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Everything posted by tangocharlie123

  1. Water cooled Don't run a water cooled engine for more than a minute or two without a prop as it has the possibility to overheat as there is no air moving over the radiator. Cheers
  2. Thanks Guys Have downloaded and printed and now reading Cheers
  3. It is not certified but be aware that that Powers to be at the Jabiru factory won't allow one in thier certified 24 rego plane it would have to be 19 reg. Trust me I asked if I could put a stratomaster in a 160 with toe brakes and the answer was NO. The Dynon as I belive is not certified either. cheers
  4. Can some please point me in the direction of a good book or learning resource to learn about weight and balance. Cheers
  5. grey options. Firstly good on you for doing this. I have been looking at the stratomaster oddesey $2500 dollar saving if brought in South Africa. After talking to the manufacturer he thinks that the Australian price is good at $7300 but says that I probably wouldn't get support locally if I imported one. Then the next question came up is it a dealer or factory warranty , if it is a factory you should get support worldwide (but we have all learnt differently). I still haven't had a response yet. Saving rapidly to buy one here. ps. US dollar and UK pound are almost the same as the Au dollar. Cheers
  6. Can some one point me in the right direction. I have looked for the information on an approved engine and what makes it approved but I am unable to find a list of engines. I have read CAR101.55 but that does not disqualify any engine. with thanks
  7. Group A Ultralight What is a group A ultralight. also can some one point me in the right direction for a list of approved engines from CASA. Cheers
  8. Poll Results so far It's good to see a broad spectrum of years so far and it's great that the more experienced members are there to help the less experienced and vice a versa. I thank all for the help PS less than 2 years. Cheers
  9. Back from Bundy Hi all Had a great time spent 3 days there but got into some areas where the public wasn't allowed but had a great time. Will go next year Ultralights Don't let the GA complain about us Ra guys. Listening on the radio the GA people need to learn a bit remember the other thread about Bundy Traffic or Traffic bundy they threw that out the window somewhere over Frazer Island I think. The calls from RA pilots were all good and precise. Cheers
  10. I'll be driving Roma to Bundeberg Thursday night. Co-Pilot will already be there. Hope maybe to meet some of you. cheers
  11. Ok I can't have one but thats awsome. Now can I have the ultimate rollercoaster. cheers
  12. Now thats a one Eyed View
  13. Agree to Disagree Guys did not want to start an argument but this is my opinion and nobody elses, I may have caught him on a bad day but first impressions last . His staff were great and helpfull. I may see him at Bunderberg Airshow. Cheers
  14. Its not that I don't like Jabirus its that when I went to the factory last year I met the owner and I didn't like him. Customer service means a lot but not from jabiru. I did my training in a J230 and loved it. cheers
  15. Ian you could always buy a MGL odessey panel and connect that it already has the functions and usb . cheeers
  16. At leat were don't have a plane called a tiger. could you imagine "Go Cat 2468" who do we apreciate...
  17. Just something different I don't know if it has been done before.. Where did you get your handle from.. your screen name.. I got mine one night when sitting at Tullamarine airport when my Partner realized that I was coming home. I own a yacht that is a TrailCat 800 model. Just mucking around she came up with Tango Charlie. we both then went on to have most of the conversation using the phonetic alphabet. You can tell that I hate airports.. PS: I still dont tell her when I'm coming home. I like the suprised look she has on her face at some really weird hours.. Cheers
  18. As another alternative to D/L the visual flight guide is that it is on the RAAUS CD issued last year. Cheers
  19. Hi All great reading I soloed around 10 hours completed my training in 8 days with radio and xcountry endorsments got pax dead on 30 hours 1 month later. flew halfway across a continent brought plane flew back to Darwin then onto Brisbane and have 75 hours in under 6 months. Havent flown for six months but hoping to get home and do a checkride before flying again.. My instructor made me fly the plane from getting in at zero hours what agreat experience it has been. I aggree that 20 hours is not long enough. Cheers
  20. You could try BCF as they will price match. I brought my 410G last year for around $570 from BCF in Darwin. Cheers
  21. For those of you that use transponders now what sort are you using and why.. eg reliability, ease of use, etc. thanks in advandce
  22. Hi Ian where can I find the report do you have a link to it.. Cheers
  23. Can all of you good men and women please help. Apart from buyer beware is there any other pittfalls to purchasing Second hand Avionics From America. With the new CTA endorsment and the lack of secondhand transponders here in AUS American Ebay looks good and some of the secondhand stores.. Better than sending our stimulus to Asia Cheers
  24. how to dig a big hole don't read out aloud over the phone..:hittinghead: to the minister of finance
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