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Everything posted by Birdseye

  1. It reminds me of one manufacturer, but I think I'm Miles off.
  2. Actually, if I remember correctly, the pilot was sacked after doing it a second time.
  3. That article could be read as suggesting that they have nil expectation that anything will be found and that time will be the only factor.
  4. If the suystem is the same as here, the councillors have no power to control much at all, the real power is in the un-elected employees that run these 'sheltered workshop' councils.
  5. Inadvertently transmitted cabin addresses can cause mirth at times, but can also bite. Many moons ago a domestic jet inbound to Heathrow was told by Heathrow approach to "leave Bovingdon heading 140, no delay, runway 28R" as was the norm in light traffic periods. Shortly after came a cabin address over the air: "apologies for our late arrival, this was due to ATC delays". Nothing rancours an ATC than to be blamed for delays as a result of congestion, especially when there aren't any! The next transmission the errant pilot heard was "enter the hold at Bovingdon".............. It wasn't me on radar that day, but I would have enjoyed doing the same.
  6. Its definitely got a hint of Taylorcraft about it.
  7. Small aircraft may be a T38 (profile attached) and the white winged item looks like a drone.
  8. It could have been worse, imagine flying through a swarm of bees with those shorts on
  9. These nautical 'pimp mobiles' are a travesty to nautical design. No place on any site that supports aesthetic design.
  10. I think 'Pacific Wart' or 'Pacific Slug' would be more fitting. An outhouse on stilts.
  11. Could be worse, you could live in a country where Ramadan is followed avidly (or live in Perth).
  12. Video of earlier flight. Obviously confused the investigators as well, they show it in the 'piston' category.
  13. The legislation referred to "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018." has sod all to do with boomerangs. Serves as a useful reminder that Wiki is just a collation of individual inputs and is self moderating. Somebody thought it worth slipping in a funny.
  14. Truly a flipper.
  15. Extraction with or without injection?
  16. Note sure what the 'More' button is intended for 'Ron Dunn', but this is what I was referring to:
  17. Funny style of ASI and altimeter on the panel in that article, looks rather 'ar*e about'.
  18. Remember seeing the A series with the glass nose, but never seen the radar 'snozzle' one before.
  19. Base aircraft is a TU 134, nose add on looks a bit like a TU 22 bomber.
  20. Yes, a SRN4. Youtube of it in action:
  21. Yes, a very low flying aircraft?
  22. The cabin crew will call a halt to this. After all they will have no excuse to demand that you close the window blinds "to make viewing easier" and become semi comatose in the darkened and oxygen depleted cabin environment. As a result, people will want to eat and guzzle throughout the flight. Jeez, the cabin crew will have to work!
  23. From a quick view of Mr Nagy's LinkedIn profile, I don't see much flying experience.
  24. Comprehensive pre-screening of all ticket purchases is an effective action to reduce risk. 'Blind Freddy' could identify who the major risk groups are. The problem is that the country is run by PC weak-spined persons that will not do anything that might offend various minority factions. Heaven forbid anyone should suggest risk profiling! The whole aviation security issue falls down at the weakest link. Who really believes an ASIC has any credibility?
  25. I see little point in pontificating or speculating as to what or what may not have happened, at least until there is something of substance reported on the occurrence.
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