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Everything posted by chippy061

  1. There was certainly a full ground briefing - the 2 restarts i did was to ensure that we could be sure of a start if it was really needed - it was not a done deal if there wasnt a safe slot in other traffic so we made sure we were airborn early morning - there were hints on this in what i said - i was trying to avoid total verbal diarrhoea. chippy
  2. Heres a good little story - My initial introduction to recreational flying was in a j160 with an instructor with a aeronautical engineering degree ,very experiencd competition glider pilot and tug pilot & CFI of the training establishment told me this flight will be a forced landing from 3000 ft in the vicinity of the aerodrome - if i pull it off my next flight will be the licence test so off we went up to 3000 ft - he showed me how to close down the engine - made me do it twice - gee i thought this is fun ! - he said its my aeroplane now - closed the engine down a said - "ok sunshine its all yours - put me down on the piano keys of xx , & do your radio calls - "it" immediately started to run down the back of both legs ! - but due to pure arse i did the job.
  3. Yes i agree but if you read the first 2 proposed limitations casa has detailed in their draft 1425SS (which is/was on jabirus website) i would suggest that all bets are off with regard to RAAs determinations on this topic! cheers chippy
  4. i agree with you totally- a good response - i hope RAA come across it ! Chippy
  5. Thanks for reminding me of 228 - point taken cheers
  6. i can see where u are coming & agree but my aditional interpretation is that flight below 500 ft is not permitted unless u are actually taking off or landing & maintaing the other lateral separations - but a practice forced landing is not a strictly a takeoff & landing as so to speak so proceeding below 500 ft agl is illegal cheer buddy - thanks for your interest
  7. hi everyone,this is c my first "have a say" as a new member - I am the proud owner of a good second hand jabba 160c & in my view its a great little aeroplane & all things considered I would not have anything else, current engine problems included. I would certainly prefer a TEF in the jabba in preference to a GA "heavy metal" job that ive flown commercially for a good number of years. I practice forced landings every month solo for at least 1-2 hours but I would warn against t/o "turn backs " without having a very detailed discussion with you local CFI.- Im sure he will sugguest the usual 60 degrees either side of runway centreline - now comes the "gripe" - RAA/CASA would do well to rethink the RAA ops. manual in regard to CAO95.32 (2011) item 8 witch clearly states a minimum height of 500 feet - this is rediculus & dangerous for the very reason that if your field length is marginalised you have no idea at 500 ft. if you are going to make it a safe op. by pressing on. CASA has designated low flying areas close to GA aerodromes So RAA u have to badger them for the same deal !. in a 2000m field you grandmother could pull it of !! - as a side issue I hope CASA avails themselves of getting a good legal brief from the crown law dept.as to the definition of the word "passenger" - if flying schools cant carry a person on a TIF they'll be a hellava commotion ! cheer guys. have good day
  8. spent 40 years in GA,charter licence, CFI/chief ground instructor/lectured at a prominent aust.operation in FT for international airlines
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