I can hear CASA, ASA and Military now. "Wouldn't work in Australian conditions" , strange how those pesky Yanks have managed it in one of those quiet little airports they have over there, LAX.
"The next transition route is the Los Angeles Special Flight Rules Area. This route is flown on the SMO 132-degree radial and crosses LAX at 3,500 feet when proceeding southeast and 4,500 feet when flying northeast. An ATC clearance is not required to fly this route - but all airplanes flying this route must switch their transponders to 1201 when they are within the LAX Class Bravo airspace. Pilots must provide their own traffic avoidance by maintaining the correct altitude and by making position announcements on 128.55. A typical announcement might sound like this: "Los Angeles special flight rules area traffic, Cessna 1234, over LAX at 4,500 feet."
How simple is that!