My first flight
Well it all happened this morning.
A very thorough pre-flight and a deep breath as the harness clicked shut.
Another deep breath as I finished the run-up and prepared to transmit my enter/backtrack/intention message.
Every rivet, nut, bolt, cable and wire had been mentally revisited overnight and now it was time to put them to work.
Six hundred metres of runway ahead of me and I'm used to sixteen hundred, gee, that looks short.
Power on slowly, one, two, three, firewall and the nose is up and in no time and we are airborne. Overhead the cross-strip at 200 feet and still 400 odd metres of runway in front of us!!!
Overhead the end of the strip and that lovely long nose is pulling me towards the clouds at 1000 fpm and I need to be careful not to exceed circuit height before I turn cross wind.
That first turn was so gentle with no need for rudder, at first I thought the ball was stuck!
Trimmed up, we turned downwind and did all the checks, a little slowly as I'm still getting used to the location of everything being used to a Jabiru.
It was a pretty quick downwind, as I had yet to sort out best speed for circuits, and before I knew it I'm throttling back and setting up the landing. No flaps again, the plan was to do this one clean.
Approach was smooth at 45 knots with a trickle of throttle needed to overcome a little sink and it was a piece of cake to keep her lined up with the Savvie's lovely big rudder.
Throttle back as the fence was cleared, nose up a little and the landing was so smooth I hardly felt the main gear touch the ground!
Taxi back and celebrate my first flight with both a Tiger Moth driver and a Gazelle driver in the parking area.
What a plane!!