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Everything posted by Happyflyer

  1. You don’t have to be in CTA to have a Conquest or Kingair up your clacker. Might be right behind you while you’re driving along too.
  2. Light plane makes emergency landing on highway Looks like a Cessna Conquest twin turboprop, problems with both engines.
  3. I have flown a couple of love birds over the proposal before. However you do it, make it three times bigger than you think you need to. Things look a lot smaller from up there!
  4. Hi Bill. Welcome, enjoy the ride.
  5. RAAF a bit recently. And they’re not happy. Before that Qantas haven’t hired for years. Now there isn’t enough in GA to feed them.
  6. Nothing stopping a school doing it but why? You’ll probably find the cost of the tuition plus your own costs will be more than doing it in their plane. Plus, with the experience under your belt you’ll be in a much better position to figure out what aircraft will suit you.
  7. If GA wasn’t stuffed Qantas wouldn’t need to build an academy..
  8. World Record for Time to Climb to a Height of 30000 Meters Archives - This Day in Aviation This was a modified F15 but it passed 32,000 ft in 56 seconds on its way to 99,000 ft. I once made the mistake of watching for an F15 three quarters down the runway at RAAF Williamtown. By the time it was abeam us it was almost out of sight and that was with a bigger bomb load than the Mirage could carry! The Lightning was the best of its era, but it was not a match for the F15.
  9. Well said. Getting a sea plane rating certainly makes you focus on ascertaing wind direction without a windsock.
  10. Wind socks have a habit of blowing away, especially on private strips where it may not be noticed. But lack of wind sock should not cause this. His first touch down point was two thirds down the runway. Headwind, tailwind or no wind, you don’t want to be there! This poor fellow will have to live with this but others can learn, if the approach isn’t happening as you wish, please go around early!
  11. I don’t think the Bellanca 8KCAB had selectable tanks. Certainly the modern versions, the American Champion Super Decathlon and Scouts manage twin overhead tanks without selectable tanks, just a shutoff valve.
  12. There may be some confusion coming in from the US where any flight instructor is a CFI (certified flying instructor).
  13. Sadly the passenger died. Oshkosh a few years ago.
  14. I would say pilots in 172s make the same errors but the consequences are not the same because the aircraft is built to handle the abuse/error. When some of these pilots try to fly a more lightly built aircraft with the same lack of ability and break it, they blame the aircraft.
  15. Looks like it was reported so no idea why he got rid of the number. Perhaps someone reported it for him. NTSB Identification: WPR14CA255 14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation Accident occurred Thursday, June 19, 2014 in Caldwell, ID Probable Cause Approval Date: 09/30/2014 Aircraft: COSMOS PHASE II PHASE II 582, registration: N234BS Injuries: 1 Uninjured. NTSB investigators used data provided by various entities, including, but not limited to, the Federal Aviation Administration and/or the operator and did not travel in support of this investigation to prepare this aircraft accident report. The pilot reported that he was flying his weight-shift control trike at low altitude when it struck power lines. Subsequently, the trike descended to the ground, which resulted in substantial damage to the structural tubing. The pilot further stated that his smoke colored visor attached to his helmet prevented him from clearly seeing the power lines. The pilot reported no preimpact mechanical failures or malfunctions with the aircraft that would have precluded normal operation. The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident as follows: The pilot's failure to monitor the environment and to maintain sufficient altitude to clear power lines during low altitude flight.
  16. Final report. Stalled on final. Investigation: AO-2017-081 - Collision with terrain involving The Airplane Factory Sling 4, VH-BEG, Caloundra Aerodrome, Queensland, on 12 August 2017
  17. Basler BT-67 - Wikipedia File:Basler bt67 antarctica.jpg - Wikipedia
  18. Visited their stand at Oshkosh 2015. Thought it all a froth and bubble show with no substance, full of media and sales hype. Nothing since has changed my mind.
  19. An error I would think. There is a phone number at the bottom. I would call them if I was flying in that area.
  20. Good advice. Your experience about hiring is the norm. No one will hire a plane to a stranger without a check ride. The standard of pilot out there is just too variable.
  21. 46 out of 50 would be 92% at our school. You were ripped off!
  22. Is that the same one as post #153?
  23. I’ve been associated with 912ULS engines that have done over 20,000 hours. All have had the internal alternator and we have not had one alternator problem. Most engines have gone to 2000 hrs.
  24. Or if you don’t want to smell old ugg boots try these. Lightspeed Leather Mic Cover - Item No: LS-Leather Mic Boots Seem to work ok in open cockpit aircraft.
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