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Everything posted by Birdseye

  1. The Me262 would have done much more damage. The Me155 was not and would not ever have been very effective at anything.
  2. Nice 140nm triangular x-country on a beautiful sunny morning out of YPJT. The only bumps were from a few stubble burn offs. Clear skies and 30km+ viz. God's zone.
  3. Probably thought he would save some taxy time. It didn't work.
  4. Seems just to be hinge-less flaps so far. Other than through shorter take offs and steeper climbs, I fail to see how it will make aircraft quieter. A truly variable wing would be something quite different and of much greater value.
  5. Or like finding your chosen landing field has wires across it, that sort of thing.
  6. It could be said that situational awareness is about being ahead of the aeroplane and ready for any new event.
  7. We had one for radio failure - CATCUM - I can remember the acronym after 35 years, but these days, apart from the C for Continue, not what it stood for!
  8. It's absolutely nothing like ADS-B. The only thing it does that ADS-B does is transmit a position, but that is to a amateur or amateur repeater station *if* it is in range. Outside of major centres the coverage rapidly disappears. You would be better to run a SPOT tracker than APRS. You could try it on HF, but if you could fit in even my little FT-817 HF, a wire antenna and antenna tuner the aircraft would be crowded and overweight.
  9. I said that back in post #58 and was told egg spurts had said otherwise. An accident could involve loss of conciousness/incapacitaion and still be survivable, but if you can't operate the PLB how do they find you?
  10. It's a rhetorical question.
  11. Update, better photos. https://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/latest/a/27465511/glider-crashes-near-toodyay/
  12. And from our local rag: The pilot of a glider has been injured in a crash near Toodyay. Emergency services rushed to the scene in Coondle, north of Toodyay. The 48-year-old pilot has been taken to hospital in a serious condition. There are reports the pilot called 000 to raise the alarm. The glider may have hit power lines before crashing. It is accompanied by a photo of a buggered trike
  13. Umm, it doesn't take long to work that one out.....But how to fix it?
  14. I'm sure that Coles, Woolies, Ford, Holden etc etc would endorse your idea of communication....................
  15. As an aside, why isn't this sort of thing on the RAA web site? Seems odd that an association's business gets more discussion\information on a third party web site than its own.
  16. That is pretty much the case for any aeroplane, however if FresnoJab is used to heavier aircraft and those flown in the 'plant it on' way, then he will find a major adjustment is needed along the lines you describe.
  17. 70 kts seems a lot more than 1.3 times Vso for a Jabiru. Surely 55 is nearer the mark?
  18. Lots of padding with irrelevant material. It did show another classic example of making rules to solve one problem, whilst creating another. It also shows that the whole medical process can be easily undermined by somebody hiding symptoms or diagnosis of a problem. Damn, I should have kept my mouth shut about hay fever when I went for my RAF medical in 1973!
  19. I did and "and also I believe" isn't a definitive statement. Will it or won't it be available in a pdf?
  20. I don't like the ISSUU vehicle. Plain pdf preferable.
  21. Nor for me. They are also no good for resolving any CFIT issues.
  22. That is OK. After all, you did spell metre correctly.
  23. Another bloody US adoption. As best I recall they used to use tenths when UK (and Europe) were using Oktas. I think its just a dumbing down - these days the US education system means a lot of Yanks can't count to ten or even 8, hence the stupid 'scattered' etc. In WA quite recently the head of the BoM (or it might have been the head Bommer) decided that weather could not be described as "fine" any more. Why? Because he didn't like it.
  24. It must have been the fluctuations in your voice.
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