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Everything posted by Bubbleboy

  1. Seems some folk are frantically trying to get their house keeping in order before the impending meeting? Scotty
  2. Camping at the field is very good. Good facilities and some powered sites but they usually go pretty quickly. I camp there in unpowered. Shuttles running regularly. Not sure of times but often enough. Have reasonable food options there if you dont want to go in to town. The RSL does a reasonable feed in town. Rest of the eateries I have found to be pretty average. Wont be going this year after last years debacle. Hope the Raa get there act together and give the organisers the support they need as a lot of effort goes in to organising it with minimal support from Raa. Scotty
  3. Peter ...yes your right actually. I have a set of GN1 plans with a fellow builder at the moment. I will have a look at those. DJP....fantastic article and a good tip about using a masonary bit to drill an extra hole! Thanks guys...I knew someone on here would point me in the right direction! Back to the garage I go! Scotty
  4. Hi all...I am building my Pietenpol fuselage and have my tail wheel assembly here. The leaf spring has only one hole drilled in each end. This is causing me to scratch my head as to how I mount it on the bottom of the fuselage. Other builders have used a leaf spring with two holes at the fuselage mounting point so just two bolts are used. Is this spring supposed to have a cradle that supports the spring at the rear most part of the fuselage? Im assuming drilling another hole wouldnt be possible if it is spring steel? If I cant use this spring, what other alternatives are out there? Scotty
  5. Hiya Ian...looks fantastic...in theory! What has the RAA done since last years debacle when bugger all trade exhibitors actually showed up? I for one wont be wasting my time and dollars going this year after the last hash. Correct me if im wrong but I believe Mr Runciman stood up at the meeting and stated it was a poor turn out and there would be a full investigation in to why some paid and didnt show and the poor attendance. Has anyone seen the results of the investigation? Im off to Classic Fighters in Omaka!...More bang for my buck, bring it on! Scotty
  6. Skyshop cheaper...now you have given me the best laugh today! Do yourself a favour and order direct for the US of A!
  7. THAT is amazing! Love it!
  8. Ah all fixed then! See guys and girls...genuine mistake. lets all go play in the sandpit together again...
  9. :amazon:Geez... That is a glowing reference. Hope he changes his mind and stays on! We need someone like that! Scotty
  10. Hi David...I wont be there now as I have got permission from her in doors to go to Classic Fighters at Omaka at Easter! Better not push my luck! Scotty
  11. Monies to buy the two tyres for my Pietenpol build! Actually it was pretty special to share some time in the garage glueing my fuselage with Miss 8 year old today! She thought it was pretty cool that Dad is building a plane! Scotty
  12. Hiya John....im a Kiwi originally, dont hold that against me, and have driven it a couple of times and your right, lots to see. I was looking at flying Wellington to Blenheim but too dear. Im sure hoping the Mossie will come down but will they risk flying it over Cook Strait to get there? Really looking forward to it as my interest lays in the ww1 through to 1930's aviation. Scotty
  13. Looking good Phil! I laid out my first fuselage side over the weekend and started glueing gussets. Im trying to get the fuselage together over the Xmas break so I can sit in it making Corvair engine noises!
  14. Hi John... Thanks mate! Just booked it all! Managed to jag a Motel room after a cancellation in Blenheim. Flying into Christchurch on the Thursday arvo, collect a car and drive up. Drive back to Christchurch Monday morning and back here. I saw flights from Wellington to Blenheim but flying into Wellington is expensive compared to Christchurch. If anyone needs a lift from Christchurch to Blenheim at those times, let me know. Scotty
  15. Am thinking of going to this show over Easter and looking around, accommodation looks a bit scarce! Anyone been before and have any tips on places to stay in or around Blenheim? Looking at flying into Christchurch, hire a car and drive up. Regards Scotty
  16. Call me cynical but when we had the Defence contract for funerals we use to see it a lot. Young guys join up thinking the world is their oyster only to get up in their 30's and 40's to find there is no where to go. It was always sad to see them end it under such circumstances. Anyway I digress...back to topic...
  17. Its always been in the back of my mind, is SR aiming for the CEO spot? Maybe im wrong...you know, Army career going no where looking for a nice slot to slide in to...
  18. Very nice play on words. This man should be a Politician! Scotty
  19. Am thinking of dragging the family up to this event at Evans head in Jan 2013 and was wondering if it is worth it? I have given NATFLY the flick for next year after this years disappointment. Is there camping onsite and does it usually get a good turn out? I know its been washed out a few times I think but I doubt we will get that this time around. Keen to hear others input. Sounds like a nice spot! Scotty
  20. Hiya Nev!...yes im with you! In saying that though, the Pietenpol family sell plans for a steel tube frame but my welding skills are zero! Any way there is nothing sexier than a wooden plane! The MTOW is 544kg if built to the Jim Wills modifications in the UK. Scotty
  21. Also Rolf...this yellow one is a GN-1. Not a genuine Piet. It may have a J-3 Cub aerofoil and few other modifications. Mr Grega took the Piet plans and used as much J-3 gear in them as he could as it was cheap back then. Not saying its not a nice plane as it looks it but if your looking for authenticity, it may not suit you. Scotty
  22. Hi Rolf...no I dont know the one on Ebay although I did see it and thought it looked nice! Still would want to inspect it in person if I was buying it. As mentioned I do know Andrew Carters Piet in Caboolture. I went for a fly with Andrew in it when he had it at Somersby. Structually Andrews is very nice and has a rebuilt engine but cosmetically it could do with a little attention. Only paint stuff. I would of bought Andrews Piet if I had the money but I dont and hence the reason I am building one. Bit by bit is easier on the budget! http://www.pietenpol.com.au/ As far as Ants in the wood work, im not up with that. There may be someone else on here who knows more about that than I do. I thought rodents would be more of a curse! Scotty
  23. Hi Rolf...Andrew Carter is selling his Subaru powered Piet in Caboolture. Very nice flyer! Andrew took me for a trot last year in it as I am building one too. As Phil said...if the wood has been sealed you should be right. Andrew is a really nice approachable guy and has started the http://tavas.com.au/ Scotty
  24. I attended Mr Stiff's talk on aircraft design at AUSFLY. It was a great talk actually about how it all came about. As usual, the question was asked about the engine problems and the response from the mans mouth was something to the effect of "we build these engines to a price". As far as I am concerned, that explains it all. Like anything, you get what you pay for. Not saying its right but that statement sums it up! I have no opinion on Jabs as I have never flown one. Scotty
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