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Everything posted by Pearo

  1. I just called and they tell me the airstrip is serviceable and the X's are gone. I am going to fly in for lunch on Friday, and if its any good it might be come a regular destination for me! Will report back after I return.
  2. Best call the airport first. Take tie down gear. Gate code will depend on where you go, sometimes its the CTAF, sometimes it inside the gate, sometime you have to ring someone for the code. Some airports want ASIC and rego details before divulging the coded (Ie Longreach). If you want parking and its Class C or D, ask SMC for details. If class G most places have an area for GA parking. Sometimes I have landed at airports where its not clear and just asked a local for details. Last but not least, ALWAYS read ERSA and Aerodrome (DAP) charts, because some places get really shitty if you even taxi in RPT areas. Usually the aerodrome is marked to warn you, but prior knowledge is always a good thing
  3. We know NOW. Big difference. Did the pilots know all of this at the time? This ATC recording suggest they were unaware of how serious the issue was at the time.
  4. The pilots had an engine oil alert and decide to turn back and land, that is all we know. Anything further is pure speculation.
  5. Everytime I have been on a commercial jet I cant really see much outside. However when I am outside the jet, I can see lots. Its ok for people to pass judgement on the pilots, but no one else was there. Maybe they did make the wrong call, but it's equally possible that they made the correct call. I thought as pilots most here would have the ability to reserve judgement until the facts are known. Its also possible that there was a breakdown in commmunication between cabin crew and flight crew? The real question should be why did it take the fireies 5 minutes to get there. Not the first time this has been an issue. Its possible that this is also a fault of the pilots, but its possible they were not aware of the situation.
  6. The aircraft was returning due to engine oil warning.
  7. I guess the pilots know less than you. Everyone is an expert on the subject in this situation bar the pilot.
  8. Didn't even know this was on. Next time you do it Graham, let me know and I will see if I can add it as a social item for RAC.
  9. Might as well hand in my British passport now. Without the EU writing on it its worthless to me. My Aussie passport is far more useful now.
  10. Nope, that is a bad excuse. Just dont let it happen in the first place.
  11. Time to stretch the legs! Its good fun, and the more you do it the easier it gets! Enjoy
  12. Not sure, possible they are qc25. I bought them in the states a few years back. For those that have access to a Costco store, they were selling them last time I went there.
  13. I have bose QC35 for work travel, I often put them on and turn on the noise cancelling with nothing connected at all!
  14. Spare batteries for my headset.
  15. I was the same when I bought my PFX. I was using telex ANR which were also very good, but PFX was better fit and I thought the ANR was better (Telex has better passive noise reduction). At first I was not real impressed, mine have been unreliable as well. But now I have grown to really like them, and I must admit the after sales service is good. Interesting point about noise that I discovered on the motorcycle, if I dont have earplugs in at highway speeds the noise is actually a distraction and affects my riding. I cant say I have noticed that in the air, but I wouldn't be surprised if there is some marginal effect. Perhaps I have not noticed yet because I am still a relatively fresh pilot (just over 200 hours).
  16. I was up this morning. Very Calm on the ground but its piping in from the west 1000ft upward, I reckon a good 25knots. Forecast Moderate Turbulence below 5000ft, I landed about 9:30 and it was starting to get ugly. Although I am up on the hill here at Shorncliffe and its looks pretty good, so who knows, still lots of strange looking cloud about. Possibly be a blessing in disguise?
  17. Could not have picked a better time frame, Friday is looking like its going to be a cracker. I am taking a couple of frenchie backpackers up that I met up in the snowies a couple of weeks back on the same day, I will be listening out for you!! All the best.
  18. Yup, understand that. I have a proper EPIRB mounted to the boat. Dont need it as I dont venture far enough out wide, but its a good insurance policy. As for the PLB, got that for motorcycle riding and hiking, plus the odd ocean race that requires all crew to have a personal PLB. Almost set the thing off on my last big trail bike accident, but thanks to a good Samaritan standing the bike up for me I managed to ride out not knowing I had a fractured leg and broken knee! They are a handy thing for idiots like me that tend to do everything solo! Thankfully I have never needed to activate one yet.
  19. My PLB (And boat epirb) is tested regularly. It also has the battery replacement date on it. The AMSA registration also has prevision for battery date, which I assume emails you when you battery is about to expire. Also pays to regularly check the AMSA registration to make sure your details are still current.
  20. I just had a look at VFRG, and it says you can use GPS and radio nav aids as your primary source of navigation provided that you have been trained in their use by a qualified person. The VFRG normally provides the legislation reference, but in this case it does not, when I have some spare time I will track down that info.
  21. I must admit I am also guilty of doing base joins at YRED, likewise dependent on traffic. It seems to be frowned upon by a lot of people there for some reason. I think its generally accepted that the local procedure is to overfly and descent to circuit height on the dead side to avoid potential conflicts with outbound traffic, however its been quiet at redcliffe for the last couple of years, so traffic is rarely an issue.
  22. Airservices has been advertising this for a while now, and I have noticed that it has featured extensively in NOTAMS recently.
  23. I have started really using the iPad these days, but if I am doing a long flight into unfamiliar territory I still plan on paper and I still log positions on a paper map in conjunction with the iPad. This is a hangover from my sailing, I still like having my position logged on chart in case things go bad.
  24. Yup, I used to get physically sick also!
  25. I got a slightly different story.. I learned to fly to overcome a fear of flying!! That and the fact that I have always had in interest in aviation.
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