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Everything posted by Happyflyer

  1. I believe the tech manual says an L1 approved by the tech manager. I doubt the newbie pilot with an L1 rating would get the gig. It would be an experienced builder and pilot who has been there done that but has no interest in being an L2. Why are some of you so negative? Cheer up and go for a fly!
  2. Just read the report. Amazing! Over 20 hours aerobatic instruction and still no endorsement but decided to do solo low level aerobatics. Basic aerobatic training done in high performance Pitts aircraft. A bit like training for your first race in a 2 seat Formula 1 car. There would have to be a case for a pilot to have to hold a basic aerobatic rating to fly solo in some high performance aircraft such as the Pitts. There is very little reason other than aeros to fly them.
  3. Germany had some 6 engine flying boats in WW2 with wing spans up to 60 metres such as the Blohm & Voss BV 238.
  4. RAAus permits a single seat BFR. The CFI discusses things with you and may observe you in the cct. You may have trouble finding a CFI to do this unless the CFI knows you and has observed you flying over some time. You can do the BFR in a two seat aircraft and get a type checked while doing it or you can do an endorsement (eg tailwheel) which will count as a BFR.
  5. WESTERN AIRMOTIVE PTY LTD 30 Eagle Drive Jandakot 6164 Western Australia Within Australia 08-9332 7655 Outside Australia +61-8-9332 7655 [email protected] www.westernair.com.au
  6. Flying a different type is pretty well managed even without referring to the ops manual. A school won't let you fly without a checkout. That check constitutes the type endorsement. An insurance company won't cover you if you are not checked on type generally. You need to be familiar with the POH for the aircraft you are about to fly. If a mate will let you fly his aircraft, great, but get a check with an instructor, its not onerous or hard. I believe the new ops manual will be more descriptive in this area. Any new design features will of course need formal training. You will be amazed at how just the change in shape or angle of the engine cowl of a different type will alter your perception of attitude.
  7. Medical requirements for flight crew | Civil Aviation Safety Authority
  8. Thanks for sharing Geoff. Your self analysis, as always, is very candid. For what it's worth, when I apply more flap I always try be looking at the attitude of the nose and ensure thatI lower the nose as the flap comes on. This allows the aircraft to maintain speed with the extra drag. Power can do this too but power will try to raise the nose and that needs to be watched of course.
  9. It is my understanding that the owner of a home built RAAus aircraft must be the builder to be able to train in it. (Refer CAO 95.55 para6.2 below). This is not the case for GA, training is restricted to the owner with no mention that they need to be the builder. I can't see why there should be that difference. CAO 95.55 para 6.2 In spite of sub-subparagraph 6.1 (a) (ii), if a person has wholly built or assembled an aeroplane to which this Order applies, or a group of persons has wholly built or assembled such an aeroplane, then that person, or each of those persons, may use the aeroplane for their personal flying training.
  10. Sir Humphrey Appleby always said the French were the real enemy!
  11. The only thing I can find regarding 100 ft in the ops manual is the definition of formation flight: Formation Flight: Two or more aeroplanes flown in close proximity (closer than 100FT) which operate as a single aeroplane with regard to navigation, position reporting and control. I don't think that means two aircraft (not engaging in formation flight) coming within 110 ft on a reciprocal heading would be acceptable or safe.
  12. PPL also must involve controlled airspace.
  13. Yep I do. It helps if your aircraft rudder is set up to fly in balance at cruise speeds.
  14. No experience of the strip but most mining company airstrips have ridiculous landing requirements set by out of control OH&S departments. They don't want you there. Can't even go there if you are commercial, operating under an AOC without a huge number of extra hoops to jump through. A good example of why Australia is uncompetitive on the world stage.
  15. You have to wander if the cost of an emergency evacuation and legal costs resulting from possible minor passenger injuries influences company policy. The Singapore culture of employees going the extra mile for their company may also influence decisions. To me the greatest worry is if the mind set is, "the outcome was good so the decision was good". I hope this does not influence other pilots when deciding whether or not to order an evacuation. I'm not sure that if I was on that aircraft that I would have been able to stay on board for that long. Personally, from information available to me, good luck played a large part of this good outcome. It will be interesting to see the outcome of any investigation if it is ever made public.
  16. Interesting moment for the pilots! Incredible moment planes take off WITHOUT going down the runway
  17. If you read the book, answer the questions for each chapter, talk to your instructor about anything at all that is not clear, you will pass. You will not fail because you got one or two badly worded questions wrong. You have to get 11 questions wrong to fail. You can't just blame the one question that may be ambiguous!
  18. RAAO = Recreational Aviation Administration Organisations, otherwise known as the Gliding Federation of Australia (GFA), Hang Gliding Federation of Australia (HGFA), or Recreational Aviation Australia (RA-Aus).
  19. Carb ice is only possible if there is moisture (humidity) in the air. It is possible in quite warm air. Which answer did you guys think was correct?
  20. Not correct, you can add an aero endorsement to your RPL, you do need the class 2 medical though.
  21. I'm curious. Is it possible to have an example of multiple correct answers?
  22. I think the main "fault" with the Cirrus is that it gets unprepared pilots, used to slower aircraft, to where they are before they are ready to be there.
  23. Agree with you Geoff about the name. As far as radio goes, I thought Narromine was a registered aerodrome and therefore radio would be mandatory.
  24. This is Australia! Makem wear a fluro safety vest, hard had and glasses and all will be ok.
  25. As long as they don't switch off the GPS!
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