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Everything posted by Happyflyer

  1. How about supplying some facts about your allegation. Most pilots with a Bluetooth headset will be linked to a phone at times. Very handy for AWIS, notifying change of arrival times and many other things.
  2. Better hope you are right about this. The first bloke to accuse this pilot of a similar thing on this thread got it totally wrong. There's a big difference speculating about a prang with your mates in private compared to making accusations on a public forum.
  3. From the RAAus accident summaries. Well done RAAus for the timely info. Summary: As the student applied full power and we started to conduct the take-off roll on runway 17, there was a slight crosswind from the left, student did not use correct crosswind technique. The nose of the plane started to veer to the left. At this stage the instructor started to take control of the aeroplane, applied right rudder to straighten the nose. At the same time, the student applied back pressure on the controls, over rotated, and resulted in tail strike. Instructor tried to push the control forward to regain control of the aircraft. However, the student had frozen on the controls. The aircraft gained height, but due to high nose attitude, the aircraft stalled and the left wing dropped. As the wing dropped it clipped the ground, which spun the plane 180 degrees and nosedived into the ground.
  4. He didn't take a phone call he said the ringing of the phone distracted him.
  5. Just watched the report you quote Camel. It does not say this pilot has done this before. Listen again carefully. It says this incident will not be investigated despite a similar incident at Broome that was investigated. It does not say this pilot was involved. If I was you I would be very careful before making allegations on a public forum unless you are very sure of your facts. Perhaps a checklist before posting?
  6. Was it this one Camel?
  7. So what happened at Karratha Camel? Did he forget or was it a malfunction?
  8. Nathan, I think he might have had to self report because he put an aircraft on its belly at a public airport with a Federal minister on board! Camel, what happened at Karratha?
  9. You say he has had two wheels up landings and therefore made the same mistake twice. Please tell us the circumstances of his other wheels up landing.
  10. The Investigation would look at the systems and methods the operator uses, the oversight, testing and checking of pilots, past history. Was the warning horn working, if not was maintenance an issue. They looked ar this one. Investigation: AO-2015-121 - Wheels-up landing involving a Cessna 172RG, VH-HTP, at Elcho Island Aerodrome, NT on 14 October 2015 And he was a PPL.
  11. Some of you guys are being very harsh on a fellow pilot. We have judge, jury and executioners here. He won't be the first nor the last, no one was hurt. Hopefully he'll go on and have a great career, like this guy did: QAM - The Last Landing of Mirage A3-16 I do think that as this was a commercial operation carrying a passenger the ATSB should have investigated, but just because they haven't, doesn't mean CASA won't get into him in their own good time.
  12. Even so, I can't see a student pilot being authorised to do the test flight hours and I can't see an instructor authorising the solo times aircraft that had not done its test hours.
  13. Are you not supposed to fly a series of flights to document performance throughout the flight envelope as part of your 25 hrs? Probably not the best idea for a student pilot who has just gone solo. I also thought the pilot flying off the hours had to be named and authorised in the documentation. Would RAAus authorise a student pilot for this?
  14. Not sure about ICOM but with the Garmin SL40 when you choose to monitor the standby frequency, the main frequency always takes priority when both are receiving. It would not be safe otherwise.
  15. You're right of course but if you have to buy one it may as well be mode s. I think CaSA have actually mandated all new transponders fits have to be mode s.
  16. Any RAAus aircraft can be self maintained if you have an L1 authorisation and the aircraft is not used in a flying school.
  17. Yeah, love to know his rudder input! You can see his right knee at first and it doesn't look like full right rudder but I can't really tell for sure.
  18. Only certified, registered and military aerodromes need a radio, not every CTAF. As far as I know if you don't need to now you won't need one when this is in.
  19. I think that CASA have listened for once and I agree with the proposal and have taken the trouble to tell them so in the survey. Apparently they have expanded the CTAF area to 20 miles to cover IFR approaches. Now we just have to make the calls on 126.7 more professional and not have Bill, Bob and Mary discuss personal issues on that frequency. Generally if I've got a bit of distance to cover I go high and listen on area anyway.
  20. You could read that, if you left out the bit in bracket, as applying to class 1 only. Classic CASA wording. I think the over 60 reference is back to class 1 as you can see on this chart. avmed_reference_chart_2.png | Civil Aviation Safety Authority
  21. The only post that could be taken to be in bad taste in my opinion is post #10 where the pilot is called a"cocky rooster" who has had his wings clipped. An attempt at humour I suppose because he landed near a poultry farm.
  22. Cockpit, joystick and flaps also have to go.
  23. Interesting but fake.
  24. Yep, as long as the pilot has 5 hours in an aircraft that can be RAAus registered with at least one hour solo then just a check tide is required, along with the exams.
  25. If your PPL is current the only RAAus exams you may have to do is human factors and the converting pilot exam. . You do not have to do a BFR, just a check flight with a CFI after you have five hours in an RAAus type aircraft, including one hour solo. (Although this counts for a BFR) Unfortunately they have taken away the discretion to do less hours if the CFI finds the pilot doesn't need them.
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