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Everything posted by Birdseye

  1. And of course all those things would happen really, really slowly aye?
  2. Like I said earlier, none are from Oz. There is very little originality on the Internet when it comes to trivia.
  3. Isn't it pitched a bit high for the average 'merican?
  4. When one of the girls in the office mentioned that her Hyundai was being serviced, I asked if they were going to change the headlight fluid. I stopped her only after she had dialled half of the service station's number.
  5. Lots of posts on YouTube show how it's done. Note the "low earth orbit" is a figment of a media person's imagination.
  6. They all are....
  7. A mate of mine back in London used to run a pub. He liked novelties and found this dancing duck at a market for a pony. He put it in the public bar and it used to dance all night on a little stage made from a Cadbury's toffee tin. For three months or so his takings were well up, but then as the novelty wore off the number of punters coming in to see the duck dropped off. Fortunately a mate who ran a pub north of the river offered to buy the duck and the deal was struck at a rather inflated monkey. At the new pub the duck did as expected and punters flocked in to see the new dancing duck. Snag was the duck wouldn't stop. They'd shut the bar, turn out the lights and the bloody duck just kept going. After a week of sleepless nights the landlord rang his old china south of the river. "Strewth you've given me a lotta strife, how'd yer stop the bleedin duck dancing all night?" he asked. "Easy" said the mate "just pull off the lid and blow out the effing candles".
  8. And his mum's name was Dorothy :-)
  9. Technical point. He was killed during a water speed attempt on Coniston Water, in the English Lake District.
  10. I also thought the question unnecessarily long: DO YOU HAVE FAITH IN THE CASA'S ADMINISTRATION p.s. that doesn't make me a Dick Smith fan either BTW
  11. Birdseye


    Very nicely presented, extremely envious. (P.S. A dash board pre-dates cars and was a board placed at the front of a wagon/carriage driving position for catching any stones and horse dung that may be flung (dashed) up.)
  12. No, as I wrote in another thread it is a work in progress. Things like W & B will be coming and I was told that v1.1 will have SD card support, presumably so that you can save downloaded maps to there rather than to memory. As far as creating routes, you first have to create a route by tapping to select a waypoint, then add more in as required. This creates the route window that you see on the OzRunways web page.
  13. I discovered yesterday that unlike the iPad/iPhone arrangement, you have to log back in when switching back and forth between iPad and Android.
  14. You just had to spoil it and mention the rip-off pricing:yikes:
  15. One thing for certain, whatever electronic item you buy today will be less tomorrow! Having been anti-Apple for many years I now hate to admit that I haven't found a product yet that beats the overall quality and useability of the iPad.
  16. My second install was also to a Samsung 3 Lite (8Gb and $149 from the GoodGuys)) and worked fine. Downloading the same maps as I have on my iPad filled it up quite quickly, but apparently v1.1 will have SD card support. Things like W & B will follow in due course.
  17. Not a real virgin to be seen anywhere in that clip.
  18. I've just installed it on a Samsung S3 phone with 16Gb and it works fine, albeit too small a screen for my liking.
  19. Memeory shouldn't be a problem as its designed to be installed on phones as well as tablets. Possibly more important, note that it will only operate with Android 4.2 or higher. All excited, I rushed for my devices and found they wouldn't run it.
  20. Yes it does take up more room. I was persuaded to go for the 32Gb on the basis that the upgrade would take most of the 16Gb by itself! Other than memory, I can think of nothing else that should affect the operating of OzRunways.
  21. How much free memory do you have currently? May be time to have a clean out.
  22. Sorry about the the latter, but I know how he'd love to operate from smooth green grass. Who needs an excuse for a whisky anyway!
  23. Well I'll start off by saying that I'd echo just about everything you say. The differences from GA are certainly significant. For example I trained at a school whose focus was on the CPL, so I was taught firm arrivals were the preference to floaty full stall ones. So I had to learn to round out, hold off and hold off and hold off......and so on. The rudder is still a source of entertainment; bear in mind that I did some soaring in between GA and LSA, and I quite expected to be overusing the rudder as a result. No, that bloody ball has a mind of its own and I frequently find myself in a cruising side slip, giving Gordon a better view of the ground than perhaps he wants. Whilst not the full blown US style tundra tyres, they are rather like oversize wheelbarrow tyres and may well be doing as you suggest. Operating out of largely unformed strips is quite an experience too. Many years ago I flew in and out of Ipswich (UK) a few times. A grass airfield, it was situated next door to the factory of Arthur Ransome - at the time the leading manufacturer of domestic and commercial lawn mowers, they used the airfield as a test ground and it was an absolutely superb surface that I'm sure would have Gordon rolling in the throes of orgasm! In all, the LS version with the 600kg MTOW its a very practical aeroplane, allowing two persons, overnight baggage and close to full fuel. It's way better than a C150 in many ways, including cabin space and uses a fair bit less fuel. I did stay up a couple of nights, but still only managed to get about 7 hours in, so I have a few days scheduled over the holiday break that will hopefully allow me to finish off what I need to do.
  24. Sometimes, when I'm feeling myself, I just think of all the money I saved. ;-)
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