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Everything posted by jacmiles

  1. Brent,i dont know enough about the history of this plane to know weather it is running a lean burn kit but ill find out. Tommo,can you adjust valve clearances on a hydrolic engine?.Please note, im listening to what others are saying,im not a machanic.
  2. As the owner of a 120 i think they fly great, real value for money, and a motor with plenty of power for this particular plane. So here's the problem, are they really as cheap as everyone thinks they are [im talking about all models here] considering the fact that most of these engines are buggered by 500-600 hrs [if your lucky].I know some people will come back with 'oh but my engines done 1600 hrs and running great' but i think this would be very rare. We recently pulled down a 230 3300 engine, valves burnt out, barrells out of round at 370 hrs. All services done correctly, run on av-gas for life of motor, so what the hell is going on with these things. I really hope my 2200 motor gives me a better run than that.
  3. Bill,im a new pilot and am always missing the first part of radio broadcasts. I think your right and will try to switch around.
  4. jacmiles

    230 Figures?

    Dont write the 120 off too quickly as even though they have a smaller wheel they are a lot lighter and seem to handle a rough strip reasonably well. As a new pilot i wouldnt land on too short a strip myself but an experienced pilot should get in and out of 400 m with no problem [depending on load and altitude of course]
  5. I have seen smaller nose wheels fitted to the 160/230 and this has greatly improved the tracking on touch down.why you may ask? I dont know but my CFI always complained about the large front wheels on these models and when reduced made them easier to control.I would have thought it would be the other way around.Can anyone explaine that one.
  6. Steve,glad to see you had a good trip back.Had a little mishap with my 120 the other day,pilots side undercarrage braket broke while taxiing and twisted the leg out from underneath it. bought the parts and put it back together doesnt seem to be any damage to fuselage although swiped a bit of paint off wingtip and tail so back to bundy for a little make-up and a check up.Try getting a euro plane back in the air that fast.Blood tough planes(although i have some questions for Jabiru about these brakets).
  7. Rocko,we have one in chinchilla[cca] if this is any help.
  8. putting a smaller nose wheel on the 160/230 helps a great deal
  9. Thrasher,picked a 120 up yesterday [17th] from Jabiru.It is no. 17
  10. so if you tape up the doors is this the only place the rain can get in?
  11. Rob,just had quote from aviation insurance on a new 120 for $2850.00 that included training for myself and use for 100 hourly pilots.Of course different stratergies can be designed but this is around about the figure.Rego included when you buy new after that a couple of hundred a year i think.
  12. Relfy,will post more info shortly. Couldnt seem to make the private message thing work
  13. jacmiles

    Jabiru Warranty

    Donkey,you lucky mule love those j170's great to fly.
  14. Im 5' 10" around abouts and 93 kg, I think past 6' and you'll have trouble on longer trips. will know a lot more when we pick up a new one on around 12th oct'.
  15. Have been reading about the 120 so i had to try one. As a student pilot flying a 160,getting in a 120 was WOW!!! These are great planes,i am buying one. Rod Stiff sent one over to Chinchilla with neil from Bundy. Much thanks to them for doing so. There not built for tall people and are a little squeezy but for the money you wouldnt find better.:thumb_up:
  16. Unfortunately for me they seem to want to know everything maybe i put some landcruiser stickers on one and send photo of that!
  17. Thanks chris,Ill keep that in mind
  18. Now we all know the difference between an ultralight and a light sports plane but how the hell am i supposed to explain it to a lending officer in a bank when most of them dont even know what a pick handle looks like! I have an idea they think im trying to borrow to buy a hang-glider with a set of wheels and a victor lawn mower engine. Considering the fact that ill put 30% of the price of the plane up front and it will be fully insured i dont understand what theyre worried about.Who else has had these problems and how do you get around them?
  19. This new prop,What aircraft was this trialed on? Is it approved For their new J120?
  20. Where to buy,Pricing and what kind of batteries to run Jab 2200,3300 100 hp rotax and maybe a 1100cc jet ski. Do they need any retail outlets in QLD. Info would be appreciated.
  21. Ewan,i to would like to know where to find accident results so we can learn from our mistakes. Yenn,I happen to know some very,very good doctors.
  22. Marius,What you need is a great big saw blade attached to your undercarage and if stuff up your angle of climb you will knock off the top of whatever is in your way.Therefore every time you take off it can only get easier:big_grin:
  23. Between 2 & 4hundred dollars you could buy one and keep it for 3 or 4 aircraft if they last 20 years
  24. lithium batteries,nobody has mentioned a price.Would like to bet it would scare the hell out of us. Anybody Know?
  25. thanks for the info ultralights,ill be looking forward to see how it goes.take care with those flaps:thumb_up:
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