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About johnprop

  • Birthday May 13


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    Burraneer NSW 2230
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  1. "At a minimum, all pilots must undergo the background checks for an AVID and ASIC. Only those pilots who require frequent access to a secure area of a security controlled airport will need to undergo the more robust background checks for an ASIC." CASA website. What is "a secure area of a security controlled airport" ? In August I received an AVID card (valid for 5 years) 4 months after applying and making representation to my NSW Senator who referred my representation to the office of the Aviation? Minister.
  2. See video on Carmody's answers to questions about drones from the senators Is Carmody on the “nose” – Senator O’Sullivan is of that view Assistance to the Aviation Industry <[email protected]>
  3. Hi jonny, AvMed will most likely refer your application to their Complex Case Panel who may issue you with a Class 2 Medical subject to Audit. If so you will be required to submit a report from your medical specialist at specified periods e.g every tree months which may be a costly exercise unless your medico bulk bills. If CASA proceeds down this path and issues you with a Class 2 medical then in the event of an incident/accident insurance coverage should be retained given CASA has issued you with a medical to fly. Good luck
  4. Nexus 9 tablet is available on eBay
  5. Tablets other than Google tablets (i.e. Nexus brand) can have bloatware. Nexus phones and tablets are the first to receive the latest Android updates and software repairs. My Nexus 9 (230mm diagonal screen) has just been updated to Android 7.1.1. The advice of your navigation software provider is also a consideration. e.g Ozrunways recommend the Google Nexus 9 if you are using the Android version of their software..
  6. Also approaching 73 and just renewed my Class 2 Medical notwithstanding being treated for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) and Melanoma.
  7. We have been down the Recreational Pilot Licence (RPL) road with CASA before with a Discussion Paper Mar 2002, an NPRM July 2003, Responses to the NPRM July 2003, a Draft MO July 2003 and a Draft Civil Aviation Safety Amendment Regulation (Not for signature) 2003. RPL was then killed off or left to wither either by people within CASA or by politicians. Now we go down the same path once again. The latest being RPL being shunted off to a CASA GA task force. Don't hold your breath. Clive
  8. Hi Ian, Just caught this thread and have not read all the comments to-date. Has consideration been given to the brightness of the screen in sunlight which is an issue with pilots flying mid wing and low wing aircraft? I have just upgraded my mobile phone from HTC Windows OS to Samsung Galaxy S II Android OS and looking to the future will only go with an Android tablet. Cheers Clive VH-SST
  9. FYI plans & elevations attached VH-SST VEZ plan, elevations.pdf VEZ plan, elevations.pdf VEZ plan, elevations.pdf
  10. Do you still have your Vari- Eze? johnprop
  11. Can someone tell me if the Thursday Forum in Hangar A from 9 am - 12 noon "OB Maintenance Course" conducted by Steve Bell is repeated from 2pm-4pm, or is the 2pm-4pm session Part 2 of a two part course? Also is this a mandatory RAAus course equivalent to the SAAA Maintenance Procedures Course mandated by CASA Instrument 43/11 (superseded by 56/11) ? Clive
  12. In the US it has become popular for aircraft owners to purchase land / homes (hanger homes) adjacent to airports that would allow the homeowner the convenience to walk out of his or her home, jump into their aircraft, taxi to the airstrip and take off. This was referred to as “Through The Fence” (TTF) access, and although the airport had a perimeter fence in most cases there was no fence between the home owner and the airport. At present, there are 75 airports in the continental U.S. where residential through-the-fence access is known to exist. Are there any such arrangements in Australia and if not should there be and where? Clive
  13. An aviation operator at Cootamundra has received written advice that Shell Aviation have decided to pull out of a few regional sites including Cootamundra effective from 1 December 2008. Two weeks ago I asked Shell Aviation ( [email protected] ) would they confirm which outlets are to be closed. I have not received a reply. Does anyone know which Shell regional sites are to be closed and what if any alternative arrangements have been made for the supply of Avgas to those sites to be abandoned by Shell Aviation. Is big oil deserting the bush just like the big banks? What happened to cross subsidisation? johnprop
  14. Just because heritage preservation didn't work at Archerfield is no reason not to have go elsewhere. Clive
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