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Everything posted by Bubbleboy

  1. I have one of these and it does a pretty good job on drills from 3mm up. http://www.bunnings.com.au/ozito-65w-multi-function-sharpener_p6290088 Scotty
  2. I have one hanging in my garage/hangar!
  3. There is a guy in Newcastle who has Spruce and other Aircraft wood. I got my Spruce for him for my Pietenpol build. You can get Austral Marine Ply anywhere. Scotty
  4. Just heard the Lady died this morning in hospital. Hope the others recover in time. Scotty
  5. Seems it is the local Dr and his family. Those 210's have had a few engine failures at takeoff I have heard about. Hope they recover so!
  6. Hi Pete...I got this lot through Ian's shop. You can get them from Aircraft Spruce in the USA as well. Just check prices first. Scotty
  7. GG...the welding is coming along nicely! Bought a TIG/MMA combo from Token tools and very happy with it! Pete...They are just links from a chain. You buy a section of 50 chain and a chain breaker tool. Pop the pins out of the chain and you get the individual links. Use clevis pins to join them how you need them. Scotty
  8. Mark...this is no where near final assembly! I need to shape the gear legs yet and do a final sand before final assembly. Scotty
  9. Made and installed the undercarriage tension cables today. Nicopress swage fittings and turnbuckles!
  10. You could fly in before the tower opens!...maybe? If you have a PPL and a Transponder on board you should right! Like Chad said it was a great event last year even watered down a bit too as the fire fighting aircraft couldnt make it due to fighting fires. Scotty
  11. Temora facilities are fantastic! I cant see why suppliers wont attend. Scotty
  12. It appears the SAAA have cancelled Ausfly for this year. Scotty
  13. Hi Guys....fantastic! I am just researching at the moment. I was planning on using a Corvair in my Pietenpol but trying to communicate with the guys in the USA who are rebuilding parts of it is doing my head in! It seems they have an allergy to email. They have a brilliant product but their customer service leaves a lot to be desired. I have an EA81 sitting on my garage floor and I am so tempted to ditch the Corvair and use it. I have paid deposits to these guys. I am going to try ring them tomorrow and if I get no luck, I am going to use the EA81. Jim....im not up with how this all works. Do you regrind the original cam or is it a different one all together? Scotty
  14. I have an EA81 engine I am looking at converting for aero use and it appears Wade who were making the cams are no longer in business. What are people using now or does someone have one spare they may sell? Scotty
  15. If I was a bear defecating in the woods, I wouldn't want the Pope hanging around when my bot bot was out!
  16. I just ordered some off Ian. Not sure where he got them from though. Scotty
  17. Hi Keith...its very easy to point the finger at individuals or groups, as I have at the RAA. Me personally, its not the location that is important. Its the building of RAA for future generations. I have always been vocal about the need to actively get the younger generations involved. RAA cant seem to see that. People have commented before about the average age of our members. Narromine was great and the first one at Temora was great. Both have good facilities. Should we move Natfly around the country? Other than the logistical factors and cost, maybe we need to look at that. Bring the show to the people to give everyone a fair go. As you have pointed out and I agree, something is not working at the moment. Its not a complete disaster yet but heading that way. As an organisation we need to get to the bottom of why suppliers are not attending and fix that for a start. My comments last night may have been a bit aggresive but im passionate about flying and want to see Natfly and the sport grow in a positive way. Internal politics really gets my backup! Nothing peeves me more than people doing things for their own benefit and not for the greater. Scotty
  18. Ok cool. The wife is a Mexican. Around Myrtleford way. Anyway we better stop hijacking the thread! Let folk get back to talking Natfly.
  19. Thanks mate! Yes the build is consuming a lot of time at the moment and its starting to look like a plane now! Its a good feeling seeing it sitting in the garage. I am a keen modeller too but actually havent flown models for nearly 2 years. I cant fit in building a real plane, keeping wife and kids happy, upsetting forumites AND build models! Where abouts is Robinvale?
  20. Oh Stevo....dont get your knickers in a knot. I see you have been on here just a few months. Anyone who has been around here a few years knows me and I cant be bothered sh*t stirring or playing games. There are enough trolls on here. I call it how it is. Diplomacy is not my forte. I find it difficult to sit back and watch things implode. I can see im wasting my time here. I will let you guys carry on in peace...over and out!
  21. ...and the bleeding hearters continue! No one is saying they had a crap time when they went. We have established that it is a great social catch up and I agree. I was even in Camp David the first year. Carol pulled something out of her hat that year with what she put on. I dont know what has happened since then but if any one thinks that subsequent Natflys after the first one at Temora were equally attended by visitors and exhibitors, your delusional. It is supposed to be RAA's annual showcase. Its dying! If you cant see that, we have no hope. I recall Steve Runciman standing at the members meeting 3 years ago? and stated that Natfly that year was on a decline. He promised he would get to the bottom of why many suppliers didnt turn up. Has anything been resolved by RAA to get that answer? I havent seen it and it has been a lessor event each year since. I know we are never going to have an Oshkosh here but we can do better! Please tell me as I wasnt there this year. Could I have purchased an instrument or say an AN bolt or a Nicopress sleeve or cable to make a control system? I doubt it very much. I know Ian and the Clear Prop shop wasnt there this year for family reasons. He was the only stall that came close to providing that sort of thing the last 2 years I went. The first year at Temora the "Sky Shop" was there with a bus load of goodies. He looked like he did a good trade. Why wasnt something like that there? Is he the only aircraft hardware supplier in Australia? Scotty
  22. Yes stupid indeed but ironic I had a school mate drown by that very cause.
  23. Matty...dont get defensive. It wasnt addressed directly at you. Continuing to coat it in sugar and going is not solving the issues. Scotty
  24. All the folk on here who either have their heads in the sand or have only been to one Natfly are the ones giving me the sh*ts! I have been to a number of them now both at Narromine and Temora. The first one at Temora was by far the best. If you have only been to one, you have nothing to compare it to. Im glad you all had a ball! Thats great! I would like to think I have offered enough constructive suggestions and have actually offered my time to organise sections of the event as have others on here and its as if the organisers are trying to stop others helping so they can look like the heroes? Im sorry but its BS! If you continue to sugar coat sh*t, it is never going to get better! I admit I have had a great social time when I have gone. I can do that here sitting at home on a Forum. If I am going to drive 9 hours and spend hundreds of dollars to get and stay there, and have offered to help and its been sniggered at, im well with in my rights to be a little put out! I expect an event that suits some of what I am looking for. I know not everyone is a builder and that is fine. Every year we are promised next year will be better, we are sorry for this year, dont know why non of the suppliers turned up, blah blah blah... We will never please every member with regards to location. Temora town have bent over backwards to provide a first class airport and have really supported the event. Its blo*dy RAA who continue to let the members down with this event! Move it around the country, I dont care. Its the content of the event that would bring me. I drive 9 hours to Temora so im happy to go any direction. Dont dismiss what the regulars who have been attending for years have to say. If you put your head in the sand for ever, there wont be an event very soon, kind of like what you are accusing us of doing? Scotty
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