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Everything posted by Birdseye

  1. US readers might misinterpret that to mean you are a bottom fan!
  2. Oh it goes back a long way. I've refrained from saying what I really think.
  3. So he sets up a political party that's going to do all sorts of popular things. What has he been doing to sort out bureaucracy in the meantime? On his orchestrated helicopter rides he raved about how the UK ATC system handled him and made life easy, but what he didn't realise was we made it easy just so we could get rid of him asap. Sorry to be negative, but I don't put any hope in him even doing as badly as Clive Palmer.
  4. His name is Dick for a reason.
  5. In this day and age allowing a situation such as "if it wasn't aeromedical (airwork) there would have been an alternate requirement" is just archaic thinking. There should be no circumstance where any operation should place people at significantly increased risk due to an 'aeromedical' situation. It's rather like endorsing firemen placing themselves in great jeopardy in an attempt to rescue one bed-ridden geriatric in a burning house and perishing as a result. Just crazy.
  6. You have to be careful with this abbreviation stuff. Somewhat new to the SMS texting world, I sent an abbreviated invitation to a mate to Catch up with me Next Tuesday. I haven't had a word from him since......
  7. I've got a couple of hangers, but neither are hangars.
  8. Or somebody fishes for complements
  9. Doesn't Canberra exist purely to take sound principles, then totally screw them to the point where they cannot be applied? I was just reading an ATSB report on an ATC incident - total bollocks and full of pointless jargon. Smart country? Bah Humbug!
  10. Can't say other than they make good off-road motorbike tyres. I reckon the golf buggy tyres are too soft in the side walls and squirm around too much (IMHO).
  11. I worked in a control tower in the UK that had its comms the wrong way round; unlike every other airport the transmitters were on top of the tower and the receivers were remote. BT came in a rewired the system with new gear - it was hopeless. Talk about sidetone! Output was only 5 watts per frequency.
  12. If you are close enough, connect a length of wire to a flouro tube as an antenna and get free lighting in the shed! Strong adjacent signals are guaranteed to expose poor decoupling or screening of devices.
  13. Not impressed with the golf cart ones. Someone is advertising tyres at the back of the March magazine. Trelleborg brand.
  14. They could have saved two letters and called it a Foot :-)
  15. Probably the lead time is a factor, magazine arrived today and any letter on the topic will probably be a month or so from appearing . From my observation the issue is as much about how its been handled, not just the proposed outcome.
  16. Avionics and parts value only, as suggested in the advert.
  17. To take Andy's points a stage further. The accounts and P & L do not identify where the most of the income is actually spent. The major costs are employee related. To what purpose are the hourly costs of the employees being applied? How much is spent on membership services, how much on registration, how much on incident investigation etc. etc. I'd suggest a true breakdown of resources expenditure is required, as how else can you justify the financial prudence of the organisation? Let alone some claim for funding from CASA.
  18. Then why wasn't this stated in the news email? Whilst anyone with half a clue could work out the intent, it would have been better to have been up front with it in the first place.
  19. Although I still follow commercial and military aviation to some degree, it was only due to finding a copy of the magazine that I became interested in recreational matters. Otherwise I'd still be oblivious to the existence of RAA and the RP certificate. When factoring in circulation most publishers consider the value of the copy being passed on.
  20. IF (a big IF) it resides where government sources claim, the prevailing ocean currents would suggest a fairly high likelihood of something appearing on the Australian coastline.
  21. And as welcome as a fart in a space suit..........
  22. The only way to deal with quasi-government organizations is through the political sphere, much as is happening in the US regarding the FAA medicals. Frankly I'm sick and tired of subservient compliance with useless organisations like the UN and ICAO - leave them to deal with the real third world and leave the intellectually challenged third world quangos like CASA to the dogs.
  23. I'm not overly fussed either way, but it should be recognised that removing the hard copy mag from our subscription is tantamount to a significant increase in the membership fee.
  24. My other half is content for me to take the magazine to the smallest reading room in the house, but looks at me suspiciously when I do the same with the iPad.
  25. I'm finding the whole thing quite electrifying.
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