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Everything posted by Captaincoop

  1. I know the owner. Should be up and running now. You will be able to land and have lunch at restaurant. Should be good
  2. Yes it does
  3. I agree. That is what makes most sense to me. Monitor area, transmit on local. I hear area freq getting cluttered up with calls that are not only not required, but make no sense.. For example ABC is 1000ft at (position) tracking to (somewhere 50 miles away) Blind transmitting on area would seem to be clutter unless you think there may be high traffic density in your vicinity. I can't tell you how annoying it can be to be sitting at 40000ft in a jet hearing someone cluttering up the freq making an ambiguous position report. I imagine it can be the same for ATC.
  4. oz runways pseudo ADSB is a great tool, but by no means a controlled verified source. For a regulator to act on such "evidence" is a not really a valid reason. They do have to follow up on any report. It would say not so much the snapshot but simply the report. You could have just have easily said you were not flying and that would be that.
  5. Hope you don't mind me pinching this for my Sav. It's just what I need to work out long term costs.
  6. That is all considered in the calculation of whether to tanker fuel or not. Hobart and Launceston are tankering ports, as is Canberra and many others.
  7. Hope you find the #%~ responsible. I would suggest if you do that he won't need a lawyer. (It's a long way to hospital out there)
  8. I though first actions were to raise the nose trading airspeed for height until best glide speed, then lower the nose to maintain that speed. At least that's what I was taught and what I taught when instructing. Harness, yes (don't know why it's loose in the first place) running checks to start the engine again at low level....maybe, but couldn't that distract from primary task of flying the aircraft? Don't know that right answers but it's great to see this guy post his video, certainly has us all thinking which may save one of us one day.
  9. So many times when there is a late change the FO will ask me to put something in the FMC. So many times I have said "There's the runway, just look out the window" :)
  10. I think the Helios accident where a crew member was seen in the cockpit with the unconscious pilots says it all.
  11. I've had countless times when a hostie has asked how to work the radios in case we are incapacitated. I give to detailed instructions on how to do that and then tell her that ATC will say "Try and revive the pilots, or you will die". !!!
  12. Well said. I think Hollywood has a lot to answer for.
  13. Yes Nev is right. Good for famil and multi crew training.
  14. Yep that's the one I found closest to my measurements. Mine is 135 width and the 33-2001 is 127mm wide. Might fit
  15. Anyone know where to locate an air box replacement filter? I have Bosch paper filter and they don't make the anymore. Would prefer K & N but can't cross ref.
  16. The high breakout force and centering of the ailerons sounds like you were in CWS (control wheel steering) which is a semi manual (or semi autopilot mode) I have flown the fixed based sims the tourists can have a go in. Couldn't fly it on one engine even with full rudder! Have flown the proper airline sims and fly the real aircraft for a living and I can tell you that if you fly the sim on autopilot its is the same. That is where the similarity ends. Flying the real aircraft is nothing like the sim. In fact before my six monthly sim check I fly though the autopilot in the aircraft to practice for the sim, not the other way around.
  17. That is true which is why when the rules changed it is required you say the station identification at beginning and end of each call. These are all modifications to the correct required terminology and unless in an airline environment with an anal check captain or an anal BFR instructor it probably doesn't matter as long as it's understood.
  18. Yes. I think it's convention is established over time. I'm not sure if many pilots doing it at Wagga means it is correct though. For instance "All stations Wagga xyz joining early downwind rwy xx" may be understood and there is certainly nothing wrong with (plain language being used) but it is not correct terminology. "All stations" was replaced by Wagga Wagga traffic" some years ago to bring us in line with other countries (as was "circuit time") and the regs tell us how and where to join circuits ("early" downwind is not a joining procedure, it is a position report) I have heard many RPT turbo prop and jet pilots (Airforce included) alike make these sorts of calls which is incorrect and unprofessional, so just by them doing it doesn't make it ok. Having said that I have no problem with plain language to make it clear of position, altitude and intentions such as "Wagga Wagga traffic, Velocity 123 IFR Boeing 737 30DME inbound on the 360 radial descending through one zero thousand joining downwind for rwy xx Wagga Wagga.....that is Velocity 123 currently 30 miles to the north descending through ten thousand feet joining downwind rwy xx estimate Wagga on the hour Wagga Wagga traffic" The first part of the of the message is all that is required but good airmanship says the the second is helpful to VFR pilots who don't understand IFR terminology.
  19. Interesting. Joining a circuit in Australia is via crosswind, downwind, base or final leg (conditions permitting) An inbound call should be made as "joining overhead" which is standard if circuit direction is unknown or there are many aircraft on the circuit. In some countries the call is "descending non-traffic side for rwy xx" which is equivilant to joining crosswind from overhead in Australia. There is no such thing as JOINING early downwind for example. However it is, and has always been common practice to give a position report (if required) in the circuit of (for example) early/mid/ late downwind. As well as wide downwind,high downwind, wide left/right base or long final. These are all standard calls in aviation in many countries and if in a control zone these are terms ATC understand. Terms such as "long downwind" are non conventional and are not standard calls.
  20. What about an aborted take off? Brakes are handy then
  21. So as an owner of LSA can I do my own 100 hourly, although I have no formal quals?
  22. thanks for the replies. might be the best option then
  23. Any ideas on how to fix 912uls radiator leak? It seems to be pinhole leak from around weld, or am I looking at a new radiator?
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