Anyone fancy putting in a tender???????? There must have been a lack of interest as the page shows "Last update 24 February 2015"
MH370—Call for Expressions of Interest to Prepare for Recovery Operations
The REOI closes at 2pm (AEDT) on 18 February 2015
The ATSB has called for expressions of interest (EOI) to prepare for recovery operations in the event of locating the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.
To date, the aircraft has not been located nor has any debris been found. Should the aircraft be located, it is important to be as prepared as possible to implement any decisions of the Australian, Malaysian and Chinese Governments for a recovery operation.
Prospective Respondents to the Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI) must register and download the EOI documentation through the ausTENDER website This will ensure receipt of all available updates during the EOI process. Unregistered EOIs will not be accepted. The REOI closes at 2pm (AEDT) on 18 February 2015.
All enquiries relating to the REOI should be directed to the ATSB operational search email address,
For further information read the MH370—planning ahead for recovery operations media release, by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development, Warren Truss.