You should never be surprised to see an aircraft on short final before you enter the runway, you should have been aware of it well beforehand. Listen to the radio while doing engine runs and taxiing, look at downwind, base and final while taxiing (situational awareness). Look again before making entering runway call. Never assume no radio means no plane and never assume others have heard your call.
For all I know you and I may make exactly the same calls. Some examples of what I consider to be unnecessary calls are:
Making inbound calls at 10, 5 and 2 miles. Wanting to know duty runway after I have called "downwind 23, touch and go". Telling me I am at his three o'clock!. Calling every turn of the cct when no one else is in the cct. Calling every turn in the cct when four other aircraft are in the cct. Saying " Traffic Heck Field and Jabiru 1234" as if Jabiru 1234 isn't addressed by " traffic Heck Field". Saying "joining crosswind 23, traffic on final sighted" Why? Giving full departure calls on taxi, rolling and overhead. Wanting to establish two way communication, just make minimum necessary calls and keep your eyes and ears open. Contrary to what some seem to think, stating your intention does not give you right of way. Some of the most dangerous calls are made by those that give the wrong direction for departure or inbound and people only expect them from that direction.
There! I've got that off my chest!