From the RAAus accident summaries. Well done RAAus for the timely info.
Summary: As the student applied full power and we started to conduct the take-off roll on runway 17, there was a slight crosswind from the left, student did not use correct crosswind technique. The nose of the plane started to veer to the left. At this stage the instructor started to take control of the aeroplane, applied right rudder to straighten the nose. At the same time, the student applied back pressure on the controls, over rotated, and resulted in tail strike. Instructor tried to push the control forward to regain control of the aircraft. However, the student had frozen on the controls. The aircraft gained height, but due to high nose attitude, the aircraft stalled and the left wing dropped. As the wing dropped it clipped the ground, which spun the plane 180 degrees and nosedived into the ground.