All the folk on here who either have their heads in the sand or have only been to one Natfly are the ones giving me the sh*ts!
I have been to a number of them now both at Narromine and Temora. The first one at Temora was by far the best. If you have only been to one, you have nothing to compare it to. Im glad you all had a ball! Thats great!
I would like to think I have offered enough constructive suggestions and have actually offered my time to organise sections of the event as have others on here and its as if the organisers are trying to stop others helping so they can look like the heroes? Im sorry but its BS!
If you continue to sugar coat sh*t, it is never going to get better!
I admit I have had a great social time when I have gone. I can do that here sitting at home on a Forum. If I am going to drive 9 hours and spend hundreds of dollars to get and stay there, and have offered to help and its been sniggered at, im well with in my rights to be a little put out! I expect an event that suits some of what I am looking for. I know not everyone is a builder and that is fine. Every year we are promised next year will be better, we are sorry for this year, dont know why non of the suppliers turned up, blah blah blah...
We will never please every member with regards to location. Temora town have bent over backwards to provide a first class airport and have really supported the event. Its blo*dy RAA who continue to let the members down with this event! Move it around the country, I dont care. Its the content of the event that would bring me. I drive 9 hours to Temora so im happy to go any direction.
Dont dismiss what the regulars who have been attending for years have to say. If you put your head in the sand for ever, there wont be an event very soon, kind of like what you are accusing us of doing?