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Everything posted by Birdseye

  1. Problem is that most of these councils are driven by ego. Once upon a time there were shire clerks, now we have CEOs. My local one decided that they should become a 'city' instead of a shire. Damned if I know on what basis, but I'm sure it makes the useless sods feel warm and happy.
  2. I bet it doesn't have a working APU either.....
  3. I love these government self-improvers that use pointless and excessive words to add some sort of perceived credibility: "Just before 4pm we responded to reports of a light aircraft down, upon responding to the general vicinity it was noted that there was a light aircraft upside down," he said. What is wrong with: "When we arrived at the scene we found an aircraft upside down"? Of course it may have been just the quality of reporting that was the issue.
  4. Presumably your 'magnets' were actually ferrite torroids.
  5. My first thoughts were that it was an ugly F*cker. An S-11?
  6. I suggest that you don't buy the dongle that they mention in the instructions, its specs say: Receiving frequency: DVBT 48.25~863.25MHzThere are some around that are set up rather better for the 1090 MHz ADS-B frequency than others. Some good ones and other related items can be found on the following site, I've found them to be very quick on dispatch. I have no connection with them. www.buyraspberrypi.com.au
  7. As FB above. Putting the ferrites on the leads is just a patch, replacing the light units makes more sense. I'm assuming you have the same sort of 'trading standards' as we do this side of the Tasman. Currently the aircraft is 'not fit for purpose'. Pays to be hard-nosed in these situations or run the risk of getting walked over.
  8. Was the radio installation pre-installed by Aeroprakt?
  9. Have the actual light units been changed?
  10. I presume that you are talking to Aeroprakt (via the agent) about them fixing it?
  11. Will we ever hear anything good about this poor donkey designed by a committee?
  12. This whole thread is in the 'far fetched' category. I really cannot believe that anyone actually believes that a RAA registered aircraft has any significant inertia. FFS, there are fat motorbikes that have more inertia. If this is the level of intelligence in the forum, then go fly paragliders.
  13. Off track, but 'state of corruption' would have been more appropriate. Fortunately NSW and Victoria took over that mantle a long time ago. Others have picked it up a little later.
  14. Best to ignore the facile distraction attempts.
  15. Not as slippery as any jet aircraft.
  16. That was what I was taught to do when flying the A22, its also what I learnt in PA28s as a glide approach. Use it at a GA airfield and expect comment unless you specifically request a glide approach. A lot to be said for all approaches being glide approaches, but these days people fly GA aircraft circuits like they were in a B747.
  17. Your low inertia aircraft had even less inertia without the instructor ballast. Fairly self-evident.
  18. Never would have guessed it. There is one up for sale Aviamilano Nibbio F14 aircraft for sale - AUD 78,586 - G-OWYN - AirCraft24.com
  19. My pet hate is the hotel booking places offering me hotels in Perth. Why would I want a site to tell me about hotels in Perth, I live there!
  20. I just wonder if I might not prefer the Chinese government reading my posts to Facebook and Google doing the same.
  21. Has hint of Siai Marchetti 208 about it, but not quite.
  22. The construction of the lad's aircraft wing and the Russian attempt are also quite different.
  23. They didn't have a second try :-)
  24. Collision would be the correct term.
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