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Everything posted by Happyflyer

  1. I enjoyed the challenge of deciphering the weather. The BOM site has a "knowledge center" to help. If you look at the aviation weather as often as possible and decode it with a PCA chart handy it only takes a few weeks to master it. It's not that hard! It's part of the language of aviation.
  2. Not sure about this endorsement. Might encourage more low flying. Will involve low flying for training. Type in "wirestrike" on the ATSB web site. Lots of ag and survey aircraft involved plus the usual cowboys. Didn't see any that came to grief because they were low flying due to stress of weather. This endorsement might cause more problems than it solves.
  3. I would have thought a significant number of very well trained crop duster pilots contact wires.
  4. I practice low level flying at least twice every flight. Seriously though, I would have thought there were very few qualified instructors for LL flight in RAAus. Will an instructor be able to get the endorsement and then teach it or will they need 75 hours of LL, similar the ridiculous requirement on float instruction?
  5. There are a lot of 'good' pilots. A superior pilot uses his superior judgment to avoid having to use his superior ability. And by 'his' of course I also mean 'her'.
  6. All the fancy equipment in the would dosen't help if a wrong descision is made about a thunder storm. Sounds like you made a very good desision about your plane.
  7. T The question when I was given it something like, how close can two pilot fly to each other if they don't have formation endorsements. The RAAus Ops Manual (which we all have to know and fly by) definition of Formation flying is: Formation Flight; Two or more aeroplanes flown in close proximity (closer than 100FT) which operate as a single aeroplane with regard to navigation, position reporting and control. So the answer is 100ft (unless you both hold formation endorsements). It may not be in the regulations but we are all supposed to operate in accordance with the Ops Manual.
  8. The question about proximity in the air relates to aircraft flying together. It's not about the distance you can pass by another random aircraft. When flying together you cannot fly closer than 100 ft unless you have a formation endorsement. The question could be worded to make it clearer.
  9. All regulations are relevant. Unfortunately you can't choose which one is more relevant, you have to comply with them all, grey and muddy as they are.
  10. A TIF can only be done within flying school environment by qualified instructors so can be legally advertised.
  11. CASA Regulation 2 para 7(a) has this covered. As soon as you advertise a flight in any way it is no longer a private flight and you are deemed to be operating commercially. For example, if you advertise in a public forum that you have a seat in your aircraft to go to a fly in, and you take someone who responds to your ad, you may be contravening this regulation even if you do not charge. (7A) An aircraft that carries persons on a flight, otherwise than in accordance with a fixed schedule between terminals, is employed in a private operation if: (a) public notice of the flight has not been given by any form of public advertisement or announcement
  12. Well done to that pilot to put it down safely. If you got the rego right there is a photo here. http://www.sabc.org.au/All/Photos/Aircraft/JabiruJ230/DSCN9767.html
  13. Might be a good idea to keep a real good lookout for the next month or two in your area. My local area went through the same thing some time ago and it is truly amazing how many people don't read the ERSA.
  14. Oops, slight typo. Should have been http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20131223-should-planes-have-parachutes Thanks to PA. for above post.
  15. And the CEO and test pilot of Jetpack Aviation is Australian, David Mayman.
  16. Interesting article here discussing larger aircraft with chutes. http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20131223-should-planes-have-parachute
  17. Too right. If Russia wants to step up its fight in Syria then ISIS did it. If it wants to disentangle itself from the Middle East mess, it was an accident. Egypt will say whatever it thinks will serve its interest.
  18. Did you notice the power lines across the road, the bridge, the other cars? If it's a choice between landing on that road at 60/70 knots, or pull the chute, I would pull the chute every time.
  19. I had the same problem with my airspeed indicator. Replaced it, problem fixed. If you flew your legs accurately the average figure should be your airspeed. Wind doesn't matter as long as it was constant. See if you can borrow an ASI and see if it fixes the problem. If it doesn't check your pitot and static lines for leaks.
  20. Oh come on! Documenting a discussion and sign a form before 15 yr old student goes solo! What are we becoming? Did the parents not think junior would go solo one day? Perhaps we should have a discussion, documentation session every night. Lots of people die in bed you know.
  21. Did you check the restricted areas on NAIPS to see it wasn't just a glitch on Oz Runways?
  22. Agree. Average pilots regularly prove they can't recover an aircraft that does meet FAR 23 specifications.
  23. I've got a few hundred hours in Cirrus aircraft. It flies pretty well for a 'pig with lipstick'. Have you ever flown one? Cirrus had a design philosophy to fit a BRS system to each aircraft. They did not need or want to go thru all the time and expense and difficulty of full spin certification. Cirrus aircraft were recoverable from all spins but needed Cirrus specific control inputs by the test pilots. Their philosophy is, don't was time trying to recover, just pull the chute. This is especially true in this day and age where not many GA pilots are competent at spin recovery. See the article below. Also, in the US they like to sue, a lot. https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CC0QFjACahUKEwjin5XUl-LIAhWBg6YKHVgOBoc&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cirruspilots.org%2Fcopa%2Fsafety_programs%2Fm%2Fcopa_safety%2F582392%2Fdownload.aspx&usg=AFQjCNG5xDcPJ5CVN73jRXGSKWCce36XgQ&sig2=5XU0hdTnvR7yabcq0DR78A
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