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Everything posted by Birdseye

  1. I think the correct phrase Bruce would be "Obscene waste of our money".
  2. Latest example is Airbus resurrecting them, but primarily as a means of increasing effective wingspan without physically extending it beyond the 80 metres footprint permitted under current airport standards.
  3. Presumably he didn't have to use the aircraft's oxygen system during the display?
  4. As a past Hayabusa rider, I can vouch that the only time you'll get the same sensation of speed is in the last seconds of a terminal dive!
  5. Excellent engine choice. Presumably they have both radial and in-line options.
  6. Looks very neat, in fact better than many commercial products I've seen. Have you settled on the firewall forward arrangements?
  7. Better take your wellies, a bit of flooding today. I think he's talking about the LB massage places on Bangla Road.
  8. Great statement: "The crash may be the result of a "steep vertical descent," according to Wired."
  9. I always look for the spinners and try and keep away from the dragons.
  10. Does it come with a small flashing sign? A great name for a Chinese massage shop.
  11. I was referring to the apparent absence of any wing, vestigial or otherwise.
  12. The little wing is so little its totally invisible.
  13. Whilst it has a logical basis, I've always been one to ask 'why?' and thus have never been a good fit to conditioned behaviour.
  14. Been a while since I last read Air Clues, thanks for the post.
  15. Cierva were doing quite nicely leading up to WW2. From all I've read, it was the outbreak of war and the accelerated development of helicopters that impacted on them.
  16. Can't blame the Vampire operator for a deficient surface. Bring in the pikeys.
  17. Dummy (Inert) Red Top missiles carried by Lightnings did often have a red head on them.
  18. I recall standing at the Coltishall control tower to watch a passing out display by a Lightning course at 226 OCU in the early 70s. Didn't last very long, but for sound and vibration it was certainly impressive.
  19. Nice R/C model. Any time frame for a four seat manned flight?
  20. Most of the stuff I have read here and elsewhere refers to a stick-shaker activation. Was this actually a stick-pusher activation?
  21. Good test bed for your new motor then :-)
  22. There I was thinking it was just 'proof of the construction concept'
  23. Must be thinking about now, "is this just a proof of concept or could I actually make it fly?".
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