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Everything posted by Happyflyer

  1. I would have thought inbound at 10 nm and joining cct with intentions and any other necessary calls to avoid collision or close call.
  2. Avoid if a bit of oscillation worries you, not permitted if it will kill you.
  3. I must have lots of sheer good luck too. Doesn't extent to lotto though!
  4. Would be good if Avpan and Ozrunways could do a deal and show each others as well as their own traffic.
  5. There are cautions for some types of slip in a Cessna. Clearly if you land crosswind you are slipping. The extract below is from a C172S POH which does not mention the word avoid. Many pilots are of the understanding you cannot safely slip a Cessna in any circumstances. If slips were totally unsafe, Cessna would say "Slips Prohibited". LANDING NORMAL LANDING Normal landing approaches can be made with power on or power off with any flap setting within the flap airspeed limits. Surface winds and air turbulence are usually the primary factors in determining the most comfortable approach speeds. Steep slips with flap settings greater than 20° can cause a slight tendency for the elevator to oscillate under certain combinations of airspeed, sideslip angle, and center of gravity loadings.
  6. Early Cessnas have 40 degree flap available and that is very effective and you don't often need to sideslip to loose more height. The newer ones have only 30 degrees of flap at full flap. Remember you are side slipping if you do a low wing approach crosswind landing (recommended by Cessna). The following is from a C172N POH. People who say you can't side slip a Cessna should read the manual a little more carefully.
  7. Page two of the how to join page. Something about clicking lost password and waiting for an email.
  8. Did you read this? https://members.raa.asn.au/storage/1-how-to-enrol-in-the-lms.pdf
  9. Nothing slips quite like a cub.
  10. There is your problem, no wonder it cost so much. The LAME is for the plane, the DAME is for you!
  11. You are right about people not caring. Most pilots I speak to have no idea and no interest in the goings on with RAAus board and management. They just want to fly. I don't know how you can change that. Maybe they think RAAus is too big to fail. If things got out of hand maybe CASA would simply take over.
  12. Maybe he was just pulling he prop through like this guy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFqDZagVeJU
  13. ABC reporting owner of Cessna killed in hand start incident. Plane then collided with another.
  14. Its a good movie not a documentary. They had to have a baddie and the NTSB investigators were made out to be villains. The investigators are not happy with how they are shown in the movie. US aviation investigators say they’re unfairly villainized in Clint Eastwood’s film “Sully”
  15. Why should the co-pilot get hung out? Surely if the captain was the pilot flying, he should have advanced the power levers.
  16. Unfortunately for these pilots they ignored the warnings the aircraft computer was giving and got airborne before trying to work out the problem. They should have stayed on the ground to address the warnings!
  17. I wonder what plan B is if someone hacks into the GPS satellite system.
  18. This is the proposal for Registration under part 149: Key Proposal 7 Information relating to registration of aircraft/authorisations issued by ASAOs to be made available to CASA, but not necessarily to the public ( nprm_1502ss_preamble.pdf | Civil Aviation Safety Authority ) Unless you have other information it seems making rego details public has not yet been agreed upon.
  19. That rego number was on a Jab 170 belonging to the Tooradin Flying School.
  20. Sadly, a plane crash at Yarram today. Man dies after light plane crash at Victorian airport
  21. Members in SA can talk to the Tech manager this week end. From RAAus: "Members in the Gawler area are invited to an impromptu members forum to discuss RAAus technical matters with our technical manager, Darren Barnfield at Gawler Airfield this Saturday 10 September 2016. Darren and the local club will be supplying a light BBQ dinner from 5.00pm to 7.00pm and is looking forward to engaging with local members and discussing our new technical manual and other aircraft and related maintenance topics that arise."
  22. Thanks. I would have seen it if I still read the mag but of course they don't send it anymore!
  23. Thanks Frank. I was just looking at the Tech Manual and you are right of course. Here is the relevant paragraph. Perhaps this needs more publicity. SECTION 11.1 MAINTENANCE POLICY Under a grandfather clause all members who are maintaining their own RAAus registered aircraft have until 01/02/2017 to complete the L1 maintenance authority assessment. After 01/02/2017 members who have not completed the L1 assessment cannot continue to sign for maintenance performed on their own aircraft. (Does not apply for members completing line maintenance only)
  24. When we can get a large crowd to behave as the Oshkosh crowd does we might be able to have an airshow with the access you can get at Oshkosh and then I might go to more Australian shows.
  25. As far as I am aware, anyone who has an L1 on their licence already, does not need to do the online course. (If anyone knows differently, I'd be interested in your source of information.) You can do it voluntarily of course. New pilots have to do it to get an L1. I'm with Frank. Don't complicate a system that works without hard evidence.
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