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Everything posted by Dinga

  1. I have a HGFA registered 912. It needs to have a 2 yearly Independent Maintenance Inspection and this needs to be carried out by either an RAA listed Maint authority or a HGFA listed maint authority. There are many people in HGFA that have completed the Rotax Maint course and this enables them to be listed as qualified to carry out the inspections. No biggie.
  2. So how is this going Cali, its an interesting topic and I'm certainly keen to see where it has gone so far. I also fly Trikes at Bunbury and have to say it seems to work quite well of course there will always be people that do not follow correct procedure but they come from all areas of aviation.
  3. Yep, Downunder has hit it on the head. Great little community lots of friendly help and advice when required and no problem with hangarage. Easy run from Rocky down the Forrest Highway. I’m always down at weekends give me a heads up and come down i’ll Also introduce you to Jeff who has Airsports WA who do Gyro and Microlights, we’ll take up in the Microlight.
  4. Hi Nathan, Welcome. If you are thinking about flying out of Bunbury (depending on where in Perth you live) give me a call its a great place with plenty of like minded people. Dave in the hanger next to ours has just sold his Thruster to move on to something else but there's allsorts down there.
  5. And so are these findings being made available by other than contacting the Coroners Office. I know this has been discussed but the the whole sporting fraternity may have something to learn from this.
  6. Hi Greg, havent seen you for a while, drop by the hanger sometime on a weekend. I need to fly in to your place for a cuppa real soon.
  7. G'Day Paul, Good to see you here. Jump into it you wont regret it
  8. Hi Downunder, yes I pretty much second that, and yes the Microlight Instructor and new School is in place too. I love the activity at Bunbury, never know what you are going to be in a cct with, RFDS, Water Bomber, RAC Rescue, or light aricraft/recrational. Keeps you on your toes :-) Also the breakfast at the Bunbury Aero Club and all are welcome.
  9. Hi Brett, Mate in general yes always something available. If you keep in touch and let me know nearer the time I'l get a few names and pass on to you.
  10. LOL, its not so bad, an easy 1.7 door to door. I only really have either Bunbury or York as a base for Microlights so a bit limited for hangers unless I want to trailer it each time to a local site and that's a pain and doesn't really save much time. Beauty is that Bunbury has a good crowd and active Microlights so it's a good community there.
  11. Hi Martin, welcome. Where are you based, I fly out of Bunbury at the moment but live in Willetton.
  12. G'Day Jimbjim, where and what are you flying? I am in Perth used to fly GA and now Microlights.
  13. Hi, you can see it here Airborne Microlight Edge X 582 Streak | Other Sports & Fitness | Gumtree Australia Perth City Area - Perth | 1128882698
  14. Hi All, As my OzRunways subscription rapidly approaches I noticed that the Premium subscription has increased to $169. I was wondering how many of you use the full Premium and how many go for the standard VFR ($99) maybe with a second tablet add on ($20). This is $50 less than the full subscription and I'm not really sure how much benefit I am getting from the full package. I fly a 582 Microlight so I'm not exactly breaking distance boundaries, what are your thoughts on this and what you gain from the AOPA Airfields and Pilots Touring Guide add-ons? Cheers.
  15. Hi Mate, sounds like a great idea. I come over from time to time to fly with Larry at Adelaide Airsports, have you spoken to him? He's a Hangy from way back too I believe.
  16. Thanks Keith, Yes, quite correct of course however, I don't believe either really have the interests of Microlights at heart, IMHO of course. Thanks anyway.
  17. Apologies if I've missed this already but are ELAAA going to cater for the needs of Microlights?
  18. Although quite some years ago yes I am sure I remember it being available at Jandakot when I was there. Definitely a good idea if its available I think in some way a regular passenger like a spouse should have a fall back plan.
  19. Wow, that's interesting, I always just assumed (yes stupid I know) that it was required.........mmmmmm, wonder how the tower will respond when I call inbound in my Tike
  20. Hi Lain, Great flying here mate, I'm one of the Bunbury flyers previously mentioned. Will be great to have you on board (pardon the pun). You don't happen to be Stewarts mate do you? Keep in touch and let me know if there's anything we can do here to ease the transition :-) Craig
  21. Aircraft can make great accommodation, like the DC3 at the Dutch Windmill. Mind you, it IS a DC3, jeeez love those a/c.
  22. Just posted this to "Classifieds"........ For sale is my Airborne Edge X 582 Streak. This has been my entry level Aircraft and has done me proud. If you are looking for an inexpensive entry level aircraft, then this could be for you. If you have always thought about learning to fly then this is your perfect first Aircraft & I can help you out with obtaining your Weightshift Microlight Certificate. The Streak Wing is light, easy to handle and gets off the ground with great ease even with two people. Check out a video here, this could be you....... Current TTIS is 240hrs. This aircraft comes with HD Pod, Spat & Prop Covers, Wing Bag, EPIRB, Icom VHF Radio, 2 x almost new Helmets, Comms & 2 x EQ1 Wireless VOX Headsets & PTT that are great with no need for wires. Aircraft is current with maintenance has just had its Independent Bi-Annual Maintenance Inpection and is crrently being flown at Bunbury. Registration is current with HGFA until Aug 2017.
  23. +1 for Aldinga, that's what I was thinking,
  24. What are you flying Stickshaker.......?
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