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  1. Thanks, do you know what type of bikes use similar radiators. Cheers Rich
  2. Please anyone at all :)
  3. Hi all Just wondering if anyone has a set of twin radiators lying around the want to sell, they are for a high mount Thruster setup. Mine have been repaired to their absolute limits and maybe beyond. I only need the radiators. Maybe someone has sourced alternatives with same dimentions and volumes, eg motorbike etc. At the end of the day Rotax outsource alot of their components. Cheers Rich
  4. Hi all I was just wondering if anyone could tell me if it make sense that my Rotax 582 Grey head, on my Thruster Gemini, has a radio suppressor connected in between the Grey Tachometer wire and the wire leading to the tachometer. Many thanks:thumb_up::thumb_up: Rich
  5. Thanks Matt Perception is just a friendly entry phrase to a discussion of a major concern. As for sport.. welll.. as I said I'm new to this, maybe I misunderstand The intention of "light spot aircraft" category. I believe we all desire to function professionally here. Any way thanks to all who have commented so far. As TECH MAN suggests, I just want to address the idea that incidents happen and don't get properly reported by the people involved. At the end of the day I'm sure that we will all feel safer and more comfortable if we make it very "uncool" for people to not report aircraft accidents or failures. Cheers Rich :thumb_up:
  6. Rich

    Bar jokes

    A termite goes into a pub and asks the attendant Is the bartender here? ;)
  7. Rich

    Bar jokes

    Anotherone A set of Jumper Leads walks into a pub and goes up to the bar and the bartender says I'll serve you, but dont start anything Cheers Rich
  8. Hi everyone I just wanted to post my thoughts and hope that someone can align my perception. I am new to this sport and cant get enough, I am so interested that I want to buy an aircraft. I posted on the Thruster thread last night about an incident where the tail plane had broken. The point I was making and the thing that concerns me is that we all found out about this incident by accident. Robin advises that he sent a report to RA AUS but apparently they did not get it. Tony from TOSG was very concerned that he was not aware of the incident and of course wants to prevent an further problems. As a prospective aircraft buyer I am very busy doing all I can to get all the information I can about type and specific plane history so I can make the most informed decision I can. This is where I need some help in understanding the culture of this sport. Do we have a culture where people avoid telling anyone about an accident or incident so as to avoid embarrassment or to possibly devalue the aircraft involved. Do people refrain from telling others about incidents we know of, so as to protect the name of our mates. Do people refrain from notifying RA AUS because we fear our flying ability will come into question. Or is peoples experience that the incidents are reported to RA AUS and simply not followed up, or lost in the black hole of missing emails. As I look for the right plane and find out which one suits me best, I want to be confident that I don't miss anything because it was deliberately hidden or missed due to poor processes. What I do know is that those involved in recreational Flying want to be seen as professionals and people with high standards of operation. The issue I have is one of continued safety, and what we are prepared to tolerate as an operational model. Cheers Rich
  9. Hi every one I'm new to flying but boy do I have the bug. I cant get in the air enough and I feel like a sponge wanting to soak up all the information I can about the sport. Thanks heaps to Ian for this site and to all those who make valuable contributions. Cheers Rich :thumb_up:
  10. Homework Thanks Tony for all you do and for the TOSG. Tony knows about this incident because Tuesday I was doing some back ground checking on a Thruster I was looking to buy. I called Robin as he had knowledge of the plane I was looking at. Robin was very helpful and obviously knowledgeable and during the course of the conversation he told me about the incident with his Thruster. I had been speaking to Tony from TOSG earlier that day as I'm trying my best to get the most information I possibly can about the aircraft type and even specifically individual plane history. As I'm sure is the case for all of those who have purchased or wish to purchase an aircraft, you do all the homework you can to make the most informed decision you can. As for Thrusters I am very grateful to Tony for providing such a thorough and available source of information regarding these aircraft. The one thing that leaves me wondering and more than a little bit uncomfortable is the lack of incident information provided by the RA AUS, I'm new to all this so someone may need to manage my expectations. Thanks again Tony for letting me pester you. And I'm glad Robin lives to tell the Tail ;) Cheers Rich
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