fluid when new or near new is not compressible. It is rated according to boiling point and when hard braking is applied, the brake fluid can and will boil in the caliper inducing gas bubbles within the fluid, as all fluids have a boiling point. Gas is compressible so the pedal will go soft and lead to a greater travel range. Brake systems have breathers and will, when brake fluid boils from hard braking induce water into the system through the breathers and caliper seals. This effectively draws in moisture, and reduces the effective non compressibility of the brake fluid and in turn 'wears out' the brake fluid. The effectives this has on brake fluid are quite detrimental. Brake fluid should be replaced often and you should use a good quality product.
  19. All brakes are engineered for a certain situation and to exercise a specific coefficient of friction on a brake drum or disc. Under normal circumstances, the brakes designed for the application should be sufficient for normal use. Now, the problem often arises where brakes don't perform to specs and overwhelmingly the most common cause of this is brake fluid that is not doing it's job and this is governed by age, type, quality and use. Brake fluid absorbs moisture and for every application of your brakes, degrades in performance. Hard frequent use will effectively 'wear' out your brake fluid. Just as common also is the situation where brakes are not adjusted properly. I've seen this so frequently on all types of motor vehicles and this is so important. These two things will effect your braking ability and if you have changed your brake fluid and adjusted your brakes properly, you shouldn't have any dramas. As someone esle has already mentioned, perhaps a greater braking ability may induce other problems ie, grass strips etc.
  20. Wow, it's amazing if you look carefully at his control deflections throughout the incident. Simply amazing.
  21. I spoke with two CASA reps in Bundy the other day who were there for the new airspace information seminars and I ran the weight and controlled airspace changes past them and they both said that it won't be happening as their boss was not in favour of it in any way shape or form. It's hard to get the right story on these issues.
  22. and that Vorticity, is the great thing about this site. Sharing information, learning and developing ourselves. Cloudsuck has brought up an interesting topic and if others also realise to check and see when their cert expires, then he has helped others to avoid any potential probs. :thumb_up: Crezzi is on the money with the google calendar, it's a great tool to use and very easy to navigate around.
  23. I'd have to agree with others, it is the responsibility of PIC to ensure he/she is licensed accordingly. I was aware mine was coming up for renewal and certainly would not have flown without renewing it for obvious insurance reasons. As for thoughts of legal action against RAA if something had happened??? :raise_eyebrow: Sending out reminders is expensive and time consuming. I would personally prefer that reminders were not sent out and that the money saved went back into other safety programs etc. My opinion is that RAA is an organisation that will strive with strong member support and freeing up the administrative functions required will always benefit members.
  24. Dec, you were a true friend in here and a friend to so many others. I always enjoyed chatting with you. RIP mate.
  25. Bugger the jab slarti, how do YOU get started in -7 deg??? i_dunno
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