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Everything posted by Happyflyer

  1. Interestingly, the official CASA document ( Classes of medical certificates | Civil Aviation Safety Authority ) does not prohibit aerobatics with the basic class 2 medical as far as I can see. The only restrictions were weight, pax and day VFR. Now is the time to lobby CASA so aeros can be done on this medical.
  2. Looks like a small step in the right direction but the devil may well be in the detail.
  3. I would think you would be right there. But I was just pointing out that when Kasper said "the ops manual with which I must comply does not require that I hold a card from RAAus" he was not quite right. Apparently he chooses not receive emails from them so I suppose to comply with the ops manual which he says he must comply with he would have to hold a card.
  4. Not quite right. You are not required to carry it on you but must be able to produce it within 72 hours in some instances. From the Ops Manual: CARRIAGE AND PRODUCTION OF PILOT CERTIFICATE 21. On request from a RAAus official (including Operations and Technical Staff, CFI, PE or ROC), an officer of CASA or a Police Officer, pilots are required to produce their Pilot Certifcate within 72 hours.
  5. You can search the Qld Coroners findings on the courts web site. I searched but didn't find this accident. However this one http://www.courts.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/86786/cif-scholl-ph-20090127.pdf happened in 2005 and the findings took about four years to be released.
  6. Watching their promo videos, plenty of low flying, lots of steep turns, emphasis of stall/spin resistance, ballistic chute. What could possibly go wrong?
  7. Looks like system down. No new forecast, no old forecast, can't get thru to airservices on the phone. Oops!
  8. To get a PPL you have to do a PPL theory test and a PPL flight test (including Nav and CTA elements). CASA has ensured you cannot get around that. The flight test has to be booked with CASA and they reserve the right to come along for the ride. The training to get to the standard is your issue. If you are up to standard then the test should come. Sounds like you need to have a sit down with the top dog and sort it out before you spend any more money. Put your cards on the table and get them to explain in detail where you are not good enough to do the test. PS. I would have thought an instructor would normally inform the student of the process and not keep you in the dark.
  9. The ATSB were not very complimentary about the Morgan aircraft that hit the ferris wheel at Old Bar. It wasn't amateur build but i think it resulted in all '24' registered aircraft of that type becoming '19'. https://www.atsb.gov.au/media/4888846/ao2011126_final.pdf
  10. Angel Flight is an organisation that brings together people wanting a seat and pilots wanting to help. It's a bit like Wingly for sick people but it's free for the passenger and pilots get free fuel. It will be interesting to see what happens to this model when the ATSB brings out the report for the Mt Gambier fatalities. Im guessing CASA won't be able to resist making more regulations.
  11. It won't happen here because CASA expressly forbids any form of public notice advertising for cost share private flights, as does the FAA.
  12. Always check your facts before offering advice. CAO 95.55 6.2 In spite of sub-subparagraph 6.1 (a) (ii), if a person has wholly built or assembled an aeroplane to which this Order applies, or a group of persons has wholly built or assembled such an aeroplane, then that person, or each of those persons, may use the aeroplane for their personal flying training.
  13. Do your instructors give a reason for not flying in your aircraft?
  14. I think the bars on his shoulders were leftovers of his Asian leg to get the locals to help. When I read his story I didn't get the impression he thought he could fly IFR. He just pushed on a tad too far and it almost cost him his life. I for one thank him for sharing his story and showing how it happened so we can all learn from his mistake.
  15. I would have thought that's the right way up. The low altitude is at the bottom, just like the atmosphere!
  16. Angel Corp Angel 44 Angel Aircraft Corporation Home
  17. It's not common in my world. Don't know any one who has been affected, ever. Perhaps in America?
  18. Yep, you won't need it anymore!
  19. That appears to be US dollars! Over half a million AU dollars to get it here. What a joke. I don't expect the company to last.
  20. The report stated one engine was not producing power and had no fuel in its fuel line. That prop was not feathered and the flaps and undercarriage were down and in that configuration they say the aircraft would have become uncontrollable very quickly on one engine. So I don't think the cause is a total mystery, what they couldn't tell is why the fuel ran out for that engine, either through lack of fuel, tank selection or other cause such as a blockage.
  21. Looks like CASA are listening at last. Proposed rules - Frequency use at low level in Class G airspace - Civil Aviation Safety Authority - Citizen Space
  22. Why would you assume anyone would turn crosswind to high ground? All circuits to the east there. http://www.airservicesaustralia.com/aip/current/ersa/FAC_YLKS_17-Aug-2017.pdf
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