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Everything posted by Pearo

  1. Thats pretty typical. Since I have been flying, I have been cleared 3 times, but kicked out one of those times almost straight away. I have flown over Bravo airports in the US in a 172 watching 747's and A350's under me. I wish we could do more of that in Australia. It would also help our students learn more about complex airspaces.
  2. No Problem. By the way, dont be afraid to give it a go. On a quiet day, you will occasionally get cleared through Brisbane. For me its been a rare event though.
  3. NOT ATC, but: Try it, but its unlikely you will get clearance through BNE CTR/CTA. Lodge a flight plan, call center on the ground for code/clearance, on the off chance you get clearance they will hand you off to APP/DEP once established, but be prepared for APP/DEP to kick you back out. That has been my experience 99% of the time. You wont need to contact ACD,. At a lower level, you might get cleared some of the way. I would plan coastal if I was you and I would count on being in class G If cleared from YBBN into YBCG, they will hand you to YBCG tower. No difference to being in any other controlled airspace and moving into the next sector. If VFR, Clearance though YBCG will be usually be given, ask for overwater but be prepared to be sent inland due to incoming RPT traffic or be prepared to hold a Q1. Gold Coast is getting busy, its getting pretty hard to get clearance overwater, but if you want it they might sned you west when not available, then send you back coastal once the RPT aircraft are out of the way. Gold Coast Tower controllers are good, even when they are flat out.
  4. Maybe post some photo's? I have rejected aircraft that LAME's have passed. At the end of the day, its my life not the LAME's.
  5. not sure what when wrong in this thread. Engine failure, fly the plane, call mayday if you can, no one cares about ambo costs or any other bullshit, just get the plane on the ground.
  6. All good, just going to suck it up and take the standard transfer.
  7. Landing fees are cheap compared to the rest of the place.
  8. Hi Folks, Does anyone know of anyway to get from Ayers Rock Resort to Airport outside the standard shuttle bus times? No one seems interested in taking us out there, even if we offer them cash. Was hoping to fly out to Arkaroola tomorrow but it might be a bit tight if I cant leave here earlier.
  9. I quite regularly leave without full tanks. If I have a full load of pax, I cant have full tanks, but rest assured my fuel planning is meticulous and I am constantly calculating my fuel burn in flight and cross checking to the gauges.
  10. Not sure what the implication here is against CASA.. CASA does not handle GA investigations, that is done by ATSB. ATSB decided not to investigate according to that report.
  11. I just got an email saying my ASIC is coming up for renewal. Had no idea, thats how often I actually remove it from my flight bag. Pretty sure the last time I used it was mid this year at Longreach. Mind you, I do normally use it at Sunny Coast and Ballina as well, just haven't had a chance to drop in there the last 6 months. Fortunately, I had to apply for another government clearance this year (stricter than ASIC) and I still have all my documents in a folder on my desk at home, so finding the birth certificate wont be hard this time! At least I don't have to get fingerprinted for an ASIC ... yet.
  12. Ey? How is that possible? I thought a RAMPC was less strict?
  13. I got the letter. I now have a condition attached to my medical: I have been an asthmatic for 40 years, I don't go anywhere with out a short acting bronchodilator (ie. Ventolin). So this is of little consequence to me. Then the Audit part: Once again, having had this condition my whole life my asthma is well managed and I have a pretty solid treatment plan, so this is nothing. I could have easily had my treating doctor flick them a report had they asked. I have changed DAME's this time. I picked a DAME that was closer to home as opposed to the last bloke who I used to see in the CBD. The last bloke was pretty thorough, and he made me do the pre/post reliever Spirometry. He opinion was that he knew what casa was like and if he did the test then I would not have to go and do a follow up with a specialist. Guess he was right, should have insisted the new DAME do the same. Live and learn.
  14. Meh, getting stressed over nothing. Turns out it is related to the asthma and they want some sort of audit done on it when I do my next medical. Apparently it was assessed yesterday and have been cleared
  15. Asthmatic, so it normally takes time, but taking longer than normal this time around. I was looking through the online application for an hints as to why it may be delayed and I noticed a small but potentially critical mistake that I made listing drugs. I had a knee op and listed that I had used Endone. Had a start and end date (about 5 days), but noticed that I have ticked the "ongoing" box also... I shall call CASA tomorrow to clarify, but I hope its not a problem. Annoying part is that the operation I had is only just within their 4 year time frame of reporting, and I had DAME clearance to recommence flying.
  16. I suspect its budget issues. I have noticed that they have progressively dropped all the decent lounges when flying international also. Brave move though, piss off all your frequent flying and business customers.
  17. Good stuff. Mens sheds are usually well equipped. Woodworking is one of my past times, hence the reason I have a heap of machines!
  18. I like that fact that I can fly into Gold Coast or Sunny Coast, but if I want to get a coffee from the terminal I have to exit via GA gate and get scanned into the terminal. To get back air-side, I can only go via the GA gate where I have to make a call to get someone to open the gate, no viewing of ASIC or security screening required. Longreach is probably the most secure airport I have been too, they demand ASIC number AND aircraft rego. Even RPT pilots have to go through the bullshit, god help that they are in control of the plane and can do a "GermanWings" Its a joke, but we are not alone. I was airside in the US at Henderson with keys to a 182, no escort and no TSA clearance and I know how to fly a plane. But, I am sure the general public feels safer if you have that red ID card hanging around your neck, even though they have no idea what it all means. I think it was a Micheal Smith comment (searey pilot that circumnavigated), he said something like "the more process, the less secure" and airport is.
  19. I got home finally. All days bar about 3 were clear of ash, both visibly and forecast by VAAC in Darwin (BOM). The first day it was clear, Jetstar and Qantas flew in all scheduled flights + 6 recovery flights. Not only did Qantas fly in scheduled flights, they flew in a 747. The first day it was safe, I think virgin did no flights. The second day,. virgin flew 2 of 3 scheduled flights and no extra recover flights. Apparently all flights were recover flights. The whole time, none of the Aussie fleets operated after dark, which I understand. Part of the VAA was based on PIREPS and no pilot in their right mind would fly in to Denpasar without seeing what the ash cloud was doing. When I finally got a flight out with virgin, I had to fly Denpasar, Darwin, Sydney. Brisbane. I was business class, but apparently it was more important to screw me around so I remained in business than to put me economy direct Denpasar to Brisbane, even why I said I was happy to fly (and pay for) economy. Not bad when I am a frequent flier. Recently ,they even sent an email congratulating me on how many hours I have spent with them and offering a substantial discount on business, and even that email only had about 10% of the flights I had done with Virgin.. Pretty obvious to me now they dont give a flog about their big spend customers. What pissed me off even more, is when we got to Darwin, Virgin said (and I have it in email and SMS) that we would be cleared by customs in Darwin. Instead, we had to remove all carry on, get scanned into Darwin terminal and then get holed up for 5 hours before we could continue to Sydney. Virgin did not even inform their own staff about what was going, they had no idea. I switched from Qantas to Virgin about 13 years ago, and have been pretty loyal since. I get airlines have issues, and I get environmental conditions. What I want put up with is rubbish service as a reasonably high paying client. It annoyed me enough that I am going back to Qantas. Its just a shame I now have to work up a decent status with Qantas, and I still need to use up my FF points with Virgin. From Virgin, October 18: SHARE YOUR STATUS (Go on, you've earned the right to brag) I think I have earned the right to brag about how shitty the service was too. Speedbird 9 had no idea. Virgin did.
  20. I have a couple of thicknessers (dont ask, but one is portable, one is a 4 post 15") and I am in Brisbane. Also have a thickness sander. I saw this post the other night and thought you may have already had it sorted. Yell out if you still need to do it. Stuck overseas at the moment, but should be back tomorrow all going well. Probably wont get to check the forum till about the 5th.
  21. Yup, mad. I was here before the nonsense started. If I were elsewhere right now, I would be planning to stay away unless you were willing to enter/depart from Surabaya or Jakarta (which is my exit strategy if I cant get out by end of the weekend).
  22. I am stuck in indo at the moment due to the eruption of Mt Agung. People are upset that they can't fly out because there is no visible volcanic ash on the ground at Denpasar. Being stuck here is a problem for my business, but I would rather be on the ground stuck in a hotel than in a plane that is digesting volcanic ash.
  23. The last few times I went there on my boat I had no problem getting day passes the week before. Apparently the security will get up you if you try to get of your boat on the beach, but the resort does not own the beach nor do they have exclusive access to it. That aside, the ridiculous cost of landing there puts me off.
  24. That is a long lens being used, so it probably looks a lot worse than it was.
  25. I don't need to do a google search, I have made a living out of this stuff. I never suggested it was simple, I suggested the current approach is wrong. This is why engineers get paid to do this stuff, and why people on forums don't. And to calculate the correct values does not need to be a guess at all. Anyway, I have said my part, I will hand off to the forum experts.
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