Most costs have been covered well by Skippy and Smakko. I purchased the Bulldog from UK. flew there inspected, packed it myself with the help of experienced pilots, an engineer and the ex owner. Not knocking a couple of the guys but they were very Blazae in their packing expertise. Fortunately I was there to oversee. Being green the next problem I encountered was not getting an export C of A.. the Aussie C of A cost me aprox 4 times than it would have if it was done in the UK, being the only one of type here in OZ could have impacted this. Next problem: AQIS tried to charge me luxury tax because it was for private use, we argued for days on this but eventually our local engineer ( Gawler airfield ) got me out of it, all this while my 2 days free unloading time slot slipped away ( another added charge ) they also insisted pressure washing $2400 once out the container. We argued this too due to later possible internal corrosion and requested all authorisation personnel to supply me all their full lifelong contact details should the Bulldog suffer a inflight breakup, they declined authorising me to pick it up. AQIS were there while unloading and run an unpressurised water hose over the wheels $2400 thank you very much. BTW I did use an experienced F/ F, that aircraft near cost me double the purchase price by the time I got it flying. Will I do it again? Not if I can purchase in Oz the savings may not be savings at the end of the day, unless it’s something different/ special or not available here. I can’t speak of an RA-Aus.