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Everything posted by Birdseye

  1. Hence my comment earlier. The UK version actually had little to do with cars, they were incidental to the generally humorous and non-PC nature of the show. Real people don't like nancy-PC crap.
  2. At least with the current commonwealth system there is no chance of us getting a president like Donald Trump.
  3. I'll confess to watching one episode of the local product, but I'm fully recovered now.
  4. Auntie doesn't seem to get it that the threesome are Top Gear, their tenure was such that they owned the show. Chopping the cast about might work for crappy soapies, but not in the case of Top Gear.
  5. Why did I think that you'd be the first person to post that clip........
  6. Yes I remember that bloody wall with WA and the Indian Ocean, chinagraph pencils and perspex templates David.
  7. They are pretty much of a muchness; each has similar features and a bit of leap-frogging goes on in terms of adding features. The best advice I can give is not to subscribe from the Apple Store if you are using an iPad, it will cost you more than going to Ozrunways site, however I don't know about Avplan in that regard.
  8. At this point I'd be focusing on using maps and learning the principles of navigation. Once you have those mastered then take a look at the electronic aids.
  9. To be pedantic, there are no 'fives' in avaition radio these days. Reports are based on a 5 point readability scale. 1 = unreadable 2 = readable now and then 3 = readable but with difficulty 4 = readable 5 = perfectly readable.
  10. Height AGL has no relevance in position reporting, whether in Australia or elsewhere. QFE i.e. AGL height is for those who can't do simple arithmetic.
  11. As best as I can recall from my aging mind, it was unfair dismissal cases brought by (or on behalf of) a couple of Qantas pilots, one domestic and the other international. The outcome was that it was illegal to apply an age 60 retirement for pilots operating domestically, but applicable to pilots on international routes due to international obligations.
  12. I have it installed on my Oppo R7 which is a 5" screen. Works OK, but I find it hard to view. Great on my iPad mini, which is as small a screen as is practicable for me personally.
  13. Various countries have their whipping boys when it comes to jokes, sometimes more than one. A French joke for example, asks why they bury Belgians with their backsides sticking out of the ground. It's so the Dutch can park their bikes when they come 'en vacances'.
  14. That is a very pedantic response. It is evident that the theme of the thread is in regard to recreational craft, as depicted by the sensationalist media, not the broad range you suggest.
  15. The somebody went and stupidly reversed the layout.
  16. Virtually all current drones have the equipment and capability built in to restrict its operations. DJI recently enacted some of that in the US and parts of Europe.
  17. If it was anything close to the issue that the media portray, I'm sure that it would be in place toutes de suite, however I somehow think its not.
  18. You should post more threads Bex. Over 5000 views and 109 replies in less than three weeks keeps the forum going.
  19. Just didn't have a plan I'd suggest.
  20. I'm a lover of 'spoonerisms', but they can be a trap. I often refer to the 'suppository of all knowledge' and my electrical circuits often have a 'rectumfrier'.
  21. But correctly fitted, winglets may actually improve Jabiru glide performance.
  22. I'm reading that this appears to have occurred at 500', so less than two miles from touchdown. Still saying that they 'think it could have been' a drone, nothing I've yet read says that it was categorically a quad drone as some of the dodgy media are showing.
  23. Why not a coin? $5 is worth f-all anyway these days, doesn't even buy a pint.
  24. Who cares? Makes no difference whatsoever as to what/who/where Mark Skidmore or anyone else is affiliated with. Nobody tells the truth these days, so should anyone worry.
  25. +1 for the idea they are actually doing their best to default on their investors. Seriously, if a car manufacturer tried the same thing how long would they last?
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