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Everything posted by Relfy

  1. Storch just letting Tomo know to stop looking...he found the other wing strut...
  2. Excellent trip report ultra and great pics. That's what it's all about! :thumb_up:
  3. is that?...could it be?...i'm sure that's John Howards bigger brother??? :ah_oh:
  4. I wouldn't be seeking information from the other pilots as you could appear to be conducting an 'investigation' so to speak and from dealing with people like that every day, what they tell you will be a lot different to what tell an official investigator. There are also penalties that apply to misleading investigators etc and they have the power to demand information etc. I would report them to the relevant authority and let them conduct the investigation and provide all the information you could, along with any other witnesses for them to conduct a thorough investigation. I'd agree with others though, it doesn't come down to a GA v RAA thing and that just clouds the waters. Did anyone request their intentions or did they broadcast theirs before doing this?
  5. When I teach people to fly model a/c I often get two planes and set both of them up on a high final and get both to have a 'slow' race, maintaining altitude and heading. It gets the pilots used to the mushier controls and wakes up their throttle response thumb. After about ten runs, I find they improve their landing approaches a lot from this experience.
  6. Awesome work Barry and make sure you let us all know of your progress! :thumb_up: It's an awesome journey and everytime someone posts here about their first solo, it never fails to give you a tingly feeling and raise the hairs on the back of your neck. You will have a ball!!! :thumb_up:
  7. Dave, I'd have to agree with you in that even though I find landing with full flap a little more challenging, I do it whenever I can, even in crosswinds, just to push myself and give my 'pilotage' a workout. I don't think flying is always about taking the easy way out. It's an evolving process and continual exercise of our skills. Someone else posted a really relevant comment today asking the question 'when do others challenge themselves with training manouvres after gaining their cert'. I thought that was a really relevant point because I know myself that I feel I should be doing more e/f practice procedures to maintain my skill base rather than just flying over the countryside, thinking that I should be practicing more. It's right about now that I feel Ian deserves a big pat on the back for all his work in building this forum, because discussions like this are what it's all about...pilots sharing skills and methodology. :thumb_up: Great topic too Tomo. ;)
  8. As others have said, full flaps in good conditions and lighter winds, varying levels of flap in moderate crosswinds/turbulence according to the conditions. I recall when i test flew a new Jab at Bundy, the pilot taking me explained on downwind and final that in the rougher conditions of the day we'd use 1 stage and 'fly it onto the deck'. Turned out though the conditions weren't too bad on late final and he opted for full flap but still flew it onto the runway with some positive authority. I find flying with different people always sees me picking up little tips and methods that help my own flying.
  9. Relfy

    NEW - Jabiru J120

    Oh righto jacmiles, are the 170 & 160 legs the same as the 230 legs? I noticed that the 230 legs are a bit more plush on landing than the 170 and i put it down to possibly same legs, just more weight in the 230.
  10. Relfy

    NEW - Jabiru J120

    It was too good to be true...it's on the Jab website as a misprint!
  11. Relfy

    NEW - Jabiru J120

    It's a shame then because even though I've got one on order, having even an extra 25 litres of fuel would be great for safety margins and also given that avgas bowsers are being pulled out around the place, the extra range would help with trip planning. Probably the only other thing I'd like to see change is the smaller wheels. Apart from that all indications are they are one of the best flying jabs on offer. It's great to see the beefier, manlier, modernier undercarriage legs finally added. I think they'd sell them in bucket loads if they changed a few little details, and given that the stimulus money is gone and times are going to be tough over the next few years, any advantage over the competition would be attractive. Only a few months to wait now...
  12. I had some at the time too Pud! ;)
  13. For me there is just something about the Fletcher FU24. Awesome machine.
  14. Great pics Tomo, 17 is awesome! :thumb_up: There's a lot of water there!
  15. Well it's obvious Pete...you need a J160D!!!!
  16. I look at the circuit like entering a car-park and finals like putting your indicator on when a car in front is reversing out of a spot. Snatch that spot...and it's road rage!
  17. Am i the only one here who cannot definitively recall what i say? I know that my CFI says finals and the other instructor says final. I'll take note of it and get back to ya'all. Maj seems to be on the money though.
  18. Standing apron-side a few weeks ago, watching a J230 I was about to take for a spin around the South Burnett, I got to chatting with a mum who was at the field in support of her son, all of 16 years of age taking flying lessons. He was running through a few circuits with my trusty CFI and mum and I were talking about the fact that her son was in the aircraft taking a lesson immediately before I started my first lesson, when he failed to plan for the worst and ate a wonderful Brumby's pie pre lesson...which he brought up mid lesson. We joked about the junior flight instructor getting out the aircraft with a worried look on his face crying that it was his first student to reverse gear in his aircraft and how a piece may have gone into his mouth...anyway that's another story for another time. Stay with me. I told her that I was extremely apprehensive about getting in after he fogged the left hand seat window with a potato pie, but then commented and congratulated her on her efforts in cleaning up the mess and leaving no trace, be it odor or residue behind, enabling me to take flight also on my quest to pilot status, free of wafts and sights of the sickly kind. Anyways, I could tell that she was proud of him for getting this far and I reinforced to her how she should be proud of him, for sticking with it and doing so well given that a lot of teenage kids achievements these days relate to far sinister activities. She was chuffed and then we both looked over, to see said CFI hop out of said J230, then start walking over to where we were standing, while J230 backtracked 16 YKRY for circuit...CFIless "What's he doing?", she said. I said, "Well, it looks like he's going solo. This is awesome, your son is going to fly on his own!" "Oh." she said. I remember looking at the expression on her face and that's when the reality and human component of this whole thing we love doing, came home. She was excited, nervous, apprehensive and downright terrified all at once. It was what I envisaged we all would have looked like the moment we rotated on our first solo and slipped the bounds of earth alone. The point of the story, and yes there is one...is that the CFI came over and mum asked the question, "How do you know they are ready?" The reply came straight away, "I ask myself if they are ready to take one of my family members for a fly." After a nice landing with a lofty flair courtesy of my CFI's 75kg (his estimate, not mine) reduction in weight aboard, a J230 gave taxxied, called clear all runways and gave birth to a smiling young pilot. CFI, mum and I looked at each other and grinned at what we just witnessed. Here was a 16 y/o male in command of a +$100,000 machine putting a lot of theory and practical skill into reality. It doesn't get any better than that!
  19. Awesome work Brett, keep us posted. Relfy PM me your email address, I'll send you something interesting...
  20. I'll have a go...I'd turn around and head back. Hopefully the back door is still open and there may be more options back where I came from. Pushing on into a bad position would only make things worse. If that didn't work, I'd do these ones...
  21. Welcome Doug! I was talking with a fellow pilot about some strategies to entice our better halves into flying and we have come up with a shopping trip. We will plan a trip to a convenient location, close to shops and demonstrate just how great it is to fly to far away locations in your own personal plane, in style and comfort to indulge in a spot of shopping. Meanwhile, the pilots will meet at another location and discuss all things aviation and just generally tell lots of lies. I'll keep you posted.
  22. It should have been used as a positive example of promoting aviation and the role of the ATC'ller. The kid was there with his father, being supervised by not only his dad but another in line supervisor. The whole thing has been handled appallingly and the usual cotton wool mob jump up and down to serve their own interests. The pilots were more than supportive of the kid and i would suggest the positives would have outweighed any negatives ten fold. Now it has turned into a grandstanding issue by every tom dick and harry looking to show the world how great they are, at the expense of this kid who once had an interest in aviation. Very sad, but so indicative of society these days.
  23. Congratulations Bec, Megan and dad! Now the fun begins...
  24. I'll get behind Springsure as a location. It has excellent facilities, plenty of camping space and a community that would love to see it happen and offer all sorts of services to see it be a success. I lived there for two and a half years and the locals are great. The flying around the area is simply amazing also, with some great contrasting countryside. It's pretty much smack bang in the middle of QLD geographically also, which would help out everyone. Springsure would be an excellent location! I've been talking with our council CEO out here about a western-outback type fly in here at Cunnamulla. It also has excellent facilities and the council would be very keen to see any events out this way.
  25. Hey Col, welcome! Good to see you fly the good plastic. :thumb_up:
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