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Everything posted by Bubbleboy

  1. Been a busy bee over the last month or so! Fuselage is coming along and finished gluing the turtle deck over the long weekend. Attacked it today with the sander and its ready to flip over now and start the undercarriage. Mounting the tail wheel first then on to the mains. Wont be long before she is standing on her own 3 feet! Scotty
  2. We have reached our maximum of 12 students for this course. In saying that we will probably find a couple may drop out when the money is due end of July. I will start a wait list if anyone else would like to come. Who ever hasnt paid by due date will be struck off and the next on the list offered a spot.I cant see another course being offered by us so if you would like to attend, let me know asap. It is on Nov 2nd & 3rd 2013 at the Canberra Institute of Technology There are 2 who expressed interest and have been messaged but havent replied. I have sent you two a PM again so if you havent heard from me please check you in box. Scotty
  3. The other is not a biggy, I feel sorry for him as he went once and thought he was needed and came back. That will die a natural death...
  4. One more biggy to go!....come on..he can do it...
  5. Hiya Neil...we are driving up for the TAVAS event. See you there! Scotty
  6. Lol....I wish I had a dollar for every time someone has said that! Im sorry to inform you, I was an Embalmer for 14 years and I can 100% assure you that we have nothing to look forward to in old age and if you think your "Canvas" is going to be in good shape in your older years, you are in for a big shock! No part of your canvas looks good in your older years, decorated with ink or not! Scotty
  7. I like to watch...
  8. Does a fish flying through the air count? Scotty
  9. Barney...$1000 is too much for a core. Also check it has the right serial numbers to be able to be used for an aero conversion. 1965 to 1969 are the best. You can use a 1964 but with restrictions from memory. You need to get the serial numbers off it. Its probably only worth $300 as it is IF the numbers are right. You cant take the guys word that "it was running when it was removed". Scotty
  10. Rod said the first part I highlighted, I said the second.
  11. Thats exactly what Rod Stiff said at the forum he put on. His words were "you get what you pay for". So dont complain when the fan stops prematurely. Im flying a Rotax in a Sportstar at the moment and it purrs along. "Burping" it before the first start of the day still wigs me out a bit....lol Scotty
  12. Hi Downunder....it wouldnt be fair to take orders just for the DVDs. Maybe Ian can add it to the Clearprop shop and we could all buy them from him to support the site. I will contact Ian and see if he wants to. Im organising the course and as part of the course you receive the DVD. Your welcome to join us on the course, we have one spot left at this time. Scotty
  13. I have Darren on Facebook. What is it you need to know? Scotty
  14. Good question! I bought a set of Pietenpol plans from the Pietenpol family in the USA. No serial numbers at all. I then bought the same set with UK approved modifications and these were issued with a serial number. A mate here is building a Corby Starlet and informed me that only one aircraft can be built per set of plans. I dont believe that was Mr Corbys decision but when it comes time to register it, he will need to produce the plans it was built off. He bought a set of plans from a guy who bought them from Mr Corby but didnt build an aircraft off them. He has since confirmed with Mr Corby that this was ok with him and the plans are legit. So with that in mind, I would imagine you will need a set of plans with a serial number or at the very least a letter/contract from the designer stating you can build an aircraft off that set of plans. Someone who knows otherwise please educate me. Scotty
  15. Hi Barney...I was lucky enough to find a guy here in Australia who had bought all the WW parts for his project then couldnt finish it. He listed them all on Ebay and I bought the lot. In saying that I have ordered other parts from WW and had no problems. WW just doesnt tolerate idiots and I am the same so we get on fine. Treat him with a bit of respect and he will bend over backwards for you. He has responded to my emails in the past. I own a business and was answering every call as they came in and found I wasnt getting any work done. I now let them all go to message bank and spend a half hour each night responding which I think is what WW does. To be honest I am finding Roy hard to get a hold of. All these guys dont like using email which is a pain for us due to the time zone difference. I initially chose Roys bearing as he line bores and fits it to your case. I believe you get a better fit that way. In saying that, the Dan second generation bearing has this too from what I have seen. Have you seen the articles WW wrote recently about the different short engine options? Have a look through his archives at http://flycorvair.net/ It was January and February 2013. Looking at a standard Corvair short block assembled with a fifth bearing is between $3000 - $4000. Then freight to get it here. I reckon if WW was approached with an order for some of these he could freight them all together saving a chunk of money for us. Scotty
  16. Just a suggestion. I have a core sitting in Roys Garage in the USA. I am planning on having the crank modified and nitrided, a new OT10 cam fitted and the two case halves joined, a fifth bearing fitted and then sent over. You can get it done here but the Corvair being as rare as hens teeth in Australia, I dont want to trust it to just anyone. I will then assemble the rest of the engine. I dont need mine for probably 18 months either. It would be cost effective to do a bulk buy and have them all shipped together. I have most of the WW parts here already. Freight is the killer and with a core engine, there are a lot of parts that you wont reuse and will toss when it gets here. Your paying to bring parts over that are not used. Scotty
  17. Thank you guys! Thats confirmed it for me! I was on the right track but couldnt pin point an explanation like that on Dr Google! Bending will begin! Scotty
  18. Hiya Mark...thank you for that. I guess what I am trying to ask is what Damkia said above. If im bending a 3mm thick piece to say 90 degrees, do I bend it around a 3mm or a 6mm rod? Radius is half of diameter so to get a 3mm bend radius I would have though I would need a 6mm rod? Still unsure...hhmmm... Scotty
  19. Oh...it looks like I am not the only one here who is struggling with this! Now I am confused! Nev...it is solid 4130 sheet. Doug...yes I was thinking that as radius is half of diameter right? Scotty
  20. Thanks Turbs!...I have a bending brake here but some of the parts have tabs so cant use that. So I was on the right track! Thanks for the help Scotty
  21. Im at the stage of bending 4130 Chrome Moly for my Pietenpol project. I understand that when bending these parts, you bend across the grain, allow at least 1 x the thickness of the piece as the bend radius. I know I cant just clamp the piece up in my vice and smack it with a hammer to bend it...as easy as that would be to do Im struggling to get my head around the bend radius. As an example, if I had a piece of 3mm Chrome Moly I need at least a 3mm bend radius. To achieve this, would I need to bend it around a 3mm rod or 1.5mm rod? Radius being half the diameter. Have I confused you yet? Also does anyone know of a commercially available bending block with various radius made on each corner? I believe a beveled block is best so you can do a 90 degree bend with out the spring back effect. I know, I could make one but it would be a bit hit and miss I would reckon. I know there are some very talented and knowledgeable folk on here who probably think I am a doodle for not understanding this but im never afraid to ask for help when im out of my depth! Scotty
  22. Its locked in! November 2nd & 3rd at the Canberra Institute of Technology. It looks like the cost will be around $450 per person. This includes the course fees, the TIG welding DVD from the EAA and lunch both days. Hours will be 8am to 4pm. For those who have expressed an interest on this forum, can you please message me with your name, postal address, phone number, email and if you will need a Motel room and for how many nights. We need payment by the end of July. I will place a bulk order to the EAA for the DVD's and forward those to each person before the course. At this time we have 9 places taken so only 3 left. If we get more than the max 12, I will take a list and at the end of July, those who havent paid will be struck off and the next person on the list offered a spot. My man on the ground in Canberra is talking to a local Motel if anyone needs a place to sleep. Scotty
  23. Selling Beetroot on TV! Aussie grown Beetroot too! Scotty
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