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Everything posted by Birdseye

  1. I'd suggest that all RAA/LSA aircraft are low inertia, purely because of thier light weight and relatively low speed. What does vary is their aerodynamic efficiency and the effect of drag when the engine power is reduced.
  2. It pays not to take silly ideas too seriously.
  3. Why not just give them rails and hang straps just like they do on those bloody buses they use in lieu of air bridges, after all aircraft are less likely to crash than a bus.
  4. Various reports from the US are stating that a seat belt was being worn and that she was also mortally wounded by the engine debris.
  5. Certainly ATC doesn't need to know anything for a Med 1, had plenty of those sorts of situations and its solely the call of the pilot. Blown engine, explosive depressurisation and partial pax ejection probably requires slightly more elaboration.
  6. Just listened to a couple of clips myself. Some might suggest that it was a guarded conversation due to awareness of being monitored by the news services, I might be a little less charitable and ask if it really was an aircraft captain speaking......
  7. A rather brash assumption and not the smartest of comments; as it might appear from various reports that bloody injuries were also involved. The recommended 'loosely fastened seat belt' is more suited for turbulence, not for explosive decompression.
  8. The terms are misused and abused by the media on a daily basis. I don't know what they'd do if somebody actually omitted an act of heroism.
  9. The thought crossed my mind that at least you could burn cheap kerosene; then when I checked on the 'web' there doesn't seem to be such a thing, its going for the same price or more than avgas.
  10. Its odd that there seems to be nothing more on this since the 2011 first flight, unless I've missed something.
  11. Brewer Street?
  12. "Galloping Ghost"?
  13. Reminds me of a Keilcraft control line kit I had.
  14. Must have nodded off before I got to that, but just confirms that there is nothing new in that article.
  15. Read that yesterday and couldn't really see anything new in it. Most of it reflects what has been said about CRM etc. over the last ten or more years. Surprised that she doesn't mention Korean Airlines who had a long history of poor CRM and hierarchical issues.
  16. I'm so much of a cynic that I've given up pragmatism for realism.
  17. Its unlikely that they will get involved in something they don't control or does not comply to a recognised international standard. Its probably not a safety issue, more likely its a potential litigation issue. The ADS-B equipment is already out there to do the job, the hurdle for most recreational pilots is the cost.
  18. Ryanair will of course only offer standing up option. [ATTACH]35333[/ATTACH]
  19. Next step is to make them cryogenic cooled and thus avoid jet lag.
  20. I should have looked closer. Aermacchi AM3.
  21. Siai Marchetti SM.109
  22. Available on Ebay if you can't source elsewhere. Then find somebody who knows what they are doing to put it in. You might want to get them to rebuild your battery pack at the same time :-)
  23. I remember being impressed by the Chesapeake Bay bridge and tunnel in the US, only a little over half the length of this new one, but built 50 or more years ago.
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