Hi Guys. I have just visited Camit in Australia to learn how to install the solid lifter conversion kits to existing Jabiru engines . We have also installed almost 5% of every Jabiru Engine which exists. The initial Jabiru solid lifter engine was an awesome engine we all know that. The hydraulic lifters and attempt to reduce cost of the engine by Rod Stiff created all sorts of problems for us all. The modern Jabiru engine is not a great engine at all. Through bolt failures, rust in barrels if not flown every week, poor quality starters, poor quality coils, heating and cooling problems and valves staying open etc etc. the list goes on I can assure you. We have a good relationship with Jabiru SA and a lot of respect for them as well. If it was not for Len and Les Jabiru would certainly not be where they are now. It is not unfair at all for CASA to consider steps to make the Jabiru a safer engine. Rod Stiff is unfortunately too arrogant for his own good and this trait will most likely lead to the demise of the Jabiru Engine brand, not aircraft. He has been advised over the years from Experts such as Len and Ian Bent as to some of the problems the Jabiru engine has and has never given them the correct attention they need. They are solutions to solving all Jabirus shortcomings but they will never emerge unless Rod admits he has been making "crap" engines for the last few years and takes responsibility for this. However this will mean that he will have to fix all the problems and that is simply not feasible considering that there are around 6500 engines worldwide. However either way there is going to be some sort of result due to the CASA letter. We have installed 15 Camit engines so far. None of which have given 1 second of trouble. All he has done is go back to the original design with a few improvements. The Camit engine is awesome and they do sell cores to customers who would rather prefer a solid lifter with upgraded barrels crank and heads than overhaul there hydraulic lifter version. Ian Bent is a modest, humble expert who will answer any of your questions even being as busy as he is. Please don't hesitate to contact me or Ian if you have any questions. Thanks