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Steve L

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Everything posted by Steve L

  1. Looking at the rego it appears Canadian
  2. Aussie ambulance sirens would be the go. Don't know how heavy or bulky they are though.
  3. I want the trophy for going through the fence Alf
  4. Do u have a spare seat Scott, don't know if the Bulldog will get in there, then I have to be home. I'm still in the NT atm till who knows when.
  5. Could be an advertising gimmick Phil and the +6G could make the inexperienced feel it was aerobatic. What is the CAA E4455 exemption. I also noticed they give a weight for the cockpit and extra weight for the wing ??? " I DONT WANT THE WING THANKS I'M A BIT OF A PUD AND IT WILL MAKE ME OVERWEIGHT"
  6. Its a real tragedy Marty and a huge loss for the family especially if they were at the scene our hearts go out to them. I read in one of the media reports that it may have been a student and instructor in the Cessna. ( media is always right ) "Old Koreelah, a horn could be mounted forward facing in the cowl with a flap when closed would still form the cowl shape, activated from the power supply to the horn through a model aircraft servo, light and easy as. I wouldn't be too concerned by getting sound pitch levels right to suit different hearing types, just get it as loud as possible. Some will hear it which in turn would alarm others.
  7. I have had chicks rip my heart from its mountings . . . . . But I'm still here
  8. Tim I'm going to practise my short field landings / take offs, maybe I can make it, it will be a good night. Steve
  9. One track, sorry I should have been clearer, I wasn't referring Hoch could have been involved in the Rotax engine, near impossible I think. Sadly sabotage to aircraft does happen and my reference to Hoch was merely a reference to aircraft getting tampered with. One would think - expect that the aircraft fraternity would have a much higher level of integrity, it appears not at times.
  10. Josh Hoch: Pilot charged for tampering with planes, but no changes in the air
  11. Mmmmmm, Josh Hoch from Mt Isa seems to ring a bell. I'll see if I can find the story
  12. Yeh Bex but don't you think they would have put them through a furnace
  13. This is different, it actually clears the ground for a while but my teeth would have fallen out by then.
  14. Great to hear Stefan, I took the iPad to a computer store as you know and they couldn't load whatsapp, that was near 2 years ago so i'll ask my daughter to try and load it again,. Temperatures here atm are around 16 deg's and not much sun would that be ok to UV the wings. I have them covered up and was going to do them in warmer months. Cheers Steve
  15. Hi Stefan, yes all done just have to fit the strobe light mount and run the wires but it has come out very good. The wings are finished except the u/v and the paint, that will wait till the warmer months.
  16. Very sad indeed a guy doing what he loved, our hearts go out to the families. Here we go speculating again, but hopefully we will learn from this, whether it's pilot error, the weather or even SB10-152 . . . ATSB may shed some light soon.
  17. hi Franc, MK 11 Explorer Taildragger / 912 ULS which I have already. wings are finished and covering the fuselage shortly. this pic was taken about a year ago.
  18. hi Franc welcome to the forum, I'm building a Bushbaby here in OZ steve
  19. belite electronics have some impressive instruments where the LED's changes color when the engine gets out of preset parameters. Not sure if they have an audible warning though
  20. This is how I set the parts up as they came from the factory in sealed bags, everything is referenced in seconds no need for individual containers just staple them to a board. Most are in sub assemblies and all part numbers are on the individual packets. Works well for me.
  21. bull I just found a early post on here regards the landing, maybe it was a hoax This is stupidity -Touch and Go on the Rock
  22. I was there at the time bull, went looking for it after I heard the news. I was at the Cappi roadhouse at the time but couldn't find the plane. but yes it actually happened as others claimed to have seen it. Another event I heard about was a light airplane landed or attempted to land on Ayers Rock. The news broadcast the incident showing the black marks made by the tyres. It seemed that most of the focus was cleaning the rubber. I never heard of any follow up.
  23. Thats interesting about the Airtourer Yenn. What engine did it have. I operate the Bulldog which I thought had similar performance as the Victa. The year before last I flew to Temora's Warbirds Downunder airshow. Some may remember how hot and windy it was there at the time, high 40s. and high gusting winds. Landing at Griffith for fuel was very challenging, our 3 ipads crashed which made me navigate manually but the Bulldog performed flawlessly. Onetrack, I have spent a lot of time at Woody Woody, Telfer and Marble Bar working from the early 70s till just recently and have encountered 50 + deg on many occasions so I know how hot it gets there. Good place to get accustomed to the heat.
  24. OME maybe Trike1 may have hit the wrong button. No lucky dip from KFA ( Bushbaby Explorer ) which I'm building, all parts were in clearly marked with part numbers in plastic bags which I stapled to a peg board on the wall of the hanger. Made it easier to check off with the packing list and heaps easier to see when assembling the kit. even the bungee cords were in a clearly marked plastic bag ( I guess some might think they were for holding luggage down haha ) anyway I have just got home and I,ll take a pic tomoro and post it. steve
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