Fantastic post mate! I really do appreciate that. I really do know from my professional background that I will be asking all the wrong questions and just really dont know what I just dont know yet. I am going in blind so find it hard to assess the real value because of it. I have had glowing reports of guys that charge $150 and a lot of recommendations for the $250 plus guys. I think it will just be trial and error from here on in, as with you I usually assess by the generalised approach and perceived attention to detail, as I know nothing I would think I was getting a meticulous education regardless, as I don't have a decent benchmark or gold standard. I am happy that I have asked the wrong questions (sorry for the frustration though guys) as economics is still one facet of real value (especially trying to justify it to my finance minister) . As stated I dont know what I dont know so am starting with a familiar benchmark($) as didn't want to pay 75% more just for a shiny plane and decent marketing (seems to happen in all professions). In getting that out of the way I can move towards assessing other perhaps more important facets such as institutionalised safety culture, variety and social aspects. Unfortunately some things can be told and we can hear and and understand them cognitively yet without the experience it is very hard to give certain factors the same weighting as someone that has already been through it..... though I am does make a FNG like me consider things that were formerly not even on the radar and I thank you greatly for it :-)