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Everything posted by Bubbleboy

  1. Congratulations to Andrew Carter on his first flight of the Fokker Triplane!
  2. Thought I would put it out here in case someone had the 3 books I was looking for and wanted to sell them. I am looking for the 3 Jeppesen A&P Textbooks. There is a General,Airframe and Engine books. Let me know if you do. Scotty
  3. Hi all...travelling from Tamworth to Narooma for Xmas. Im trying to think up an excuse to escape the inlaws for a day. It looks like about a 2.30 hour drive up to Jaspers Brush from Narooma. Will there be anybody there at this time? Scotty
  4. Ozzie...I made a trip to Luskintyre last weekend. Tom who rebuilds the wings for the Moths and Stampe aircraft is my Spruce supplier. A bit off subject but got to look at his workshop. He does brilliant work building those wings. Was very inspiring! Scotty
  5. Bit more progress over the weekend. Been procrastinating over starting the undercarriage for too long! Lots of angles on this "Jenny" style gear. Made a mock up in pine before I start cutting up Spruce. Scotty
  6. Thanks Guys...once again I appreciate your thoughts. I am going to do a little more research and make some inquiries about the course here so I can have a full overview as to what I am in for. Having the course here in my home town enables me to still run my business for an income and apparently I can do a lot of it by distance learning and attend some practical blocks. I spent yesterday building the wooden undercarriage legs for my Pietenpol and the more I build the more I want to do it for a living. I havent decided either way yet and thank you all for giving me an insight! Scotty
  7. Thanks Guys...a good range of responses with one worrying trend I guess. I know when folk work in the one industry for a long time they can and usually do become cynical about it. Not saying this is the case with anyone here but thats why I wanted to ask the question. If I could work on aircraft for no pay, I would. I have a family to support so thats not an option. I love flying and love aircraft. Have slogged my guts out passing all my pilots exams through to ATPL. I know with hard work I could do it. We have Aviskills here in Tamworth who provide training in conjunction with TAFE. Its right at my back door! I have a mate who works for Qantas as a LAME here and he said the money is with the Airlines...not GA. He does the DASH-8's so probably not a great concern with maintenance for those going off shore but anything is possible. Its a tough one as I still have 25 odd years of work left if I last that long. It would be a shame to get to the end and regret I didnt do it but if the reality is that I would be wasting my time and money then I have to face that too. Im very mechanically minded and know I would be good at it.......Scotty
  8. Hi Mark....thats interesting. The thought of doing Avionics with all the computerised gear now days does nothing for me. When I did Watchmaking 27 years ago it was all steam driven stuff! I really love the thought of working on older style aircraft. Would love a gig at a place like Temora Aviation Museum. Computer systems although they have their place, dont really interest me. Im not sure I would be looking at setting up my own workshop at this stage of life. Im looking for a change in to something I have a passion for to see me through to retirement. Scotty
  9. Hi all...im looking for some advice and information. Im 42 and thinking of a career change. I have often thought of becoming a LAME. I realise I shouldnt be doing it for the money and I can assure you that is not why I am thinking of it but can some one please give me some advice as to what a LAME will earn when first starting out and as they progress through. I am a Trade Certified Watchmaker so avionics would be a natural progression but airframe and engine is what floats my boat at the moment. Probably an open ended question as depends on employer and experience but just looking for a guide. Scotty
  10. Its not the first either! Paul Morrison who is in Auckland if my memory serves me correctly built a Super Cub with a group of students which flew a few years back now. http://www.aviationnews.co.nz/news/10/28/The-Cub-inspiration/ Scotty
  11. Thought I would post a quick update on the TIG Welding course we held last weekend in Canberra. We had 12 guys from all over Australia converge at the TAFE in Fyshwick and we spent 2 days learning to TIG weld. Most of the guys are building aircraft and from this forum. Judging by the feedback I am receiving, they all had a good time and have walked away with an understanding and practical hands on skills to carry on at home and better themselves. Thank you to all the guys and look forward to checking out your new skills in the aircraft you are building! I tried uploading a few pics but having trouble with this new format. Scotty
  12. Great story Maj...Thank you. I recently bought a pair of polarised safety glasses for work and they are darn terrible! Looking through any window gives you the worst vision. Driving the ski boat today I had to take them off as I couldnt see well enough through the windscreen. I dont know much about them but I dont like em! Scotty
  13. What are these magnetos you speak of Nev!...hehe The Corvair uses a Dizzy with dual ignition. One set of points and an electronic module with 2 x Bosch blue coils. How would you use a magneto on an engine like this? Scotty
  14. Bruce...I have a supplier here in NSW for Spruce. The longer the pieces are the more expensive the freight is from the USA. Scotty
  15. Bruce...no hassle at all! I ordered the Spruce capstrip from AS&S in the USA. Ordered it and it was on my doorstep in about 10 days. No hassle at all. Dont order from the AS&S agent in Queensland as he will rip you off faster than look at you. When I questioned him about his quote of $900 compared to the AS&S quote from the USA of $330, he came up with some cock and bull story about import fees etc. There were none. I paid AS&S their $330 and that was it. Maybe I was lucky, I dont know. Scotty
  16. Its the same principle the RTA uses for road registration. It costs several hundred dollars a year more to register my ute than my wifes sedan. The sedan goes faster, I dont use the road any more than she does......explain that one!
  17. There is a single seat tube version if you look it up.
  18. Ironically I watched this very situation on Air crash investigations the other night. Unfortunately the Pilots followed ATC directions instead of the TCAS and whammo! The outcome of it all was that the pilots are supposed to follow the TCAS directions and not ATC. ATC are humans and mistakes will always happen. We cant stop that. Glad all turned out ok in this case. Scotty
  19. Hi Marty...they are 21inch custom motorcycle rims and Avon tyres. Scotty
  20. They are a nice carb Nev, I am running one on my Corvair but you wont get a rebuilt one for less than a $1000. Scotty
  21. Nope...building mine in a single car garage and with a 3 piece wing can be stored at home.
  22. How much more rag and tube do you want? $350 for a set of plans, $2000 for some Spruce & ply and off you go! If you wanted to you could get one of these flying with an EA81 for $10 000. No specialty tools needed and been flying for 80 0dd years. Why are folk trying to reinvent the wheel?....Scotty
  23. 19 going in to 59 sounds like a dry argument to me!....
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