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Everything posted by Pearo

  1. I have actually landed a (virgin) 777 sim 3 times successfully. They are actually really easy to land.... when you have a sim captain in control of the flight scenario and he is also leaning forward and telling you everything you have to do, and when the plane has all these things like autothrottle etc engaged!
  2. I went to the country club pub (short walk from the resort) and had a $10 beef burger with chips. You reminded me, I need to post the photo's I took.
  3. I was not criticizing the depatures from Clifton, I just thought it was odd, but on arrival at YBWW it was clear that it was a good idea! I was surprised at how little conflict there was given the number of aircraft flying in. I was sweating bullets with the amount of traffic, but it was a good experience. I had a commercial pilot in the right seat, so I got a lot from today. I think I was third last in at Clifton, we were a little delayed because we noticed that YAMB became active just before departure so decided to check what areas where active. I checked NOTAMs before I left and it was inactive, but the NOTAMs issued at around 0800EST showed it active. I got cleared direct with minimal delay. I think (know) a few people busted it, hence the reason I always say dont trust ozraunwys or notams, but call BNE centre first. Those who busted it, if you are not a regular offender they are more interested in educating you than stopping you flying so don't stress about it to much. And the "Gourmet Sausage Rolls" were pretty good facthunter and mnewbery!
  4. What a day for flying. Pretty good turn out, I think they said 33 at the briefing. Lots of interesting aircraft to look at. I have been eyeing of the drifters for a while, so it was good to get up close and have a good look at them also. Nice airport, not much there for GA or RAA people, but great to have a look and also fun to land on a near 3km runway! Not everyday you get to do that! Well done to the organisers, I thought it was a bit odd that they sent the fast aircraft off last (I though there would be issues at YBWW) but it all worked out well in the end.
  5. I'll be there. Ignore fly_tornado. Looks like a good facility to me. Not sure what FT's problem is, its hard to tell from all the incoherent jibberish.
  6. Got a question for the area guys/gals. Earlier this year I had an incident with fuel imbalance that I thought was possibly a fuel blockage. I contacted Brisbane Centre because I knew there was parachute ops in the area and I wanted the most direct route back to the airport. They ID'd me and ask me a bunch of questions regarding the problems and if I needed emergency services as well as offered me traffic information. At one point I switched to CTAF to broadcast my inbound call and I missed a call from Centre. (2 com's, but I was transmitting at the time ATC contacted me) So the question is, when you are on something like flight following or the situation I had, what is the process to let ATC know you are changing frequencies to broadcast on CTAF? Was I just unlucky to get a call when I was transmitting or is there a proper procedure? I am currently studying for my IREX at the moment, so I guess the question is relevant to IFR flights also.
  7. I am spoiled, all the planes I fly have 2 com's. I always have centre tuned in on one, and CTAF on the other. In saying that, I had fuel issue once and was broadcasting inbound CTAF call when BNE Centre was trying to contact me with traffic info. More than once, I have heard Brisbane Centre mention me regarding a potential conflict, so I am anal about having area frequency tuned in now. If area goes quiet, I get nervous and start checking to make sure I have the correct frequency tuned in!
  8. This has gee'd me up a bit. Given I dont have time at the moment to do my PIFR, I might book a couple of lessons in the Citabria and have a go at spinning.
  9. I have done some limited unusual attitude and spirals. Yet to do fully developed spins but its on my list of things to do.
  10. I dont bag RAA, and as a low time pilot I dont think I am better than RAA. In saying that, I have a mate who flies RAA and I will never get in a plane with him. I also have a good friend who is GA and I wont get in a plane with him. On a regular basis, I see a well known RAA instructor who is/was teaching a few people here who is just as good as an GA instructor, infact a lot better than some GA instructors that fly out of my local airfield. I have observed the same attitude with PPL v CPL. Not sure what is wrong with you guys, we all go flying, we all enjoy it. Not sure where the inferiority complex arises, but I have a good idea.
  11. They are not ASL exams, they are CASA exams. Does not matter where you go they are all the same. I did my PPL test with Flight One. Redcliffe Aero Club now do it also. Flight One provided copies of charts to me, but from memory some materials had an extra fee. Like Aplund, all I had was the VFRG and ERSA which covered off most material. Applud's score is one of the highest pass marks I have heard of to date. I got 88% but I did not spend as much time on it. I think I was done in about an hour and a half. Any more time would have been a waste for me. Bob Tait's exams are the best resource in my opinion, most of the Casa questions were more or less the same. As a bonus, students of Bob Tait (like me!) pass on info about questions that were not covered in his syllabus so that he can include that in future training and practice tests. Next test for me is IREX. Welp... Started the study, going to do the Bob Tait course also.
  12. 97% is an awesome result mate, well done.
  13. Well of you need to justify it with numbers, let me know because I would be interested in a trip out there also.
  14. Last time I was at Nindigully (on the motorcycle) they said they could do a pick up from St George if you flew in. I have also seen some photos of trikes in front of the pub, so I guess how close you can land is dependent on the aircraft and your interpretation on where you can land!!! I would call the pub, see what they have to say.
  15. Same with GA, I think I did my first solo nav before my PPL theory test.
  16. Best thing I have done in a long time, wish I took a video recorder. Did 2 ILS landings at LAX. First landing was assisted (controls) and second land unassisted. Managed to keep the aircraft intact! I also got to do a full stall and I was stunned at how docile the stall was. Its amazing how real the full motion sims are. Just before leaving, we did a full Cat 3B autoland, must take a few hours to learn to trust the aircraft because I was positively soiling myself.
  17. Some info here, Rules for watching marine mammals (Department of Environment and Heritage Protection)
  18. In the last 4 days, I have seen whales at Cape Byron, off Cape Moreton, along Teewah beach and just off Double Island Point. Saw a good pod breaching today about 20nm north of wide bay bar. I have seen some flyer about how close you are allowed to get to them, I know its posted at the Aero Club, so will take a look next time I am there. Gold Coast Tower asked me to report any sightings on Friday!
  19. As per the ATC recording, the pilots had not requested emergency services because all they knew is that there was an oil pressure warning.
  20. I am interested in this one, but the old bugger I want to take out there is not doing real well at the moment. Some of the Clifton people might know him, Alan Eustace. Anyway, I am going to try and drag him along for this one if he is travelling well enough at the time.
  21. Just google earthed it. Looks pretty tame compared to strips like Dunwich. Might do a low pass first to have a look a first. I am going solo at this stage, so if anyone is interested in coming for a run let me know. Got the plane (c182t) booked from 1000hrs to 1600hrs, so probably wheels up around 1045hrs. Leaving redcliffe via archerfield and returning via Byron Bay and coastal back to YRED.
  22. Thanks, good to know. I have looked on google earth but never thought of using terrain! Also double good to know as I am looking for rural property at the moment with the aim to build an airstrip!
  23. What is this cutting you speak of?
  24. OK, I concede, You are the expert on this.
  25. I am a sailor and I can assure you a lot of people have died from abandoning ship to soon also. In this thread: Much opinion, little fact.
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