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  1. Hello Philip, Are you aware of the manditory service directive issued this month for the G3's cooling system? It requires a visual inspection BEFORE NEXT FLIGHT of the tubing near the push rod tubes and exhaust. My Remos is ok, and probably yours as well, for although our serial numbers require the inspection, the affected engines seem to be limited to earlier models. If you'd like a copy of the service directive, I can email it to you in PDF format. Best, John [email protected]
  2. Nice videos, and even nicer plane!!
  3. I agree a complete wing retrofit would be extreme. And you're right, the Remos loves to fly -- I gave a flight instructor a ride and his landings were pretty horrible. He wants to go for another ride soon to "redeem" himself :) Lately I have been using 15 degrees of flaps and employing a fairly extreme slip on final to stay under Vfe. Seems to work pretty well, especially in crosswind situations. Still learning after 47 hours. If you'd like to see a short video of my landing with doors off at my home base, 9A0, go to Youtube and do a search for Remos G3 -- mine is the second one listed as "my first landing with doors off...." Watch the video in "high quality". It was a fun, though somewhat tense experience flying doors off, as you can tell from my expression at the end of the video. I thoroughly enjoy the experience now and fly doors off quite a lot as it is blazing hot summer here in southeast USA. Keep me posted if you decide to explore enlarging the baggage compartment -- I will do same. Zebmeat
  4. Thanks for the reply. You've made me feel somewhat better as I was not aware of the degradation in performance specs on the GX. I do like the GX's extra storage in the baggage compartment behind the pilot's seat, however. I am attaching a pic of what I believe it to be. I am wondering if we might be able to retrofit or redesign the compartment on the G3 to allow extra storage. Also, my home airport is surrounded by hills and trees, and even after 47 hours in the G3 I must work hard (often forward slipping) to make steep descent, short field landings. I understand the GX has "slatted" or "slotted" flaps which increase drag and allow for steeper descents. I am therefore curious if we might replace our flaps with the GX type -- but with the shorter wing on the GX, the flaps are probably not compatible, i.e. shorter, than the flaps on the G3. Zebmeat
  5. remos gx Remos kept it very quiet, but the G3 is no longer. After 250 G3's, Remos retooled and is now producing the GX, with several improvements on the G3 design. Being a G3 owner only since March of '08, I wish I could have been informed of this change, but, knowing how business works, Remos had to divest itself of the remaining G3's. I hate knowing that the value of my airplane (though it is NOT for sale) has devalued significantly. I love the G3, but like the changes made in the GX. Zebmeat
  6. Great photo gallery! It would seem you followed the construction of your Remos from its beginnings at the factory in Germany. Mine was shipped to Arkansas, USA, reassembled there, then flown by my agent to my airport, 9A0, in Georgia. We flew 263RA around the pattern a few times, gained altitude, did slow flight/stalls, and then did my first landing --- blam! I really planted it on the runway the first time. My landings have gotten better and better I'm proud to say. My serial number is 221. I'm not sure if mine is the 221st Remos built or the exact significance of that number. Do you know the significance of the number, and if so, what is yours? Cheers! Zebmeat
  7. Pic of my Remos. Me in white pants.
  8. Congrats on getting your rating, and what a pretty bird! I'll post a pic of mine here soon. I am in north Georgia, USA and took delivery on my Remos March 11th. I have since put 25 hours on the plane, and am FINALLY able to grease my landings. The Remos just doesn't want to land! Especially with a headwind. I love the plane, but I must say that getting a "seat of the pants" feel for landing it nicely took some amount of practice. It truly is a LIGHT sport aircraft. I have a private pilot license, and have about 2000 hours in everything from an Aeronca Champ to a Piper Comanche (sold the Comanche last August). My wife and I took the doors off the other day, and what a wonderful flying experience that was! I have a question for you; do you notice occasional vibration in the stick, especially at higher power settings? I do notice this, and am wondering if it is anything to be concerned about. I would hate for a harmonic occillation to wear on the bushings in the removable horizontal stabilizer. This vibration is not particularly strong, only a slight shuddering in the stick. But, all in all, I love the Remos -- the visibility is fantastic, as is the low fuel burn. I use 100 LL, so I keep the RPM a bit high (around 5000 RPM) to keep the lead from accumulating in the valve seats. I also use a fuel additive that supposedly scavenges out some of the lead. Let's stay in touch, and please let me know if you have any experience with the stick vibration I mentioned above. Happy flying!! Zebmeat in USA
  9. Hi all. Nice to be a member of the forum. Wonder if there are any other Remos people out there? Glad to hear about the new Aeroshell Sport Plus 4 oil for Rotax that will allow us to use both avgas and mogas! zebmeat
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