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Everything posted by Birdseye

  1. Flying a variety of aircraft will help to avoid the complacencey that can be created by flying just one type.
  2. My understanding is that the deterioration issue for avgas in a vented tank is in part the loss of aromatics. I know most motorbikes don't like Opal, unless they are one of the very few that have an ignition retarding capability - Quote: "Opal low-aromatic fuel"
  3. Try this link for background. http://www.bp.com/en_au/australia/products-services/fuels/opal-fuel.html
  4. What's twilight got to do with clock tampering, sorry.... 'daylight shaving'.
  5. .........if it was relevant to the latitudes any of us live in (bar Tasmania at a pinch).
  6. Good job they didn't encounter any other CAT.
  7. That last one was ugly, camera foreshortening regardless! There is a Heathrow one, where the long lens had me convinced it wasn't Heathrow due to the forest that seemed to be just off the threshold.
  8. Neither, its BMW vs Audi. Neither are overweight and bloated shopping trolleys!
  9. A thorough investigation would show a number of causal factors, mostly systemic and related to poor ATS management. I'd suggest that human error to the event, but was not a root cause.
  10. .... .. ... / .. -- .- --. .. -. .- - .. --- -. / .. ... / -... .-.. --- --- -.. -.-- / - .-- .. ... - . -.. What image????
  11. Concur with that. I am a bit of a software tragic and enjoy checking out programs just for the sake of it. I have tried both and liked the features of both; it came down to the one I happened to use first. I'm not telling which!
  12. Albert was actually from the Krakatinni mob, from down Veebee Creek way.
  13. When I was in the job, the main idea was to prevent collisions. Intersecting runways, poor speech articulation, speedy/clipped transmissions and callsign confusion are a combined recipe for disaster.
  14. Close, but no cigar - "Not Actually Intended To Provide Service" It's come a long way since those days. With integration into EFBs and such it's now quite effective.
  15. My wife also uses forecasts to work out when to do her laundry, but she still asks me to check BoM radar etc.
  16. Is it a possibility that fuel flow is insufficient to cope with the demand from a high MAP?
  17. That raises another issue - understanding forecasts. For safe operation it is important to understand that forecasts can be and are, not always right. Checking the validity of a forecast against actuals and using other sources of info has saved me from weather issues on past occasions.
  18. A cautious approach speed? Case of +5 kts for mum, +5 kts for auntie perhaps?
  19. Only the forecast Temp and QNH, which IIRC are for the four x three hour periods of the TAF
  20. Chequerboard pattern on the wheel spats as well?
  21. That was a very interesting thread with excellent input from the optician (I think it was, sorry if I have downgraded him), well worth reading.
  22. The ionosphere is an intriguing medium. Rather like the ocean depths, its not had the attention it deserves. With a personal interest in weak signal propagation, things like signals showing clear indications of traveling both ways around the earth (a.k.a long path and short path) and selective paths, it never loses my interest.
  23. I don't think that was a rant. It's Dick that rants. Incidentally, during the "oh FFS, let the idiot have a go at running it just to shut him up" phase, it took me about three hours to put together an exercise that showed Dick's airspace model would cause chaos in WA airspace. With only three radar sites in the whole state, blind Freddy could have saved me three hours work!
  24. I love those sort of interactions. "Are you or have you ever been a terrorist?"
  25. Presumably they prefer a stable OS to work with.
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