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Everything posted by Relfy

  1. I took three weeks off work and did my training in the one block flying every day that I could. I lost a week to bad weather (cyclone coming down the qld coast) but was lucky to have a relatively good mixture of different, but generally good weather. Some days I could do three hours occasionally broken up between other students, other days an hour was enough. Took three weeks to get my cert and another 4-5 days to knock over my x country. Did about an hour or two study a night and that took care of the theory exams. I believe if you get into the zone and do as much as you can according to how well you handle your training, that is the best way to build your motor skills. Some parts of the flight training syllabus may take a bit longer whereas others may be straight forward. It all depends on the individual, but either way, you will still have a ball! :thumb_up:
  2. Good work Tomo, great pics as usual. :thumb_up:
  3. Great to see your post Dexter and glad to hear you're ok. :thumb_up:
  4. Ash, living out here and growing a mighty fine lawn (complements of very generous water usage rules), I can advise that you will have extreme difficulties in growing anything that will last without a good supply of regular water. Also, unless you have a large roo/rabbit proof fence, when everything else around the strip dies in the extreme summer heat, the roos/rabbits/wallabies/ferral pigs etc will gather en mass and eat your hard work down to the roots. You will also have the equivalent of landing in the grandstands of the MCG on a sunday afternoon! The summer heat is just too extreme without continuous water out this way. I believe there is a strip down near where you talk of that uses a gravel of sorts, commissioned and built by the the then successful Eddie Groves or ABC childcare fame. It might be worth having a look at what he did.
  5. What a trip Maj, would love to hear the finer details! ;)
  6. Relfy

    Aileron Flutter

    I'd do as per the previous posts but i remember when i was at the factory a while back, they were trouble shooting a jab with the same problem and I recall it came down to either an unbalanced prop that can get a type of harmonic resonation going through the outer wing and aileron or the aileron adjustments were out and it needed more washout. Give them a ring. They should set you on the right track pretty quickly.
  7. The two roughest commercial landings I've had were on the one flight. The first was at Roma arriving from Charleville where the controlling pilot slammed all wheels straight onto the deck with a horrible creaking noise and yaw feeling, even though the weather was perfect. The roughest was the landing at Brisbane after leaving Roma! I'm sure we were trying to pick up the third wire on the deck in a rolling sea in a storm after my third pass and visit to the air to air refueller! Similarly though, the airline must love Aussie fauna as one prominent animal appears on the tail. i_dunno Still though, some of my landings were nothing short of unceremonious arrivals!
  8. It's actually pretty amazing what the RFDS can get in on. Here's a couple of pics from a job I went to in the middle of nowhere. The night version of this strip is a couple of vehicles at each end facing in 45 degrees. This strip was just run over with a grader and slashed occasionally. I do also know being here in sunny Cunnamulla that the local council is very on-side in respect of helping important projects like this get off the ground to enhance community safety. There are lots of old quarries around the place and old sidings with gravel stored there that may? be available.
  9. hmmmm, medium bag as well hey???
  10. Sorry Jay can't offer too much info on the bag...but at that I price... I HAD TO BUY ONE!!! Hopefully I'll have mine in the next day or two and can advise. My wife really loves the Clear Prop Daily Special!!!! :raise_eyebrow: Keep em coming Ian :thumb_up:
  11. How's that for service!
  12. Good work Adrian, keep the pics coming. It sounds like there are a lot of people interested in following your project with some great advice to offer. Some of the advice may be blunt, but it's all about keeping you safe big fella. :thumb_up:
  13. Welcome Paul. You will find a lot of similar people to you here. It is never too late to start learning and the only regret most of us have is that they didn't start years ago!
  14. Most of my time is on the 170 and the a/c i fly get's between 90-95knots indicated cruise at 2850-2900rpm. I find it more challenging than the 230 to land but i'm glad i learnt on the 170 as it really get's you working on x-wind landings, and you really need to keep a little extra speed on to keep aileron authority there under those conditions. I found the 170 really coordinates your feet with your hands. The decision i had when ordering a jab was between the 170,160 and 120. A 230 would have been nice but the minister for war and finance didn't agree. The 170 has a great payload with the excellent range from the 135l wet wings, the 160 a great cruise speed of around the 95-103 knots and the 120 with reports of 105k on the standard prop or 108k from the sensenich prop. After conducting extensive testing and calculating that i have a 3.4hr bladder, and hearing about how well the 120 flies with it's excellent stability and slippery airframe (albeit with a smaller cab size and reduced range with 65l tank) and the great price, I went with the 120.
  15. I'll throw in my fuel cards!
  16. Hopefully my jab will be ready by then... If it is, I'll be there will bells on!
  17. Great advice Howard. :thumb_up:
  18. Hi Dave and welcome to the forums. I believe a fellow forum member Brett, learnt on a Sportscruiser over there in that beautiful part of this country.
  19. Excellent work Mark, keep us posted of your progress! Things have been a little quiet on the building front lately... Ross, Ross, where are you Ross.... :big_grin:
  20. as long as he stands front on, you can't miss him!
  21. still waiting on Tomo's trip report...
  22. Excellent work Tomo and great shots. :thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up:
  23. Exactly Bruiser, how Aussie is that!
  24. Natfly...Aus-Kosh.... how about... 'AUS-FLY' Best of both worlds...bit of australia, bit of aviation. :thumb_up:
  25. Very sad stuff. Looks like it was a Lightwing Speed.
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