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Everything posted by Birdseye

  1. An aerial shot of Fauld shortly after the event.
  2. A friend and former work colleague was OC Standards at Valley; big lad. He had to trim the heels of his flying boots to fit in the Gnat.
  3. Some indications of the future Tornado? Regarding the previous post about armchair aircraft, from a quick sit in the two seater and a brief stint in the simulator, I don't recall the Lightning to be that tight in cockpit space, certainly nothing like the Gnat in that regard.
  4. Assuming enough thrust, I reckon that would fly nicely.
  5. A scale D.H. Vampire would be nice.
  6. Great replica, but probably not the nicest aircraft to actually fly.
  7. Agree. Properly constructed, multi-choice can be very effective. It may identify not only that a person has the necessary knowledge, but if done correctly, it may also identify where a person has not really got hold of the right end of the stick. I exclude any assessment where nonsense such as "d) All of the above" is used. Like any technical document it should be written by people with the expertise in effective assessment and the technical subject knowledge. The worst scenario in my experience is to put the project in the hands solely of the technical subject matter expert. Before release, some basic testing with a small range of individuals will serve to identify any deficiencies in the assessment.
  8. Some c**k head needs to get a life: ""The actions of this aircrew are wholly unacceptable and antithetical to Navy core values," said a statement issued by the NAS Whidbey Island airbase."
  9. Its exceedingly difficult to get anything useful out of banks. During one of my past internet-based hobbies, I frequently came across bank account details being used for fraudulent purposes and large numbers of credit card numbers being circulated between crooks. I made many frustrating calls to bank security people who seemed to have a 'don't give a crap' attitude and mumbled on about privacy issues. Fortunately I found a police contact (not in Oz, they were useless) who was happy to deal with the CC lists.
  10. My view (i.e. my opinion based on readings over many years) is that there was a flaw in their claim. I don't seek to change anyone's opinion, nor do I expect anyone to feel they have the right to change mine. The facts you claim are merely hearsay when reported by a third party, it is up to the person viewing those reports to determine their efficacy.
  11. By deduction, its unlikely that an aircraft that subsequently needed assistance, actually took off under its own power in the first place. Even the Smithsonian is guarded in its description of this first flight.
  12. No, it required a counterweight to start it off.
  13. That's better, something to substantiate the story.
  14. I heard something like that from 'a bloke down the pub' about the Titanic.
  15. Then the communists in power in the UK post-war gave the technology to the USSR that resulted in the effective engine in the Mig-15. Incidentally the same commies were also responsible for cancelling another great aircraft, the TSR-2. Puts all this crap about dual-nationality and Federal government into perspective...irrelevant nonsense.
  16. Unlike its namesake, at least this one flew under its own power.
  17. Nah he wasn't an Aussie, it was Bigglesworth.
  18. I reckon it would be a fair guess to say that it was to commemorate some milestone and was facing forward purely done for the camera's benefit.
  19. Yes, I've heard of similar cases.
  20. Worst case in my experience was a card that was compromised within 48 hours of receipt. Used only once on a telephone online transaction with a large and reputable Australian company. So it was either them or the bank itself that was the issue. As usual they refused to advise me of the outcome.
  21. I think your guess about the ramp is correct. There is more info on other pages in that link, including a plan that shows the 'inclined road to the airfield'.
  22. In defence of the aircraft, this and the previous accident appear unrelated to the aircraft itself, more likely the way it was being operated. As to the price hike? No defence for that.
  23. A circle and a loop are probably the same to your average terran muppet.
  24. Another one of the family, the same aircraft I believe I helped to start and taxy at Shoreham many moons ago.
  25. Very nice 83
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