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Everything posted by Happyflyer

  1. As I understand it there is no requirement for a new GA aircraft to have a radio let alone a transponder. If fitting new transponder or new aircraft with transponder it must be mode S type.
  2. If the saying below is true then the young backpackers may be slightly safer. "Aviation in itself is not inherently dangerous. But to an even greater degree than the sea, it is terribly unforgiving of any carelessness, incapacity or neglect."
  3. When a GA flight review is done, form 61-9FR is submitted. Where you have to put the aircraft rego number, CASA have helpfully put the first two letters.... "VH". I thinks that's a hint as to what aircraft you have to do the flight review in. https://www.casa.gov.au/file/139841/download?token=ZO8rOlgV
  4. Part 61.007 states part 61 applies to "registered aircraft". CASA do not regard RAAus aircraft as "registered". So if you are training for a CTA endorsement issued under Part 61 they require you and the instructor to use an aircraft also authorised under Part 61 I guess.
  5. XC transferable when you have 2 hrs inst time and can show 5 hrs or more solo nav. Radio transferable when you have level 4 English or above. No solo required. Licence useable when you have passed a BFR in a GA aircraft and you have a medical.
  6. Here's an example of the police making a nuisance of themselves airside on an aerodrome. The guy probably told them they didn't have jurisdiction but it doesn't seem to have worked. Police swoop on light plane, arrest pilot over drug supply
  7. The police are welcome at our aerodrome. They patrol at various times and do drive on taxiways at times in front of the hangars like the aircraft owners. They patrol after hours also and speak to people. We are happy for them to be familiar with the airport and to keep an eye on the place. I'm sure if there was dubious activity the would do something. State police have jurisdiction anywhere in the state in accordance with state law except on commonwealths property.
  8. I'm curious too. What makes a certified municipal airport no go for local cops? All the local drug runners could go to any one of hundreds of certified airports around the country and be safe if they knew that.
  9. Looks like the sort of flat country you want when the prop stops. So good to see a pilot put a plane down so well.
  10. Totally agree. The best thing you can do is not get in this situation in the first place. Recognise on base or downwind that the final turn is going to have to be too tight and you are too low and go around from that point. Hard to do for some pilots, especially if people are watching. Not saying it happened like this in Perth. Mechanical failure or medical issues have not been ruled out.
  11. You are confusing 'G' force with stall speed.
  12. Some video here. Plane crashes into Swan River before Australia Day sky show
  13. If you read the whole thread you'll see a defect report was raised and new item offered to the owner and Maj said the item had been removed from service. No mention of not handing over log books. Perhaps you're going a bit too far now.
  14. Possibly, but they are offering photo evidence and eye witness statement. If it is false info they leave themselves open to legal action. Perhaps they just don't know where else to turn.
  15. If RAAus won't do it, report it to their masters, CASA. Reporting unsafe behaviour | Civil Aviation Safety Authority
  16. Where is this aircraft flying? Please don't keep the location secret. If the flying school are using it they are not ashamed of it I assume, so don't be shy.
  17. All RAAus endorsements carry across when you get your RPL. See Part 61.480 3 ©.
  18. https://www.raa.asn.au/storage/reactivation-membership-form-updated-20161110.pdf You could fill out the above form and fax or email to RAAus.
  19. Angle of attack pretty big on this video.
  20. So, CASA accept all RAAUs endorsements when first transitioning to an RPL but if then later get another RAAus endorsement they won't accept it. Typical CASA rubbish if correct.
  21. Interestingly the Cessna in question is owned by........... LOW FLYER INVESTMENTS PTY LTD 18A Seaspray Dr AGNES WATER QLD 4677 Australia There were plenty of passengers and therefore witnesses who will all be interviewed because of the death. The truth will come out, eventually.
  22. Light plane crash lands at Eviron Minor injuries only. Colour scheme looks like a high wing Tecnam with retracts that used to visit Broken Hill a couple of years ago.
  23. RAAus Ops Manual 2.07-4 RECENCY 6. In addition to the flight review requirements, a Pilot Certificate holder must not carry a passenger on any flight unless the holder has conducted 3 take- offs and 3 landings in the last 90 days in an aeroplane of the same Group, aeroplane type and having the same design features.
  24. I think this is the latest CAO 95.55 Civil Aviation Order 95.55 (Exemption from the provisions of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 — certain ultralight aeroplanes) Instrument 2015 Para 5.1 is about licencing, so not sure what you are looking at. It's not easy to read as is usual with CASA legislation but as I said in my earlier post, you can't fly a 19 aircraft over built up areas unless authorized under para 7.5.
  25. I think you may be wrong about that. See below from RAAus. Flight over closely-settled areas Note: while CAR 262AP uses the term 'built-up area of a city or town', the subordinate 95 series CAOs use the term 'closely-settled area' meaning an 'area in which, because of man-made obstructions such as buildings and vehicles, and the characteristics of the aeroplane; the aeroplane could not be landed without endangering the safety of persons unconnected with the aeroplane or damaging property in the area'. Flight over closely-settled areas is prohibited to all CAO 95.10 aircraft. CAO 95.55 subparagraph 1.2 (a), (e) and (h) aircraft [i.e. those with 28-nnnn and 19-nnnn registration] plus CAO 95.32 paragraph 1.3 and 1.4 aircraft [i.e. E-LSA and 51% owner-built powered parachutes and trikes] are – for the purpose of flight over closely-settled areas – all regarded as 'experimental' and may not operate over such areas, unless holding a written authorisation to do so.
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