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Paul Turner

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About Paul Turner

  • Birthday 23/11/1964


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  1. Hi Kaz, The following is a repeat of a copy of a comparison of the numbers for the Carbon Cub and Savage Cruiser that I posted some time ago. Please note, I'm not throwing rocks at the Carbon Cub... I'm actually scared about flying in one in case it's too much fun and I end up wanting to own one of them as well... I should say first-up that the Carbon Cub looks like a fantastic aircraft; the takeoff and climb performance is astounding. However, even with the 600 kg Max All Up Weight, the extra 'empty weight' and 90l fuel tank would bring the useable payload down to about 114kg. Enough for me and ummmm... not a lot more. Here's the comparison of the Carbon Cub (from the figures in the Sport Pilot magazine) and the Savage Cruiser (actual aircraft figures). Carbon Cub: Maximum All Up Weight - 599kg Aircraft Empty Weight - 423kg Maximum Fuel Load - 63kg Usable payload (Pax and Luggage) - 114kg Savage Cruiser: Maximum All Up Weight - 560kg Aircraft Empty Weight - 307kg Maximum Fuel Load - 45kg Usable payload (Pax and Luggage) - 208kg So, in fairness, it's not quite comparing apples to apples. I'd love to have the option of carrying extra fuel and higher cruise speed because, at times I have found 64l and 80kts to be range-limiting. However, the fact is that (for me at 100kg) the Carbon Cub would be a single-seat aircraft. Even with no fuel, (as a low-performance glider) I'd struggle to be able to fly with anyone in the back seat. Note (happy to be corrected if the following is not accurate): 1. LSA aircraft can be registered up to 600kg MAUW... IF certified to that weight by the Airworthiness Authority (aircraft manufacturer). This likely explains the difference in MAUW between the two aircraft. My version of the Savage Cruiser will never be certified for anything above 560kg (but this may not be true for later models). 2. The Cruiser is prettier... (but I'm allowed to be biased).
  2. Hi Mat, Yep it's hangared at Dixon Creek (Yarra Valley Conference Centre). My LAME (Martin Smith) has his business there and looks after her. It's a nice spot but the strip is one way in and out, up a valley! A bit of local knowledge, judgement and practice is required but I've never had any problems (touch wood). I always think that if it looks too hard or there's too much tailwind (which is not very much) then Lilydale is two minutes away.
  3. Sorry Dazza, she has a Victorian passport now but you are welcome to visit. It has a one of the best load-carrying capacities of any aircraft in the LSA category. Even with a Max All Up Weight limitation of 560kg (not 600kg), the aircraft can legally carry over 200kg of passengers and baggage with full fuel. The baggage compartment has an additional 20kg limit. Yep,it was new about three years ago; the current models have a slightly different shape.
  4. Arrrh... I can't resist any longer... yes I own a Savage Cruiser (variant of the Savage Cub), and yes I think it's the best looking, best performing aircraft on the RAAus register... but I am biased. I've had the aircraft for a couple of years and LOVE her. It's absolutley true that the she is not a go-fast, get-there kind of aircraft but with her beautiful red and cream lines and her short-field capability, there is no aircraft that 'arrives' as well as she does. I've flown her from Brisbane to Melbourne but any long trip requires time. About two hours in the saddle is a good amount of time between stops which makes it a journey or 'shortish' hops of 150 to 200 nm. On the upside, the view is fantastic and she is a lot of fun to fly. As it happens, I have written an article on the aircraft which will appear in the next edition of Sport Pilot (November) along with a bunch of great aerial shots. If you want to know more, please don't hestitate to send me a message via this site with your contact details and I'd be happy to chat to you in more depth. By the way; yes the wings do 'fold' but on my aircraft this is not a minor task and would require significant effort. Unless the design has changed on new aircraft, it's not something I would recommend doing any more often than absolutley necessary. Cheers, Paul
  5. Oh FFS… get a grip guys…here’s a little experiment for you… go back to the office/ study/ shed/ lavatory… reach in to the pile of ‘Recreational Aviation’ magazines, dust one off that is at least six months old, take it out of the plastic wrapper because it’s likely not yet been read. Lay it down next the latest edition of ‘Sport Pilot’ and starting with the cover, flick through both page by page and compare the two. Notice a difference? Now I’ll accept that ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ and you cannot create a magazine that satisfies all of the tens of thousands of readers every month. However, I believe, as many others do that the new Editors are finding a nice balance between ‘light’ and ‘technical’; ‘informative’ and ‘entertaining’. However, I think the BEST thing about the magazine is… the KIDS love it. By ‘kids’ I mean anyone under thirty. The magazine is now connecting with a younger generation of pilots in a way that it has never done before. This is hugely important to our little patch of the aviation world. Of course if I ever yearn for unsubstantiated rumour, misinformation, sexist, racist and misogynistic comments… I always have this forum to come back to *Please note: No offence is intended, if anyone is in fact taking offence, this is (probably) not the intention. Last comment… (ignoring the ‘infomercial’ jibe)… yes I wrote the ‘App of the month’ article. My journalistic qualifications are… nil; my flying experience is… limited. But I thought that my experience may be useful and relevant for a lot of people. Yes it took a lot of effort to ‘craft’ something together and Kreisha was able to provide a lot of (patient) support to help me turn out something that was (I hope) readable and informative. Truly, isn’t this the key to improving the quality of the mag? Don’t throw rocks at the people who are trying to fix the mag… jump in and help them. I did and I enjoyed the experience… and yes I hope to do it again. However, I’d be happy if I never get anything published again if it’s because there are too many better articles coming from lots of other people.
  6. Really??? So if this was meant to be a joke, or even better satirical comment, then can I suggest you make it a little more obvous. Perhaps the ever-useful 'lol' immediately after the racial slur would help. If it wasn't meant to be a joke then I'm not sure how "I'm not racist" could possibly be expected to counter the earlier statement. I actually don't know what you could have possibly said that would be more racist or offensive. So, while I sit and wait to be flamed by the vocal minority, I'll try to decide which is worse: the original comment, the fact that this is meant to be a 'moderated site' that appears to condone this sort of statement, or that the no one else on the site bothered to complain about the comment (is this truely representative of the views of the majority of this forum?)
  7. Brendon, Bruce Vickers at Lethbridge Airpark (Golden Plains Flying School) is an excellent instructor; he recently did my Biennial Flight Review. Give him a call on 0400 849 031 and get yourself airborne with a Trial Instructional Flight (TIF). Cheers, Paul
  8. Ballpoint... djpacro... yes, she is pretty and she is a lady, which means I must treat her with the utmost respect and care. In return, she keeps me safe and only occasionlly slaps me to keep me in my place. Yes Ballpoint, she lives in Lilydale now; a fantastic airfield on the edge of Melbourne... just on the other side of the Glenburn Gap if you are heading this way.
  9. Oh... Forgot to mention. It was a magnificently written article too. Well researched and put together. Another example of the great work the new Magazine production team are doing. Well done, keep up the good work
  10. OK...I'll take the bait and defend the honour of the Savage Cruiser... I should say first-up that the Carbon Cub looks like a fantastic aircraft; the takeoff and climb performance is astounding. However, even with the 600 kg Max All Up Weight, the extra 'empty weight' and 90l fuel tank would bring the useable payload down to about 114kg. Enough for me and ummmm... not a lot more. Here's the comparison of the Carbon Cub (from the figures in the magazine) and the Savage Cruiser (actual aircraft figures). Carbon Cub: Maximum All Up Weight - 599kg Aircraft Empty Weight - 423kg Maximum Fuel Load - 63kg Usable payload (Pax and Luggage) - 114kg Savage Cruiser: Maximum All Up Weight - 560kg Aircraft Empty Weight - 307kg Maximum Fuel Load - 45kg Usable payload (Pax and Luggage) - 208kg So, in fairness, it's not quite comparing apples to apples. I'd love to have the option of carrying extra fuel and higher cruise speed because, at times I have found 64l and 80kts to be range-limiting. However, the fact is that (for me at 100kg) the Carbon Cub would be a single-seat aircraft. Even with no fuel, as a low-performance glider) I'd struggle to be able to fly with anyone in the back seat. Note (happy to be corrected if the following is not accurate): 1. LSA aircraft can be registered up to 600kg MAUW... IF certified to that weight by the Airworthiness Authority (aircraft manufacturer). This likely explains the difference in MAUW between the two aircraft. My version of the Savage Cruiser will never be certified for anything above 560kg (but this may not be true for later models). 2. The LSA Category limits that Coljones quotes above, I believe are US limitations for this category. For example, there is no speed limit for LSA aircraft in Australia. 3. The Cruiser is prettier... (but I'm allowed to be biased).
  11. Remember the issue isn't just the engine, its the effect of ethanol on the rubber fittings in fuel tanks and fuel hoses in your aircraft. I wouldn't want fuel with added ethanol sitting in my aircraft (on the ground) for any length of time.
  12. Great photo Slarti; I remember that storm coming through. I think you took the shot from the perfect place... on the ground!
  13. Nice work Dave
  14. Here's an example of a Punkinhead cover. Great quality and service, about $500 but it will be less if they already have a template for your aircraft.
  15. Ian, Thanks for putting this notice here but it would be great if RAAus published a more complete agenda for each of it's meetings, including the AGM. "Business arising..." doesn't give us a lot of idea about what will be discussed. For the interest of transparancy, can we get the Board to list that actual items to be discussed; this would give all members the maximum opportunity to contibute to the discussion prior to decisions being made. Also, has the board considered web-casting the AGM (via this site or their own website)? Regards, Paul
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