Yes to the controlled airspace. Permission required from CASA to go above 10,000 according to CAO 95.55 (see below)
8.4 An aeroplane, to which this Order applies, may only be flown at a height of 5 000 feet above mean sea level or higher if it is equipped with serviceable radiotelephone equipment and the pilot is qualified to use it.
8.5 An aeroplane, to which this Order applies, may only be flown at a height of 10 000 feet above mean sea level or higher in accordance with an approval issued under paragraph 9.3.
9 Approval of flights not complying with flight conditions
9.1 A person who wants to fly an aeroplane, to which this Order applies, otherwise than in accordance with the flight conditions set out in paragraph 7.1, may apply to CASA for approval of the flight.
9.2 The application must:
(a) be in writing; and
(b) include details of the proposed flight; and
© be made at least 28 days before the proposed flight.
9.3 CASA may, in writing, approve the application.
9.4 The approval:
(a) must specify which of the flight conditions set out in paragraph 7.1 do not apply to the use, by the applicant, of the aeroplane in the proposed flight; and
(b) may specify conditions to be complied with in relation to the proposed flight.
9.5 If the proposed flight takes place in accordance with the approval (including any conditions specified in the approval in accordance with subparagraph 9.4 (b)), the use by the applicant of the aeroplane in the flight is not subject to the flight conditions specified in the approval in accordance with subparagraph 9.4 (a).