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Everything posted by Pearo

  1. Looks like Birmingham. I reckon the long lens is responsible for most of the lumps!
  2. To answer this one you need to speak to an FAA Aviation Medical Examiner Find an Aviation Medical Examiner (AME). I wouldn't get your hopes up about being a commercial pilot, but you just never know these days. You need to go see the AME now though, because they may be able to start you on a treatment plan to measure the severity of the disease and how it affects you and ideally you need answer before you consider starting any commercial training.
  3. Call ACMA, its their problem and they have the technology to deal with it. I would also report to Air Services and CASA to encourage it along.
  4. I used to fly on a metroliner out of Brisbane to Hervey Bay on a mail run. Worst RPT plane in summer because the aircon was turned off on take-off. Sucks for a 6ft bloke also.
  5. Folks, I think you should all ditch the personal insults and perhaps focus on helping out. Mistakes are made in aviation, and people openly speaking about them should be applauded, not delt with abuse. Others will read this thread, and other will learn from it. Abusing a fellow pilot will just result in them not asking for advice in the future or telling their stories. Ryan, thanks for your story. I was interested in flying into YORC, but your story has convinced me to go practice my soft/shortfield take off techniques first. Our club requires you to be certified into island airstrips (regardless of hours/experience) prior to landing solo, and I have qualified for that. BTW, this could be a good article for CASA's Flight Safety rag that they send out to those who are subscribed. I always read those articles, and I have learned a lot from them
  6. I am going to pipe up here and say 'depends on traffic'. Some of us are so used to rejection we dont bother anymore! However, I was flying back from Kooralybn recently with a bunch of people and as I was battling the thermals via Archerfield when one of my fellow pilot friends tried for clearance direct and got it!! Always worth a try, sometime you get clearance, most times you dont! I have only managed it once in my short career!
  7. Thanks Ian. Probably should put this one in the ATC megathread! Good info though. I tend to plan around RA2 regardless of the status, but always try and get clearance if possible! Out of interest, how far north does your area stretch too? I only ended up going down to Ballina so only talked to ATC on 119.5 to the familiar voice of a controller who I don't know! Must have been a quiet day because it was the same person on 125.7.
  8. Thanks mate, already know that. Just because its RA2 does not mean you cannot get a clearance thought it, oakey being the perfect example.
  9. As always, I replied to the wrong post. My response was meant to be to onetrack, apologies to litespeed. Yenn, best bet to understand battery state is to use both a voltmeter and an ammeter.
  10. This is not correct. The regulator should set the voltage correctly regardless of the state of the battery. The tip for detecting bad battery is when the charge current does not go down after time or if it there is no charge current at all (in which case you probably know when starting).
  11. Thanks Ian. I am only used to mil airstrips/airspace, so it's a new one to me!
  12. Looking at ERSA suggest that there is several frequencies. Do you need a code? IF so, do I get it from BNE centre? I am going to plan around it (RA2), but it would be nice if I could get cleared through if active.
  13. Last year when I rode my motorcycle across to WA, I was chatting to a truck driver at noremsan who hit a camel at night! He said it bent the chassis on the truck. I have hit a roo on the Motorcycle, that was bad enough....
  14. I have invested more hours in learning to fly an RC heli than I did to get my PPL (and still cant fly it). What was done in that video is something that I would never be able to achieve in my lifetime!
  15. Word on the street is possible gear failure?
  16. Microsoft has done this to death. If you read around, they have done a lot of research on the subject with real end users. The basic idea with screen fonts is to avoid serif's. The UI guys tend to stick with fonts like Verdana or Tahoma (my preference for readability) for text below about 10pt, and plain old Arial for font above 12pt. There is also recommendations on colour choices to make reading easier. I know every rags on MS, but as a programmer myself they have invested a lot of research in how end user actually respond to UI design. For the programmers among us, we tend to disagree with a lot of it, but when you take the time to sit down and see how users click about and read stuff you will change your opinion. All my UI design is hijacked from MS because they do it better than anyone else as far as end users are concerned (as opposed to IT nerds). BTW, if you want to compare readability of fonts, read this forum then go look at a google search. I think the use arial and san-serif (more or less the same as arial).
  17. Oh my, so the decline in private pilots is all related to Class 2 medicals... Sigh... Of course cost has nothing to do with it.
  18. Ok, I will start working on scoring the day off!
  19. Which PN are you taking? I am on call at the moment otherwise I would jump at the chance. That and its the wifes Birthday! If you can fill up seats go for it, but if not let me know and I will try and organise the day off.
  20. Breathway on one of the taxiways!
  21. Draw the vectors, always helps. Here is the best ever mspaint drawing you will ever see. Gravity is pulling down, but the lift generated by the tailplane is pulling up. The aircraft will rotate around its lateral (pitch) axis and hence the nose will drop.
  22. I am making inroads, but its slow. Invested in an RC sim program which is helping a lot. 1 hour of sim time, 10 minutes of real flying (which usually includes a couple of tail rotor replacements). I am still learning to hover.
  23. I am trying to teach myself how to fly a RC Heli. Watching all the online tutorials and have invested quite a few hours in it now. Its so frustrating, I swear flying a real aircraft is actually easier than flying an RC Heli.
  24. I couldn't do mine online, so I filled in the paper copy using my very best handwriting.
  25. Was it under 1000ft? Not sure what the issue is here?
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