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Everything posted by Birdseye

  1. I was talking about GA aircraft at a number of airfields here and outside OZ, some of those of which I was the tower controller. But that's the sort of knowledge you only get from experience.
  2. On a trip to the EAA Oskosh show years ago, my mate wanted to get a US licence (he had a UK PPL) and log a N reg in his log book. First part was incredibly easy. We went off to a quiet airfield some miles distant from Oshkosh so that he could get his check ride. He took off and just like he did in the UK, climbed ahead to a safe height, turned crosswind and continued climb to 1000' agl. At that point the instructor somewhat sarcastically piped up, "I said fly a circuit, the cross country comes later". Of the many circuits I've seen, a lot of aircraft wouldn't make the runway from mid downwind.
  3. Really, I thought it was us poor schmucks that pay for it through increased insurance premiums.
  4. I have never seen the point of long 3 degree final approaches with light aircraft. Not everyone is learning to fly with the aim of being an airline pilot, but that seems to be GA way.
  5. We all know that risk management doesn't come into play on planning decisions, that's why people have been allowed to build on river flood plains for years.
  6. Many years ago on an evening shift in a tower far away, I agreed to take a call from somebody looking at moving near the airport. I answered his questions based on my local knowledge and he thanked me for my help. As a closing I said, "by the way, if you ever call with a noise complaint I'm going to tell you to f**k off". He got the point.
  7. I wasn't referring to the Class 2. As I haven't held an AVMED for the past 17 years, I am regarded as a new application and it just wasn't worth the cost and trouble going for a Class 2. The AustRoads medical differentiates between those that do and do not require insulin treatment. That is what I hope will continue when the dullards in Canberra enact all of the changes.
  8. From memory and it was a while ago that I read it, the Austroads standard does appear to give some hope to those with non-insulin medicated type II diabetes, that would have otherwise had to jump through a swag of CASA hoops.
  9. Nothing to do with sexism, I'd suggest that it was just a simple observation. Bah humbug to all this PC crap.
  10. How about they provide you with a couple of replacement units to try? As I said before, don't be too soft on the responsibilities of manufacturer/vendor.
  11. They state: Certified Airline Rating is the only global airline quality ranking programme applied through direct and professional analysis of Product and Service quality standards. Airline Ratings range from 1-Star through to the prestigious 5-Star Airline ranking. So I'd suggest safety management isn't their yardstick. Hence why QF drops to a generous 4.
  12. Emirates have a significant shortfall due to pilots leaving for better conditions and pay.
  13. I can't recall, but it definitely begins with 'C'.
  14. Stuck float causing starvation or leaky float causing saturation?
  15. Nonsense, it was obviously a Cessna doing that 'near vertical' climb.....I read it on the news.
  16. Yes, chances are the pads are cactus. Clean the calipers with copious amounts of brake cleaner.
  17. Based on my PA28 experience in the UK (similar conditions, if not a touch colder), I'd agree with the report and say very unlikely that carb ice would occur under full power take off conditions. I certainly encountered it at cruise settings.
  18. With the seat pitch/widths these days, meditation is about all you can do.
  19. All balloons are navigable if you can find wind blowing in the required direction.
  20. Any airport emergency services at Orange or do they rely on the town brigade?
  21. No, you haven't missed anything.
  22. They look like they are keen to get back into their denim jackets as soon as possible.
  23. Many of the small 'ready to fly' model aircraft might suit.
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