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Everything posted by Birdseye

  1. Unlike Dick Smith's products.....
  2. What value a 'Customer Guarantee' when all they have to do is lie about the reason or timing of the delay? Not only that, if you are eligible for a $50 voucher, you have to know of that eligibility and ask for it???
  3. But it worked last time....
  4. Reminds me of a photo doing the rounds a while ago of a crane, lifting a crane, lifting a crane.... Rising tide strands plane … and the bus that came to its rescue
  5. If condition isn't an issue, maybe from somewhere that does the cabin refurbishments for QF etc.? Avalon?
  6. Along with that list of standard lies, such as "the cheque's in the post", include any excuse that an airline gives you for delays and cancellations. They will do their damnedest not to tell you that they have screwed up. I'm still waiting though for a "Blame Jesus" excuse.........
  7. I wonder if they had to evacuate by stairs? That in itself would take some time. Not much you can do if the tower has to be vacated and don't have a spare. They used to have a backup option for Approach by driving the controllers across to the London Centre, but now that's been moved sixty or so miles away that wouldn't work any more.
  8. They could always send out a tug to tow you in for 3C. Incidentally, regarding 'these days' note that the Heathrow Decca ground radar first came into use in 1967. Combined with the switchable taxiway centreline and stop bar lighting it was quite revolutionary.
  9. From memory, the Trident had a minimum RVR requirement of 75 or 100 metres. That wasn't for landing, but to give them a chance to follow the taxiway centreline lights. At Heathrow, ATC used to practice guiding the crash crews around using the ground radar (ASMI), just in case they were needed. Drivers wore an obscured helmet visor.
  10. It seems not much has changed then since my CATIIIb landing in the jump seat of a HS Trident during the late 70s.
  11. Just a shame it still sounds like four chainsaws...the turbine guys get things so easy :-)
  12. This shows things a little better, note the Holden Menaro chase car
  13. Hence why I said "suitable alternate airport". Until they stopped operating into Perth, British Airways did actually flight plan out of WSSS with 'island reserves'.
  14. The issue they don't mention in regard to Perth, is that in addition to cost, there is an absence of any suitable alternate airport for international carriers in Western Australia. If fog is in the forecast it can be very limiting as they have to carry significant additional fuel to either fly to the Eastern states, or to be able to return to destination. Before anyone mentions it, Learmonth and Kalgoorlie are not suitable alternates as they lack international aviation requirements.
  15. Everybody likes a free app! Its possible that some of the current offerings are actually more complex than needed and a simplified app would be welcome by some.
  16. I've often wondered how these guys are able to judge relative positions when flying together, this answers it. They don't always.
  17. If the take off was at full power, then a couple of failures would have seen it in the long grass.
  18. A miss is as good as a mile.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iOoiEbtf2w
  19. Poor (but oddly fortuitous) choice of analogy, as WA Police have had to hand back cash and cancels demerits due to defective cameras. The fortuitously relevant aspect is that that they were aware of the problem at least last February, but elected to continue using them......So its training *and* maintenance records that are critical.
  20. Probably better rounding up sheep.
  21. Way things are going in WA, 95 will be a thing of the past. A number of servos in my area now only offer 91 or 98.
  22. Presumably its the same as this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adK5Enl0aVU
  23. Shame he didn't do more on the jetpack and less on the boring stuff.
  24. I'm picking up on a theme here, Tiger flight, my 6:15 Jetstar
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