I was not criticizing the depatures from Clifton, I just thought it was odd, but on arrival at YBWW it was clear that it was a good idea! I was surprised at how little conflict there was given the number of aircraft flying in. I was sweating bullets with the amount of traffic, but it was a good experience. I had a commercial pilot in the right seat, so I got a lot from today.
I think I was third last in at Clifton, we were a little delayed because we noticed that YAMB became active just before departure so decided to check what areas where active. I checked NOTAMs before I left and it was inactive, but the NOTAMs issued at around 0800EST showed it active. I got cleared direct with minimal delay. I think (know) a few people busted it, hence the reason I always say dont trust ozraunwys or notams, but call BNE centre first. Those who busted it, if you are not a regular offender they are more interested in educating you than stopping you flying so don't stress about it to much.
And the "Gourmet Sausage Rolls" were pretty good facthunter and mnewbery!